The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 840 of the Chapter 840 of the Prince of Tennis

Laughing in the night, the blue flames in the eyes look directly at Uxzo, this is the strongest man he faced, than the big snake pill, "" I don't want to be, the important thing is that you are today I want to find something, I will not let you take away! "

"Who are you, is the ninja of Wumi Village?" Asma also jumped to the water, standing behind Kakasi.

"Shut up! You are useless to be only dragged behind this, but you will not go!" The night's wind is slightly turned.

"You!" Asma was angry enough.

Kakasi looked at the mysterious people in front of the white armor, and suddenly I feel a little familiar, but I can't think of who is.

"This friend, you still have to go, he is not you can deal with, but he is the S-class rebellion," Carti reminded.

The night is slightly smile, "If this is not the case, what else, what is the meaning now, now your eyes should take a break!"

Yisizhubo has lost his patience, he slowly closed his eyes, "Why is the strongest family ..."

"I am afraid it is your strongest family. Although you are strong in this world, your eyes are too small. I don't know what is true!" The night grew away.

In the night, it seems that the world is just a low-spirited world. In the endless multi-dimensional universe, there are too many more powerful individuals than this world.

Just like the big snake pills said to become this uniqueness of this is the most important thing.

"This arrogant tone ..." Kasse probably knows who is the person in front of him, but only more than ten cents of the night long, let Kakasi are not very determined.

"Is it? Little ghost, then let me see the true power of our Yisi Bo's blood circular eyes!" Yu (Zhao Yao) Zhisu's monster double!

"Whenever you are bad, don't stare at his eyes!" Kakasi hacked, instantly closed the right eye, only the blood circles were directly looking straight into Uzhi Hou.

The night-catching wind is a straight look, the eyes, the dark flames in the eyes are more intense than any time.

"You listen, absolutely can't open your eyes, if you look at him now, you will be finished! Maybe I only have this bloody eye to fight!" Kakasi said, "Changfeng, you also closed On your eyes! "

"Oh, Carti teacher, have you already recognized me?" Night's long-lasting horns slightly, "It's late, I have opened my eyes ... and Kasi teacher, you determine your blood. Can you resist this guy's kaleidoscope? "

"Little ghost, you don't know the blood circle eyes? Who are you?" Yu Zhi Houcouched the sound.

735 chapter, suddenly god

Night wind did not reply, just in the eyes of the macropollery written in the macus of Uzhi Pos.

"Hey ... You don't have the relationship, I will let you say! I use the talent that I use to have the same bloodline, I have the opportunity to defeat me, illusion monthly read!" Yu Zhi Hose is cold The sound is over.

The world read in the month.

Night wind and Kakasi's body have come to a black space, surrounded by a dark, only black and white.

Kakasi and Night wind are tied to a cross, there are countless Yuxi pairs around, every one is holding a long knife.

scold! Kakasi and night long belly are pierced into a long knife!

"Wow, ah!" Caassi screamed.

"In the world, space, time, quality in my control, then the following seventy-two hours, I will always use a knife!" Yu Zhihe said, and countless steel Knife [plug] into the body of two.

"Ah ~ ▉ Caassi is constantly screaming."

"Hey ~ ▉ teacher, you are fine!" Night long wind turned his head and looked at Kakasi, which was full of sweat.

"Well?" Yuxi Pub looked at night long wind, "Little ghost, you didn't feel?"

"Oh, it is just a illusion that it is only ..." The night is slow, "you read the world this so-called month, just -193- you create a fictitious world that creates the pupil, don't say It is the universe, even the real small world can't be intended to be! "

"A fictional world has no meaning to me, can really create a world can be called God, and you read the world in this month, I am not afraid, why is I afraid?" Night long wind The corner is taunt.

At night, the long-lasting small world is the real world, waiting until the night's live wind is really growing to a certain extent, Xiaocheng will become a real world.

By then, the night-length wind can control the time flow and space among the small world, then the night's long wind is the true god in the world of the world.

The energy level in Xiaocheng World will also be significant than the fire industry.

"You!" Numerous Unexpected Hosi will return more long knives [plug] into the body of the night.

When the night is long, I started to mustle himself. "In the infinite world, there is a big can call the Bodhi, and the Bodhi asked Sakyamuni Buddha, 'To become a Buddha, how to smoke it? ', Everyone has a heart, as long as it is desperate, it can stand into a Buddha! "

"In front of the Buddha, everything is illusory, not to misplace it! Carti teacher, as long as you don't believe in illusion, this world does not have any illusion to sue you!" Night wind slowly.

"Changfeng, you ..." Kakasi didn't understand what night is saying.

The night is just a good thing, it is, it is really strong in the mysterious fake, so that Yisi Pub thinks that he is really strong.

The reason why the night's wind said is actually truth in the practice of the world, but those things that are virtual, not the level of the current night length.

In fact, the reason why the night's long wind is not afraid of Unexpected, the month is actually because of the dead fire in the eyes of the night, his special bloody session.

There is no illusion in the world of the undead, all the undead will not be in the so-called illusion, and the night long wind that has the fire of the undead can ignore any illusion directly.

No matter how strong the illusion, the night long is nothing to have any feeling, and his spirit has long been incorporated into the fire of the undead.

Illusion This kind of thing is just a spiritual attack. It can be said to be the most useful attack method for the undead.

One sense, the blood of the night-catching, the DBBE, can be said to be a bloody boundary limit of the smock of blood circles among the fires in the world, because any illusion is not use.

"You are fine, Carti teacher ..." The sound of the night is again in the ear of Kakasi.

The next second, Kakasi slowly opened his eyes, and returned to the world of the fire. He was full of sweat, squatted, although Unexpected Bud's month read was easily crackd from the night, but the card Cassi's current consumption is still quite a huge.

He used to use too much blood circles with his body without perfectly fusion.

"Cardi, what's wrong with you? Do we have to close your eyes? In addition to what is!" Asma asked.

Although the night's wind and Kasi's spirit have just stayed in the world of the world a few minutes, but because Yuxi Pubie controlled the flow of the world, it is said that the world has passed. Clock.

"What's going on,! This person actually doesn't have your illusion?" The ghost is an incredible expression, after all, he does not dare to tell the attack of the month.

"Call ..." From the beginning to end, it is a cold side, and there is a disturbance of the breath of Yuxi Po.

"Oh, it seems that it is not an easy thing to read for you that month?" Night long wind opening.

Yuxi Pubo didn't speak, he had a doubt about the identity of the night's strength, he has not met the people who can solve the month.

Or I have never thought that someone can crack the month reading, and Unexpectedly, the long wind is not going to crack.

"Hey ... Are you looking for it?" At this time, Kakasi slowed down and asked.

"No! I am looking for the legacy left by the fourth generation ..." Sui Zhihui cold voice, now he is almost in the mysterious night.

People always feel fearful for unknown things, even Yisizhiso, he has to divide most of the attention to the night length of the white armor.

It can only be said that the night grows up the flicker to play a small effect.

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