The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 852 of the Chapter 852 of the Prince of Tennis

"Nutal shadow is nothing, only fool will go to it!" The open hand is cold.

bass! The Naruto couldn't stand it anymore. They directly rushed to the table, and the right hand was tightly swaying.

Snapped! The wine glasses, the plate is broken, and the night cost caught the back of the Naruto.

"Changfeng, why do you pull me! This ugly woman dares to insult the four generations of fire, and the grandfather of the three generations of fire, even women, I will not let him!"

Night wind did not answer the nun, but stared at the slight red face of the program. "You are so emphasized that you can't let go, if I have not guess, you are because of what is in mind The title of Huager! "

Snapped! The wine glasses in the hand were shredded in an instant, and the slag was spurted.

"It seems that I guess it?" Night wind tacit horses slightly.

For the number of lottery, the night cost is only difficult to take a 'psychologist' ...

"Kid, coupon, dare to talk to my hand!" The agency took the head to the place where the night is long, and the night's wind can clearly see the anger that flashes in the eyes.

"Oh ... what is not dare?" The night is laughing, and the lifetime of the gap is deeply sought.

"Saucy! Let's go out!" The master was pretty red and turned out of the pub.

"Well ... What is the situation?" The voice didn't know what the two had just said before.

The writers who have self-proclaimed welfare literature are actually too understandable to women.

A round of meniscovers, a few people came to the streets that had no one person.

Night wind and the apeer have a five mm.

"Changfeng, help me taught her, the hateful old woman!" Narley called.

"Little ghost, you said who is old woman!" The master turned to anger.

"How, I will say you! Old woman, old woman!" Naruto rose his hand.

"Looking for death ..." The agency flashed to the front of the people.

bass! Late the Naruto in the body, "he is still a child, you are too bad with him!"

"Yes, your opponent is me!" The night is sudden.

"Saucy, I am going to be with you!" The ahead turned to look at the night long wind, the mouth is slightly tight, "I am one of them, how can I bully you ..."

"Sorry, I just became a neutral ..." Night long-winded.

"Well. Since it is a neointed, I use two fingers to deal with you!" The master stretched out left hand, two fingers.

"A stinky boy, this time you have to be unlucky!" The coming is also not stopping on the side, but it is smirk.

"If you do two fingers, you also want to win me?" The night was very smile and disdain.

I don't know why, the charter saw that this expression of the night is coming.

boom! The apeer started instantly. She behind the ground squatted, the cracks of the crack spread, and the ground was covered with more than ten meters.

The agency is a lightning, which is like lightning.

"Good speed!" The night's wind was slightly sigh, and the performance of the three tolerance is really not covered.

"Kid, do you want to make a print? It's going to be anxious!" Laughing, he didn't sell it for a hand before, and each time he flew a hundred and eighty meters.

It seems that there seems to have seen the tragedy that the night grows will face.

boom! The apeer lightning extends out two fingers, directly on the forehead of the night long, the night-lived wind is not too late, and the moment is flying in the sky.

"There is not small, strength, and the rushes are usually ..." The voice of the hand did not fall, the night-to-air, the night, suddenly turned into a wooden pile.

"What? It is active, such a short time, and let me find out, what is this kid?"

··· ▉ ▉ · · · ·

"The stinky boy, it is really a enchanting, this is all hidden!" The one is also widened.

"Outline adult, careful!" Silent suddenly.

bass! Night long wind suddenly appeared in the program, his tiger is sluggish, the back of the right hand, there is a golden Chakra ball in his hand to rotate.

"Not good! This is!" The master turned into and looked at the golden Chakra ball in the night long. It was very surprised.

"Opener, you can eat bitter this time, this kid is a demon!"

The hand faces, the finger is down!

Bang! The ground under the night length is split, and a large crack is under the night length of the night, so that the body of the night is instantly lost balance.

....... .... [. ▉ ....

The agency is actually forciting with a double point to point a huge crack, enough to see her strange.

bass! At this moment, the double finger of the apeer and instantaneous points to the back of the lost balance.

This hard to break the stone's finger, even if it is strong, it will be injured even if it is a strong body.

At this time, the night length is flipped, escaped the flashlight, turned over to the right.

At the same time, Chakra balls in his hands were playing directly on the high wall next to them.

The sound of a huge sound, the entire street is covered in the moment of smoke.

! Several people retired a few meters, and they also pulled the niece to the top of the room.

"Wow! Good power!" Narler called.

"The strength of this kid is getting stronger, it is more exaggerated than before!"

After the smoke is over, the entire building after the wall hit by the night, and only the wall is left!

"This ..." The mute of dodges on the side, and she hardly believes that it can make such a big destructive force.

And what is the golden Chakra ball in the hands of the night?

"Hey! I don't think he will actually take four generations of nature, and why his Chakra is gold, even I have never seen this kind of Chakra, as if the density is much higher than the general!" Wrinkled looks at the night grows in front of you.

748 chapter, near fight

"You are fine, the master!" Silent shouted.

"Don't come over, mute! I am fine!" The agency replied, and then turned to look at the tap that smiled on the side. The apprentice. "

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