The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 837, Chapter 837, Chapter 837

Because today's character value doesn't look very high, the cooked big snake version of the fat duck is flying away.

I looked at the skeleton war, and the night's wind did not let the god trees absorb the fire of the skeleton war.

Although the skeleton war is a six-level undead creature, the god tree is an absorbed fire of his undead, and it is estimated that it will not be too big to the small world.

The night long wind fortunately, the skeleton war is as a mounts in a online game, put it out when you fight, and let it return to the small world when you don't need it.

One turn, the night is back to the fire world again.

"Well ... go see how the wooden village is, there is no problem, since the system has suggested that the task is successful, there should be no big problem!" Night long wind discs sit in the skeletal war Huge tiger head.

"Go, go back, Xiaohu!" Night wind shot the head of the skeleton war.

~ ▉ ▉ .. .

The night long is sitting on the bones of the tiger, but also have to cover the whole body in Chakra, because the speed of the bones is too fast, and there is huge MO in the air!

The lens is turned onto the high walls of the wooden village.

There are two men on the high wall. They wear a black windbreaker. There are a few marits on the windbreaker. There is also a fight on the head. One of the men is behind a packed strict knife.

"Although it is destroyed, it seems to have been greatly damaged. The bustling village ... is really poor!" The man carrying a big knife smiled.

The person next to him did not answer, just quietly looked at the ribbed village who had a thick smoke at the foot.

"It's really like you, even if you are a little about your hometown!"

"No ... I don't stay in love!" The person next to it is finally the opening, and his eyes are actually a monster red, which is the blood circular eye in the legend!

More surprising is that the hook in his blood circles is three hooks!

Two days later, under the village of the village.

Almost all of the wooden ninja gather here, they are wearing black clothes, and they are the three generations of fire shadows.

Everyone is a low head, and then gives flowers one by one.

Everyone's expression is quite solemn, and IUK's eyes are more tears.

Naruto also suddenly raised his head, "Yilka teacher, why can people give their own life for others!"

"People will lose some things after lonely death, many people are very easy to die when they wars or perform tasks! These people have their own dreams, everyone has their own dreams, and everyone has their own (Li Zhao). Things, parents, brothers, lovers or friends, etc., this is called "" Iluka slowly.

"Over time, this kind of embarrassment is getting stronger ..."

"But ... Death is really painful!" Naruto slowly.

The night is not talking, but looking at the three generations of old man's portrait: "It's not easy to think, old man, although I have no feelings for you, but you still have a man! Rest assured, I will complete you very quickly. The wishes, let your disciples and you meet again in another world! "

"Let's go, Naruto!" The night greetings, "If you don't think of this tragedy, only one thing can do, that is, it is stronger than everyone!"

"Well!" Naruto nodded.

Both people turned around, and the night is back to the home to continue cultivation, and the Naruto is going to find a come.

732 chapters, no venues

Big snake pills are located.

The big snake pills that were not easy to rely on Huama Ma Lu's escape after the night of chasing.

Now, now he is full of bandages. The soul of your hands has been sealed. After the big snake pill, even if the hands are reincarn, there is no perception, which means no tolerance again.

However, this time, this big snake pill, I thought that I had a refuse to reincarnate, in fact, the reincarnation of the tilles has not met the perfect progress, so that the rumor was caught by the vulnerability.

Plus this time there is still a variety of night-length winds, it is good to return to a life.

The big snake pill is sitting on a bench, and the eyes are cold with endless hate. If the evil face is more embarrassed, "hateful is not dead to put my hand ... and the" Wu Yue "five or three "Little ghost ... can be evil, or if I have no way to give a way, how could it be ..."

"It is not so simple to achieve the hegemony, your opponent becomes the strongest rigor, but you are really amazing, there are two bits of the five shadows ..."

Big Snake Pill is now sweating, the new body is only a zero alternative is very imperfect, "you don't want to say these comforts, otherwise kill you!"

It is clear that the mood of the big snake pill is not very good, the voice is also cold and scary.

"Of course, I don't mean. Although you didn't lay down the wooden village, another purpose of this action is Yiszo Sasuke ... It has been set to your collar!" Par your face slowly.

"Oh, that is, I used my hands and all the surgery ..." The big snake pill looked down at the hands of the bandage.

"If you can get Yis Zhi, there is no problem ..." The big snake's eyes flashed in the eyes [greed], "but this is a dream that doesn't have a way, because he is better than me ... so I get away from it. That organization ... "

The big snake pill has been decayed on the right hand on the small thumb on a ring, there is an empty word above.

The desert of the outside of the sand, there is no smoke here.

! What did a sanding country discovered what, blowing the whistle contained in the mouth.

The whistle is long and loud, and the ninja of several other sand countries is also rushing to the scene.

"it's here!"

"Ah, this is not ..."

"It's been dead for a long time, it should be before the beginning of the treatment of the exam ..."

"It is evil, it is like this, it must be the guy of the big snake pill ..." The leader of the ninja Maji looked at the three bodies under the body shocked.

Among these three bodies are the head lead shadow of sandy village!

"They are killing the wind and shadow, and the big snake pill or the holiday dress up, we are too big!" Masaki realized the seriousness of the problem. Awkward

The battle between the two Ninja Village is actually a big snake pill, and it is controlled after he.

Subsequently, Sha Yin Village immediately passed the outside world, and pushed the responsibility to the Big Snakeball, and announced the full contrast to the village.

At present, the wooden village in the turmoil is soon accepted the surrender of Sandy Village. The alliance relationship between the two countries constant. Now the most important thing in the woody village is the harm caused by the fuss of the war.

Outside the wooden village meeting room. ?true_

Two high-rise consultants in the village of Woody Village and the twins and the three tolerance are also above the high platform.

"You should know what we want to say, come and come!" Shuigang turned.

"Oh, yes, don't put out the terrible expression, I heard that the peace talks in Sandy Village have been successfully completed." Deliberately transfer the topic.

"The condition of the situation is not important to the relationship between sandy village, the power of Wumi Village has been reduced to a certain extent, in this case, the first thing to do is assume that it will encounter a bigger crisis, and Do a good job! "Shunguanese continued.

"Now every neighboring country may take bold action in this case, so we decided to select a strong leader of our trust!" The sleeper is in the spring.

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