The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 843 of the Chapter 843 of Tennis Prince

"Don't worry, the good color cactus although (Novo) is colored, the strength is still very strong!" The night is long and the eyes are angry.

"Yes? Hey, that is not to teach me a powerful tolerance, then I will let Sasuke and Kakari teacher surprised, so oh!" Naruto cheered, and jumped again.

On the other hand, Sasuke also quickly rushed to the town town.

"It's evil ... The hotel here is too much, only one family is slowly found ..." Sasu help frowned, starting a family looking for a group of people.

However, the luck of Sasuke is a bit bad, and several hotels are looking for.

The lens returns to the room where the night grows and the Naruto.

boom! boom! boom! Knocking on the door ringing ...

The Naruto is a glimpse. "Is it a good color of the cactus, so come back?"

boom! ~ ▉ ▉ ... ... ...

"Come, come, don't knock on the door, I am really annoying!" Naruto smashed the door to open the door ...

738 chapter, brothers will

A pair of monster, a pair of red eyes outside the door, looked at Naruto, is Yisizhisu!

"Is it Sasuke? No, who he is, why he has the same blood circular eye like Sasher?" Naruto was shaking.

"I can't think ... The nine-tailed demon fox actually in this little body ..." Ghosts also appeared behind Yuxi Pub.

"Who is they, why they know the things of the nine-tailed demon fox ..." The Naruto has set off a huge waves.

"Let's go, the Naruto will go with us!" Yuxi hubo was cold.

"Hey ..., he will bring us a trouble everywhere ..." The ghost handed his hand behind him, "should cut off a leg should be better ..."

"He ... what he said?" Naruto was full of sweat.

At this time, the night-long's eyes in the room opened, the fire of the undead was burned in the bears, and the night's wind appeared in front of the two people, and the Naruto was blocked behind him.

"You are really a soul," "" "" "" "

"Little ghost, do you die?" The ghost watched his eyes and looked at the night with the eyes with bloody eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you planning to use your eyes to scare me?" The night did not have a megadownload me to see the ghost.

The ghosts looked at the bright blue flaming in the night, the keen smell felt a chill who had never had passed, and it turned out to be a step back to the autonomy.

-290- "Yes you, I have seen your eyes!" Yuxi hub spoke, "You are the person who hinders us before!"

At this time, another sound appeared behind the two people.

"It's coming again." The ghost is very uncomfortable. He just inexplicably retreats for a somewhat angry.

"Kao, I have been running, I still don't come back! MD, Zuo help to do what to do, with two tuning bottles, this is running!" The night is in a hurry, he I suddenly felt that I didn't tell the beauty of the beauty.

Obviously, the two guys in front of me are shamelessly using the beauty.

"Sasuke, I haven't seen it for a long time!" Yu Zhishi faint.

"Yisizah ..." Sasuke's eyes have become bright red and open blood.

"It's really a rare day, I can see the successor of the second Unexpea!" The ghost screamed glanced.

"I want to slaughter you!" Sasuke cold channel.

"Crazy ..." When the wind, the wind really wants to fly a foot to kick, "MD, you now don't play people, but also TM wants to slaughter ..."

(DBFF) "Why is they, why and Sasu help the same surname ..." Naruto is very no solution.

"Who is this guy, it is a bit like you have a bit like you ..." ghosts asked.

"He is ... My brother!" Yuxi hubo warmly replied.

"I heard that the people of Yishabo are killed, and it is still your hand!" Ghosts.

Naruto, he recalled Sasher, he was repeated, 'I want to kill the man'.

"This guy is a man who wants to kill!" Naruto understood the relationship of Sasuke and.

Yuxi Posh did not pay attention to the night's wind, but turned his head to the help.

At this time, there is a kind of taggers, then throw it into the small world, and I will slip into the impulse of the small world.

At this time, the attention of Uzhi Poso is full of Sasuke, and they have not seen the ability to live overnight, so the possibility of success is still very high.

However, the night's long wind feels this still some adventures. After all, the night is not trying to put the living people in the small world.

Although Xiao Tian Lite is controlled by night, the god tree is not, in case the god tree looks at the nine-tailed Chakra in the body, it took it all, the Naruto hangs.

"I hope that Sasuke can drag the time, the good color cactus should also find the problem is coming back!" The night grew is in the ghosts, he wants to prevent the ghosts.

Sasuke and in the opposition, the opposition of the blood discharge, the opposition of the two brothers, can also be said to be the opposition between the enemy ...

"Ah, ah!" Sasuke suddenly called, he recalled the memories of hidden in the heart of the heart, the most reluctant memories.

It is the memories of Yuxi Porsche in front of him.

Night-catching winds can understand the mood of Sasuke, change it is his words, it should be more crazy.

Night wind does not agree that the so-called Suzhi Hosyed, for the village to avoid the war, it will kill his own practices according to the high-rise of the wooden leaves.

It is simply being brainned to the extent of madness.

As a member of Yuxi Bo, Yisizhubo killed his own people in order to consolidate the rule of wood, it was stupid to extreme.

The war will happen sooner or later, whether at any time, in any world, there will be war, but it is only different.

Most of the earth is not very big.

Imagine if there will be war happening, there will be a lot of people to die, and you can kill all the people who camp in order to avoid more people.

What is this fan?

If you change it, you will be a night, you will be more than 10,000 times better than such a wrogging.

To put it bluntly, Urshi Poski cherish his brother Sasu, he thought that he had helped to make a choice.

Night wind also believes that the personality of Sasuke is not imagined to be alive.

It turns back, the Yisi Bo family is not necessarily lost, and it is not all becoming a rebellious, at least a few seeds can not be reopened.

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