The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 851 of the Chapter 851 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"People can't find it, we still solve dinner here first!" The taps also walked into the pub.

"No, here, the pub!" Naruto complained.

"Oh!" I saw a familiar figure.


"Late too? How can you ... come here?" Asked the master.

"What is it ... Is she really a master, a deception! She is not 50 years old!" Naruto said.

The night cost is also carefully taking a closer look.

The golden hair is separated in the shoulder, the brown eyes are like a water, and there is a purple diamond mark in the middle of the forehead. Because of the relationship of drinking, pretty face is more red, beautiful.

If you don't say it, you don't believe that the appearance of your appearance is actually a fifty old age.

Moreover, her chest also makes the night-length wind and heart, and the night's wind has come from the world. In order to become strong, it is almost immersed in cultivation almost every day, he has not released itself too long.

"Hey ... I finally found you," I'm going to be a breath.

"I don't think of it within a day, I have encountered two three tolerance!" The silent heart is shocked.

Three people, such as the night, and the opposite of the two people, etc.

"What day is today, I can encounter acquaintances!" The master whispered.

"Is the big snake pill? What did you come out?" I asked myself.

"Nothing? It's just a side!" The agency gave the mute to make a look and not let her talk.

"Still say, do you have anything to find?" The program was transferred.

The night is flashing in the eyes, "What is she concealing?"

"Is she really cured a good tiener?" Naruto is hungry, and it is not polite to eat big drink.

"I will not be a circle, the master ... The village wants you to come to the fifth-generation fire!"

"~ ▉ ▉ is surprising, almost take yourself.

The key come, the night grows is also a look, this is related to him to complete this so-called welfare task.

The agency and mute are also surprised.

"You already know what the three generations of fire is?" "" ""

"Is the big snake pills? He has told me ..." ahead.

"Big snake pills ... is he killed three generations of fire adults? Who is he!" Naruto shouted, he didn't know that the big snake will kill the day.

"It is a disgusting man who has been in the middle of the Testament of the test!"

"What is him ..." Naruto sounded the appearance of the big snake pill, and some heads were numb.

"Three endure names refers to us three people!"

"What? Three tolerance should be the ninja of the wooden leaves, then why should he have this?" Naruto asked very much.

"Who, these two little ghosts ..." The apeer not pays attention to the night grows and Naruto in front of them.

"Hey, he called the whirlpool!" Said that he also refers to the mestence.

"Well? He is the nine-tailed demon fox ..." The master is slightly stunned, and it turns his head to look at the night's wind, "What about this devil?"

"This stinky kid is the same as me ..." ""

"Cut ~ Don't say this, good color cactus. I don't want to be together with you this 30-run writer!" Night long wind spit.

It's also a kind of expression, "stinky boy, I don't give me face!"

The mouth of the card is not easy to detect, the heart thinks, "this little ghost can make it a little means ..."

The apeer seems to recall the long time, and that time it is almost eating almost every day.

"Why do you want her to be the fifth-generation rigid!" Naruto pointed to the prime sign, he was still more concerned about the problem.

"You both give me a chapter!" The talents also turned around and saw a hand.

"What do you mean?"

The watch watch is a bit weird, she remembers the promise of the big snake pill.

"This is impossible ... I refuse!" The ahead came back.

"This is what I think of it before ... I want to make friends with you, you will be like this!" Laughing.

"What is going on, don't we bring this guy back to the village to Sasuke and Kakasi teacher? How to make her as a shadow, and she is not willing!" Naruto saw that someone refused him to pursue his life Nangjie was actually refused, very angry.

"Don't be excited, Naruto! The apeer can be the fifth-generation rigid, and this is also a common decision of the high-rise of the wood!"

"I am afraid you don't want to be, but then transfer the high-level attention after you!" Night face slightly forsake.

"Stinky boy ... don't have a lot!" There is no way to get the night.

"Say, I am not right from the expressions that you just mention the big snake pills. What are you hidden?" Night long wind turned his head.

"Well ... how can he know the master ..." Silent, she didn't think of the person's unfounded aperator, and the night's stay was found.

"Oh, you are also ... You are very smart with the class, which reminds me of your previous apprentice!" The mouth of the mouth outlined out of the thin radians and turned to see the night.

"Little ghost, too smart, generally soon, just like the fourth generation of fire, for the village to make your life!" After finishing, the aperator looked up, and filled the mouth. A cool wine ...

747 chapter, war

"The life is not the same, so don't cherish it, it is really stupid!" The program is suddenly more.

"I am evil! You actually dare to insult your shadow!" Naruto is angry.

The night-long wind is blocked, "Don't move, Naruto! You are not her opponent ..."

"But ..." Naruto's forehead on the forehead clearly anger to the limit.

"I am wrong? The teacher is also ... I am still a strong. Is this not looking for death?" Opener.

"Oh!" This time is also frowning, and it is cold and cold.

The Naruto clenched the double boxing, and the whole body was trembled [shake], which was obviously anger.

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