The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 845 of the Chapter 845 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Two people turned around to run in the distance of the stomach wall.

"So far, no one can escape from here!" The coming is confident, and the hands have poured more Chakra.

The passage of the stomach wall began to narrow, and the meat [wall] pressed toward the two people who escapped.

", What to do, this way, the speed of meat [Wall] is faster!" Ghosts finally saw the powerful, and the forehead was sweating.

Yuxi Pubo didn't answer, just a closed eyes!

The night-catching party only heard the sound of the stomach, there was a sun shining in the passage of the stomach, and Yisi Hosi and ghosts did not know where it was.

bass! Located, running in the sun in the direction of the sun.

"What happened?" Naruto yarn, ", they don't see!"

"I can't think of him, I can break this meat [Wall] ..." Looking at the meat [Wall] The mouth has been brought a big hole, and the hole has a black flame in constant burning.

"This is the legendary Tianzhao, I know that I can't extinguish the flame ..." Night wind looked at the black flame of the hole, and the eyes flashed a golden light.

"It is worthy of blood circles, the bloody session this movement and changes are really too much!" Night live wind is looking forward to the blood circles in the lucky draw system.

"If I can take a bloody system and pass through the supernitious system to remove the side effects of the bloody eyes, do you have a deeper mystery?" Night Changshen can't help but self-owned YY. ......

740 chapter, after returning

bass! Yisizhiso and ghosts have retreats outside the village, and the speed is very fast.

"With your ability ... Why should we retreat?" Ghost turned.

"We don't use it so anxious now, take away the nun, and I have to find a place to let my body take a break, because I am not only a month reading, I have used it just a lot!" Yuszhi Pub's eyes slightly.

The hotel in the town of the station.

"These flames are black?" Naruto squatted down and looked at the black flame of the burning.

"Be careful, don't close!" I also drink.

"What?" The Narler was shocked and quickly jumped.

Located and frowning looks at the black flame in front of you. "How did they escape, what is the black flame, it will be burned!"

"Don't look, hurry to seal this flame" one or two three "! This thing will not go out, carefully put your stomach wall of your summoned beast!" Night long hands behind his head Slowly.

"Well? Your kid knows what flames this is?" Bottom turned into head, and the golden light was flashing.

"I have seen it in an ancient book. This is called Tianzhao is a flame attack of Yuxi Bao's blood circles. It is known as the strongest weak attack. I thought it was written by people who wrote the book. I didn't expect it. It is true! "The night grew blow said, and opened the flicker mode.

"Yes?" Of course, it will not believe in the ghosts of the night, how can the secret of Unexpello, and this trick has never seen himself.

Hey, I also took out a scroll, after the spread, took out the brush and painted a curved rune.

"All right!"

"Sealing and printing · Feng Fire method!"

The black flame of the stomach wall is gradually inhaled in the reel and then seals it.

"Okay, this should be fine!" Tapped the reel tight.

"Borrowing me to study, how?" The night grew is to put the fire in the small world, and see if it can be absorbed by God.

If possible, you can directly take the Tianzhao of Yisi Puba in the small world.

"Don't! This thing is very dangerous, handed over to your kid, maybe you will have problems!"

"It's really a small gas ..." The night is growing, and it is said.

"Let's take a look at the help!" The taps will make the stomach wall to swallow the Sasuke.

boom! The right foot is on the right foot, and the stomach wall of the whole channel disappears.

"Sasuke, are you nothing?" Naruto helped him, Sasuke appeared, it was already unmetled, both eyes were not afraid.

"He reads in the moon, not so easy to slow!" Night wind slowly.

And now Sasuke is still not mature, but it is more naive, this kind of vicious illusion is really miserable.

bass! At this time, a bitter shot came in, slipped from the front of the night.

When everyone turned, the long green figure lights up rushed over the speed!

"Akai?" And turned his head and was kicked by Akai.

"Hey ..." Akai, "It seems to be played!"

"Haha, kick it!" The night grew in a smile next to it.

"Sorry, I actually kicked you directly, because it was too urgent, forgot to bring the mirror ... Haha ... I used the care for the mirror. I found out that you were so fierce expressions. I thought you were an enemy! "Akai touched the back of the back.

"You ... Is it apologized?" It is very speechless. "Forget it, this is not important, we have to send the medical class now!"

"Although the hands and ribs are broken, and the spirit has been greatly hurt, but they can't die ..." Night grows.

"Can be evil! How can this, why is the guy to use this trick?" Naruto bite his teeth, very angry.

"Good color cactus, long wind, we change the plan, although I feel very fear, but I am going to find the two guys wearing black hairdry! My whirlow is a hero!" Naruto said.

"And their goals are not me, then I took the initiative to solve them!"

"No, don't!" The head of the night is shaking with the roll, "the strength gap is too big, and if you want to be a real hero, only more, Naruto!"

The night long shot shouted the shoulders of the people.

"Yes, I just protect you is not being found to find them!" The coming is also attached to the side.

"Kakasi is also resting in the village because of this trick, I don't know when he can recover completely!" Akai low channel ...?

"What, Mr. Carti also ..." Naruto was shocked.

"Carti teacher will soon recover ... but Sasuke ..." The night is also frowning.

"Hey ... If a medical expert is in the scene!" Akai muttered.

"Hey ... so we are going to find her!"

"That person is?" Naruto hurriedly asked.

"Hey, she is one of the three tolerances with me. She has the messenger who caught the abilities of the disease ... The princess of a gambling is written behind!"

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