The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 838 of the Chapter 838 of the Prince of Tennis

"Yes, we need the fifth generation of fire!" Water households looked at it, "and we have decided to be a fifth generation by you ..."

The voice of the water is not falling, and it will put a hand, "I am sorry, I am not suitable for this position!"

"This matter has been decided, and you are not suitable for one of the three tolerance, who will be suitable?" Water household turned ...

The right hand is on the neck, "It's more suitable for me, it is the master!"

"Indeed, the girl may have that kind of instrument, but her current inception is not known at all!" Tour Xiao Chun.

"I am going to find her, bring her back, so it is!" "" "


"I have a little bit of powerful, the princess of the Macong should be more suitable for the fire!" The coming is also a way, "" How? "

"...", there is also said that the two high-level don't speak. "I understand, we will consider your proposal as soon as possible, but I want to send Sange's dark part to form a small team to search for a hand. ! "

"Don't escape, I will not escape. You don't have to monitor me with a lot of effort, but I hope that two people will be with me, because I feel that they are the future of the leaves ..." Location is also turned around.

Wooden village meatball shop.

Two mysterious men who have just standing on the wooden wall of the wooden leaves, sitting in the meatball shop.

Kakasi is just outside the store.

"Um ... two feelings are very good, are you dating?" Carti looked at Asma and red road.

"Into, is a red bean, I will help him buy meat!" Red pretty face is red.

"What do you do in 3.4, Kasi, don't you like to eat sweets?" Asma asked.

"Just here, I am waiting for help!" Carti replied.

"Yes, it is really rare, and will let you wait for him ..." Asa smiled.

At this time, Sasuke slowly came over, "It's really rare, Kasi you will come first."

"Occasionally I will also do this!" Carti replied.

"Well ..." Sasuke suddenly noted that there was a wind in the meat shop, but when he saw it, he was empty.

Carti gave red and Asa played a look, two nodded at the same time.

The streets of the river in the river, Asma and red block are in front of the two unsurcases wearing the red cloud windwear ...

733 chapter, crisis reproduction

"My kao, the guy guy is not saying that he is waiting for him in the Meap Store, saying that it is also looking for me, why didn't you come?" The night's face is helpless, "Forget it, go back to practice!" "

At this time, the night's wind suddenly felt a dangerous hang-headed heart, turning around, there are two mysterious men wearing the red clouds in their own sight, being flying quickly.

"That is ..." The night long face is sinking, quietly chasing it.

Street on the river.

"It's been a long time, red ... Asma ..." My mysterious man wearing a windbreaker lifted the fight against the fight.

"You are not the people of this village, what are you doing here?" Asma asked.

"Since you know us, that is, you are the ninja of Wapan Village?" The red face is puzzled.

"This is not nonsense, it is obvious that the wooden villain is sicking," "Night wind rid on the tree on the street.

The man looked red and Asma with his monster eyes!

"You are ..." Red and Asma are shocked at the same time, and instantly exudes cold sweat on the forehead.

"White eyes? Or three hook jade, this guy should be Sasuke's brother's legendary god?" The night is also a wrinkled 31 eyes, "this guy is dangerous!"

Yushuo was slowly removed, and the left hand was extended from the windbreaker.

"Yes, you are Yuxi Pub!" Asma's unparalleled solemn.

"Do two do you understand? Then I will come to be a self-introduction!" Another one will take the fight on the head. "I am a changer ghost, please advise!"

"Nothing advice does not advice, I will have to kill you now!" Asma said.

"" The people in the village seem to hate you! "Ghost turned.

"Cartry ghosts, before the ninja of hidden village, because murderous princes, destroying the country and wanted water in the country, you are all the champion of the S-class," Red Supplement.

"The mesaw ... You have made that serious events, but dare to go back to the village!" Asma cooled.

Night wind is very speechless on the tree. These two wooden tutors really treat themselves, they are not the opponent of Utizhi, and still provocate Yushuo.

"Asma, red ... Please don't come to me, I don't want to kill you!" Yuxi Pubei slowed.

"I can't think of this guy, I will say this, I know that you are not going to wear this. I have to come here. What is the purpose of do you have?" Asma is still tireless .

bass! The ghost suddenly took out the big knife on the back. "This guy is really much nonsense. Is it possible to kill him?"

Yuxi Pubootressed a big knife, "It seems that they will not be honest, let us leave the village, but don't do too much, your move is too sufficient!"

"That's this decision!" The ghosts were loud, and the big knife in his hand came to the shoulder.

Then, suddenly, the ghost figure quickly became a residue, and the big knife in his hand slashed away!

Dangdang, Mars Splash!

Asma raised a knife with his hands in his hands.

At this time, the red began after the Astma started quickly, and the body disappeared in the air.

"This is ..." Night is very windy, "illusion? Is there a mistake, he uses illusion before Uzeco?"

Yisi Hostel is a loud eyes, and the beautiful red eye is turning.

bass! The ghosts continue to press down, and Asma gradually can't support it.

"It actually only used the knife tip to suppress me, good power!" Asma is sweating on the forehead.

"Hey!" At this time, the bandage on the big knife in the ghost suddenly broke, the knife was full of strange stab, and the right hand of Asma was cut, and the blood was blown out!

"My musk is not just used to hack people!" Ghost smiled, instantly put the muscles back, "but used to cut people!"

"This is the big knife in the mucous seven knife, known as the tail of the tail." Night wind looked at the muscles in the eyes of the eyes, "it is really a special weapon!"

"Betting!" Asma held his left arm in his hand, "red ... you are too slow!"

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