The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 839, Chapter 839, Chapter 839

At this time, Unechebia suddenly rose the trunk to the trunks, all the wealthy, tied to the big tree, this is the illusion of the evening - the magic, head and kill.

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"I am going ... is not true, these wooden leaves are worried about IQ ..." The night's wind couldn't help it.

Sure enough, like the night, the illusion of red makes it all in the case.

In the next second, red is tied to the tree, and Uzhi Pub is standing in front of her, "I use this level of illusion."

"This is ... rebound illusion?" Red shocked, she suddenly bit her lips and detached from illusion.

! In the reality, the red was kicked by Uneshamouch to the surface next to the surface.

"Red!" Asma turned his head.

! The ghost wavily hit the muscle again to attack Asma, "You can not pay attention to others now!"

"It's a red, but ..." Yuxi Hosi immediately appeared behind the night.

bass! Asa flashed 157 ,,,

Snapped! The ghost's face was broken by the hand, and his eyes were all round, "What!"

Place the muscles on one side, ghosts begin to quickly print their hands, "Shui Wai Shuqi Military!"

A shark-type water bomb suddenly appeared in the top of the ghost, directly attacked Asma.

At this time, Asma's body has also appeared the same shark type water bomb!

The two water bombs collided in the air mutually offset each other, and the beads were relentless!

"The same as me?" Ghosts, looked at the ninja that appeared in front of him.

"How can you ran?" Asa asked.

"Oh, Carti teacher is coming!" The night cost stopped in the tree to be two, a standing in Asma, and the other is to stand behind Uzhi Subject, use hard I lived in Yuxi.

"This is trouble ..." The night is a little worried about watching Kakasi.

"Flagkarcasi ..." Yuxi Pubo turned his head and looked at Kaki.

The two people's blood circles are opposed to the air, the scene is more nervous, and the air is filled with dangerous breath.

Kakasi looked at Yuxi, and his eyes were also solemn. "He is still the same as before, the true heir of the blood circles ... you have to do the worst plan!"

734 chapter, who are you?

"It's amazing, no wonder I will use the same kind of surgery, I can't think of the kind of eye, and some people have the kind of eyes ... I have a copy of Ninja Kardi!" Ghost coldly Carti in front of the eyes.

"It should be surprised that I am right, the suspicious guy who has just seen in the meatball shop is actually the cortical ghosts of Uzhi Hops and foggy villages!" Kakasi looked at the cold channel.

"Hey, I heard that I don't want to pay my hand with you." Ghost asked.


"Then you are still a person worthy of me!" Ghosts released murderous!

"Ghost, don't mess!" Yuxi hub turned, "If you fight with him, then it is endless, don't forget our goals, you are not hurting!" Yusi Bo Take the cold channel.

"Let's talk, you come to the purpose of the wooden village ..." Carti asked directly.

"Let's come here just to find something ..." Yuxi hub coldly.

"What?" Kakasi turned and got to Yishi Hou, "What to find?"

"I am different from ghosts, I won't use too much!" Yisi Hosi looked at Kasi seems to have to do it.

At this time, the night length of the trees stationed in the body into Chakra in Chakra into the ring of Hui Night.

The ring of Hui Night shines, and then the night is full of handsome white bones, and then disappears in the same place.

bass! Yuxi hub right hands from the windbreaker, the right hand is three dark darts, and throws lightning to Kasi.

Kakasi hands instantly print, endure, water, water array!

! Kakasi's surrounded wall suddenly covered the wall to cover the wealthy!

! The water column poured around Kakasi is blocked by the water wall!

Kaki forehead is cold-sweating, "His styling is too fast, I can't even see his print, and he also uses the right hand to the darts as bait, actually attack me with the water."! "

"It is Kakasi, this insight is really different!" Yuxi hubo cold channel.

Immediately, when Yishuo's furnishment has come to Kakasi's body, his hands have not pierced into the back of Kakasi.

"It's amazing ..."

"The shadow is not too fast, and he can't see it at all!" The red shocked by the side.

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"Water is separated? Hehe ... I can't think of this copy of Ninja so good at our foggy village ..." ghosts smiled.

"Dry well, Kakasi!" Red pulled out of the waist and wanted to attack the shadow of Utizhi.

At this time, Kasi suddenly slammed from the water, and fell red!

"Snack, red, that is bordered!" Kakasi road.

Bang! Yisiza's shadow score suddenly exploded, and huge water columns in the water raised from the sky!

"Red! Cardi!" Asma has taken care of the gangs, but is eager to look at the river.

, huge water columnization into the rainy rain ...

Kakasi is still hitted, and the Kaji is not a problem after the Kaji block is behind him.

"It can't be very ... he became a man who had a dark part of the captain. His strength is still more than this!" Kakasi turned his head and looked at Yisi.

I can't think of this non-impected people, but you can use the blood circles to this extent, but your body is not the body of our family, so it is not suitable for the eyes! "Yisi Hosi faint.

"He said yes, I am already tired!" Kakasi Xin.

At this time, Kakasi suddenly flashed a mysterious man with a whole body covered with white helmet.

"Well ..." Kaka West three people were a glimpse.

Yisizaoi is also cold and looking at people who are covered with helmets in front of them. "Who are you?"

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