The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 841 of Tennis Prince Chapter 841

If you want to do it, the night is always ready to run, after all, the night is not stupid to believe that it is now able to fight the hubs in the full state.

"You have to find the nine-tailed foxes that were sealed in the Naruto!" Kakasi slowed down, he has already known the things from our own, "I know not just two people Action, your organization is called a book, right? "

"Well ..." Yu Zhi Houhe and ghosts turned at the same time, and their purpose was the nine-tailed fox.

"Ghost, don't pay attention to the white armor, take away Kakasi, others let them disappear in this world! Our time is not much!" Yuxi hub suddenly ordered ...

736 chapter, welfare task

bass! The ghosts directly put the muscles in the hands, instantly, to rush to the water in the red and Asma.

"It's trouble, isn't it called them?" Night long-lived knees a meal, one turned in hand, I am planning to sacrifice the big knife and ghost war.

! A green figure suddenly flashed in front of the two, and quickly kicked the ghost!

Wooden rigidity whirlwind!

"Who!" The ghost is very shocked, the speed of the people is beyond that he imagined too much, the ghosts continue to go back more than ten meters on the water.

Night lived on the watermelon head in front of him, laughing, nodded: "Aku is coming, the problem is not big!"

Night wind, it is known that Akai's true strength is, even Yisizhiso, eight-door full of Akai can be unfrieted!

"It is you!" Yuxi hubo glance.

"Wooden arrogant bright blue wild beast!" Akai put a pose.

"This dress is really funny, should it be a specialty of the beast?" Ghost smiled.

"Don't look at him ..." Yu Zhipu reminded.

"Sure enough ..." Akai frowned, did not go to the eyes of the eyes.

"Well? Who are you?" Akai asked at night.

"This is not important, it is ..." The night is sweeping with Yuxi foot and ghost.

"Why don't you see the eyes of you ..." Akai did not avoid the loud night, but there was no meditation.

Snapped! At this time, Kakasi's physical strength was exhausted, and I went down, and Akai took Carti.

The night is frowned, and now if it is playing, the most is the end of the two defeat, and you can't get any benefits. Night wind does not want to take this risk.

"I said that you still plan to continue to play?" Night long wind opening, "the reinforcement has come, that is, the people who have the dark part will come, and your plan seems to fail!"

"Hey!" The ghost snorted and raised his muscles again.

"Forget it, ghost!" Su Zhi Pub suddenly, "We are not to fight, even though some regrets, but continue to stay here and there is no meaning ... go back!"

Yisizhiso is quite careful for this variety of night growth, and he also knows that Akai's strength cannot be underestimated.

"Cut ~ I am not easy!" The ghost bite his teeth, put the muscles back, "It's really, the blood is boiling, I really regret ..."

Next moment, the two disappeared at the same time, leaving only a circle of ripples in the water.

call! The night is looking at the two people who disappeared, and I have a long breath, and I will have disappeared in place!

Wooden village street.

"You are slow, the long wind!" The Narler holds back to the slowworked wind.

The night's wind shook his head, "You don't say that in the mea store collection, I have waited for you for a long time!"

"Haha, I am wrong, it should be an exterior!" The Narley touched the brain sound.

"Well, forget it!" The night's long wind turned his head and looked at it. "What are you looking for, a good color fairy!"

"Ah! I am not talking to you to call me fairy!" Loing is not full, "said that, how do I feel that your kid suddenly grow taller?"

Night long-faced horns slightly, "It is definitely you, illusion, illusion!"

"Forget it, this time I am looking for you to have an important thing?" Said a lot.

"What?" Looking at the night's doubtfulness.

"Are you there is interested to do it with me? You are also a novelist. You should collect more information to write more novels!" Laughing laugh.

"Cut ~ ▉ Need, you still call people to accompany you, I still have to practice!" The night length fell back.

"Ah, I don't have time, I want to ask Carti teacher to teach me Taken these tolerance, recently Kakasi teacher is a little eccentric, do not teach me only tested!" Naruto hurts, After the hand is behind the head, "and the long wind also said that I want to teach me the sickness ..."

"Then there is no way, I only have to help ..." The tap also deliberately biased the head.

"I still go with you ..." Naruto immediately changed his attention, "You are waiting for me here, I will go home now to pack things!"

I haven't waited for the night, and the Naruto ran away and went home to pack things.

"Hey, then your kid?" The company also looked at the night's wind.

"Not interested!" Night long wind turned his head ready to open.

At this time, the system's tips sounded in the night growth.

··· ▉ ▉ ···


Trigger the main line task: Help you, please return to the fifth generation of fire

Task Level: Blue Task

Mission Reward: A lot of lottery

Failure punishment: Skills randomly delete one

Systematic evaluation: Welfare tasks with high difficulty.

bass! After listening to this task, the night-long windsted horse stopped and turned his head and looked at it.

"Well, I change my mind. How can I don't go to actual sketches? If you don't go to the actual examination, how can you write a wonderful classic work!" Night live air Say it.

"This little child ..." The taps also put on the three black lines, "said that they like what is written like it."


"Haha, good, good!" The night's wind pointed out, this task is almost no difficulty, it is a lot of lottery.

I haven't draw a lottery for a long time, and the night's hands are itchy, especially the strength gap that is in front of the Yiszhimo feels that the night is very dissatisfied with their current strength.

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