The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 842, Chapter 842, Chapter 842, Chapter 842

Although it is a grade column of progress, the level of the attribute list, has already reached the level, but the night is still not enough to feel that his strength and the bottom card are not enough.

In this turmoil, the fire of the forest is still quite dangerous, and it is a slightly not paying attention to the situation of people dead.

And the night-length winds want to increase their strength and the bottom card, the fastest way is the lottery, and the superh the system is upgraded to 2.0, the biggest change is the lucky draw system.

Night-hard wind has been got in this lucky draw system, he is imagined to be a small world, the night is full of things to yourself. It is full of expectations.

After the night, the wind has decided to complete this mission, directly use the accumulated lottery one-time light, to that time, compared to a new step compared to the strength.

There are outside the door of the wooden village.

Night long wind, Naruto and the arrogant standing at the door, the Naruto is exaggerated with a big bag, and the night grows, no one, no one, both hands.

"Hey! This time I must let the good color cactus teach me tolerance, come back to make Kasi teacher and Sasu help are shocked, hehe!" The Narler pushed the extraction of the extra head, and raised his hand and yelled: ... ...

set off!

737 chapter, station town

... Naruto holds his huge backpacks behind him almost not moving, one centimeter is a centimeter.

"I said, you are too strong, we are not cultivating in the mountains ..."

Then I turned around and saw the night, "" Your kid is relaxed, don't bring anything? "

Night long laughs laughing, there is no reply, "Let's go!"

Small village outside wooden rivy.

Yisiza and ghosts came to the small village.

"Maybe you can for the guy, but I will not be a big, the gap is a bit big!" The ghost suddenly passed.

"Yes, if it is handed with him, we may be killed, and the most is the result of two defeat, there is no meaning!" Yuxi hubo warmly replied.

"Although we have opened the ninja of the wooden leaves, I also found the kid, but I can't think of being responsible for protecting him. It is the legendary three tolerance. If I am handed with him, the Yuxi Bo family and the fog are never the seven people. These names are completely useless! "Ghost said.

"Yes, however, even if it is a powerful person, he will have weakness ..." Yushuo's voice is cold, no emotion.

Woody village cardi family.

Kakasi is lying in bed, and before the war, he exceeded his blood circles, and there was no recovery now.

Akai Hetai Red and the flying Asma are also among the Kakas home.

"From those guys's expressions, they should have not found Naruto ..." Akai said.

"But don't you feel strange? They have already arrived in the village, and they should know the Naruto!" Asma did not understand.

"Hey! Someone is coming!" Akai made a gesture.

! The door in the Kakasi room was opened, and Yischo Sasuo came in.

"Kakasi ... um?" Sasuke, "How can Kakasi lying in bed, and I gather here, what happened?"? "

"It is also ... There is nothing ..." Akai did not know it at lying.

At this time, a wooden leaf is directly pushed, and a face is panicked: "I heard that Yuxi Hoshui returned to the village, is it true? And I heard that he is still looking for people ..."

"Hey ..." Akai hugged his head, speechless to look at the new Ninja.

"Idiot!" Red is very speechless.

Sasuke is a round of eyes, and immediately ran out.

despair! despair! Sasuke quickly moves, and the heart is more reaching the sea.

"The family is coming back to the village, and he is still looking for people? What is going on?" Sasuke's forehead does not stop sweating.

~ ▉ help into a pleasant, "In short, if he is found by him, he will finish, I will not let him succeed!"

"The boss, the Naruto is here when I have been here? Where is he going?" Sasuo asked eagerly.

"Naruto ..." One Le Turing the chin, "I also had another young man and another young man, then they said that I have to go to the life, I will leave ..."

"Looping? Subject?" Sasuke is very doubtful, "Where are they going?"

"It seems that it is mentioned that it is the small town of the station that left the village." The music is not falling, and it will be held out.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ," I really, since I told you something, you should eat the bowl, thank you, ... "

Station Town Hotel.

"This ... this village is a bit strange ..." Naruto looked around.

"Is there a mistake, a beautiful cactus, you are also one of the three tolerance, how to live such a shabby hotel!" The night is dissatisfied.

"Your kid is really, do you think that there is a salary?" The coming is helpless. "Is this a good time?"

"Cut ~ ▉▉ ▉ , "

"Trouble you, give us the best room!" The night is wind and right, flashing a stack of banknotes, and throwing it directly to the waiter.

"Yes! Mr., I will prepare for you right away!" Serving this life has never seen such a young man in this town, keeping a smile against the night length.

The eyes are also straightforward, "" What is this little ghost to have so much money! "

The night is laughing, "" is the mighty, rich, good! "

At this time, a woman who grades his body, walked from the upstairs, reached out, dialed the black long straight hair in front of him, throwing a glance against the night's wind and others.

"Wow, wow!" The voice is also called at the same time.

The night's wind swept the two people, shook his head, "Hey ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ This color ghost, my image of this' Jenren's gentleman is destroyed!"

"Look, I have the opportunity! Naruto, long wind, you go up, I will come back!" After that, I will catch it directly.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ , don't you say that you want to teach me to I?" Naruto shouted.

"Come back to teach you, you first condensed Chakra ..." The voice is getting farther and farther.

"Cut ~ ▉ chat, waste time, this way, when can you find a hand!" The night is helpless.

Naruto and night hard wind came to the so-called luxury suit. As a result, there were a few beds, and the roof looks broken.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway, it doesn't matter!" Night long windpieces sitting on the bed.

"Hey ~ ▉ , you said that the good cactus will teach me what to do this?" Naruto asked, "Every time I am with him, do he really want to teach me to practice ..."

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