The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 844 of the Chapter 844 of Tennis Prince

When these thoughts were flashing in the night-long's mind, the huge bird sounded suddenly.

Sasuke in the right hand is flashing, illuminating his entire face.

"I will hate you according to you, I have been hate you, I am alive ... just to kill you!" Sasukes used his most powerful strokes, which is Rain.

"Stupid!" The night is frowned, "this trick is useless to him!"

Ah, ah, ah ~ ▉ help to drag the power of Thunder's lightning, rushing along the wall directly to Uzhi Subico.

bass! Yisi Hoski immediately reached out the right hand, directly grabbed the left hand of Sasuke to release the power of lightning, it was too slow to help Uzhi Budo.

Recycculation fried a big hole around the wall, Yishi Houched was no injury.

"I can evil!" Sasuke, the sweat was not stopped, he was taken by Uzhi Porsche, and there is no way to move.

"Worse!" Naruto instantly two-handed print, whispered red Chakra in the continuous emergency, and wrapped the Naruto.

"My kao, the guy is also chaos, this is big!" The night's face flashed on the face, suddenly shouting, "Good color cactus, you can't come out, we all have to die!"

739 chapter, Tianzhao

"You are too slow!" The muscles in the ghosts waved in the air, and the nine-tailed Chakra in the air disappeared.

"Hey? What is going on, why not feel Chakra!" Naruto is shocked, "it is evil, why?"

The sound of the sound ~ ▉ muscles have done the sound of eating, very strange.

"Hey, my muscles can eat your Chakra!" The ghost is cold and cold, "If you are being troubled by you, you will hack it, it is better to cut your hand first. Let's fall! "

boom! The ghosts will cut the muscles in the hands.

The night long face is sinking, and the right hand is waiting to take the dagger big knife to raise the ghosts.

At this time, a huge scorpion suddenly appeared in front of the Naruto, blocked the ghost big knife with the shield of the upper limbs.

"You have too much understanding of my past, the man is also induced by a woman [confusing], but it will be fascinated by a sweet words!" The coming is also confident that it is behind the body. .

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"Don't complain if you are kid, I am not coming, then I don't think you have to show it!" Laughing and laughed, and then his face was an easy to see Yu Zhi.

"In order to introduce me, use illusion in women, men should not use this method!" The tap is also slow, "What is your goal?"

"No wonder that Carti will know this matter, the source is you ..." Yuxi Pub is still not express, "" Take away the Naruto is our Organizational's until the highest order! "

"I won't give you the Naruto ..."

"That is not good ..."

"Just, I will clean up your two guys in the way!"

"Don't intervene! I want to personally ..." The Saso-stopped Sasuke stood up again.

"I am not interested in you now!" Akahosa flashlights.

Sasuke was in the moment to fly out, and the cement wall next to it was dressed in an instant, and the heavy fell is on the floor!

"Sasuke!" Naruto couldn't see his teammates were hit, and the forehead was exposed, "your guy!"

"Naruto! I am not told you don't want to intervene!" Sasuke can't be printed, just forcing the use of Lei Shi was stopped from being hit by Uri Subcius, Sasuke is not impressed.

"Naruto, don't go, Sasuke has been blinded in his eyes, not seeing!" Night long winds.

boom! Yuxi Pubo once again flashed in front of Sasuke, a boxing hit the abdomen of Sasuke, Sasuke blood wild!

"It's evil, from then starting, the gap is not shortened, I have been doing what I am doing!" Zuo helping the heart, and the desire for strength is getting stronger, and the heart is also getting more and more angry.

Everything in human people is inquiry is an incompetent angry.

! Yuxi Posh grabbed the neck of Sasuke, taking him, and the hook in the bloody eyes turned.

"Worse!" Night Changxiao did not think that Yu Zhi Poshi actually made a month to read.

In the first moment, Sasuke is already in the world of moon.

"You are too weak ... twenty-four hours below, you will be in that day!" Yu Zhi's voice was cold.

Sasuke stayed in the day of the Yishiyuyi family, the day of the year of Yisi Bo, repeatedly experienced the pain of that day, up to 24 hours.

"MD, Yuxi Pub is too embarrassed!" Night wind is a bit more and more stronger in this kind of hatred, let Sasu help the incredible method.

However, this may be the fate of the Yishabo family, only in the remorse and hatred, it can grow faster.

"Wow!" Sasuke continued to scream.

"... The trick still doesn't use too many times!" The ghost is less pleading, he worried that it is too many monthly readings, and then it can't use the blood circles, which will simply be It is also confronted.

"Good color cactus, you still don't do it!" The night grew away.

"I know, don't use your little one!" Laters and play quickly!

Tongling · !

The last hand is on the floor!

The entire second floor is covered with a layer of red, it is the stomach wall of Mountain Rock!

Sasukes are grouped by the stomach wall to inhale it.

··· ▉ ▉

"I kao, boss, can you don't have to use such disgusting skills!" Night wind is very speechless.

I didn't pay attention to the spit of the night, but coldly looked at the two people in front of you.

At this time, both feet of the two have fallen into the stomach wall, which is bound to the original place, there is no way to move.

"The mekay, ghosts are really sorry, you have already arrived in my stomach!" The taps also smelled, "All you are all wanted, and you just become a big food!"

"What is this?" Naruto is also shocked.

"Naruto, you don't want to move! Don't worry, this is my endurance!" I also drink.

"Bastard!" Ghosts for arsenal to pull the feet from the stomach wall.

[........ [..

"Ghost, let me go!" Yu Zhiwa is not good, ready to open.

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