The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 865 of the Chapter 865 of the Prince of Tennis

The night grew is watching the ,, "What? Is it three hooks?"

The night-long style thought that he had just opened his eyes (Qian Zhao), should be a single hook in the jade, but let the night long-term wind did not think of it, he actually open his eyes is three hooks.

You must know that every one of the writes is more than one hook, the concept is completely different.

Single hooks can see some body, such as white and small high-speed body.

And the state of the double hook jade is to see some of the sickness and copy these tissue. As for the speed of replication, it is a powerful ability to look at individual, and the night live wind belongs to super, even Makati is also strong.

The state of the three hooks is the highest shape of the ordinary write-wheel eye. In the long history of the Yisha, until Zhimbo spheres become the first person in the family, most UK is only only Open to San Hook Yellow Words.

It can be said that the people who have a Zhiso family have a write-wheel eye, which is to reach this state, such as flag woodkasi.

761 chapter, the idol is hobs

Of course, the low-winding of the night-catching system is a write-wheel eye without any defects. It is called the purification version of the written eye, and the written eye is better after the eyes of the Zhibo family, there is no side effect.

There are two ways to open the horizontal eye of the original, one is two ways, one is to kill their own relatives, and the other is to look at the pro or relatives to relatives or relatives.

Of course, Carti is only to the state of the three hooks. Finally, I opened the kaleidoscope. This is a special case. I didn't explain how Khaci opened the way.

Night-catching winds should evolve the writing ring, do not need these means, the night-long wind only needs to improve its strength.

When the night long wind is sufficiently confident in the new level of Chakra in your own body, the night grows can try to upgrade their write-eyed eyes.

Of course, it is not 100% success, there must be a certain chance.

The current night-lived wind is sitting on three powerful blood seasses, but in fact, Chakra, in the night long, has just begun to accumulate, and the time in the world is not long, just starting.

Although the golden chakra of the night-catching chakra is very unique, it is not enough to support the new level of the night's direct impact.

Therefore, the night cost is not intended now, and the timing is not mature.

According to the mood of your own excitement, the night grows slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, it was again, and it turned back to the eyelids of the jade.

There is still a discovery of the night, that is, writing the wheel eye is really quite a quite consumption of Chakra, the night is just open, no matter, no tolerance, it consumes a lot of Chakra.

Fortunately, the night long does not feel any uncomfortable state, which is completely different from Carti's writing.

"Call ~ ▉!" Night winds, sit down again, look at the nose, nose, and calm down the mood of his own excitement, finally plan to receive the last treasure you have hoped.

"Superning system, receive idiots, hob!" Night long style one sentence.

"Okay, master!"

After the ribbon, the night-long style is in a completely different world.

This world is a golden, golden (dbad) sky, golden earth!

At this time, at this time, he suddenly felt a dramatic vibration on the ground, and there was a giant epignogress that made people tongue.

These giants are also golden, and the whole image is covered with the sky. I don't know how many heads, and I will rush to the night.

Every step, all the world seems to be trembled.

At this time, the night length top has also passed the sound of the dragon, and the sky is filled with golden five-claws.

The legend of the legend is actually covered with the entire broad sky, and how many heads are not available in the end.

This peerless scene in front of you makes the night grow up, and it can't move.

"It's too spectacular!" The night length of the wind took out these words for a long time.

boom! At this time, the dragon icon of this covered day is actually Qi Zihua as Jin Guangjin into the body of the night.

Bang! The night-catching wind only felt that his body was completely blown, and the whole body became eight billion,40 million particles.

Every micro-grain is a giant!

That is to say, when the night grows, as long as you can light a fine particle, he will have a dragon icon.

If the night length wind can light all particles, he can compare the gods, turn the river to the sea, squatting the stars, swallowing the day, just a thought between.

At that time, at night, even if it was transferred to the world of super-monks to the flooding world.

Of course, the idol is immersed as a god level, and there is only more than 8 million fine particles. It can only be counted, and there is a more powerful force, and some of the imaginations are in the prison, and there are still some secrets. The wind is developed.

Different people cultivate idiots, and their final form may be completely different, but the results are the same, that is invincible.

Once the completion is, it is directly to achieve the true god. When it comes, it is not impossible to the chains of the ultra-superhand system.

Of course, all this can only be said to be a mirror, the water in the mirror, and it seems impossible to complete.

The slowdown opened his eyes, the night grew is still in the small world, the skills of the idiots are in his mind.

This is a Qigong, but the night is full of noise, only in Chakra is replaced.

The legs sit down under the gods, and the night costs began to try to practice the imaginators, see if they can light a fine particles.

Although the idioty is unmatched, it is still very simple, but the previous practice is still very simple, because it is the relationship of the lottery system, and the night costume can directly understand the skills of the imaginators.

Put your body up and down in Chakra injection into the meridians according to the skills of God, and the cultivation method of the fire world is completely different.

At the beginning of the night, the wind has been very uncomfortable, has not formed so-called gas, find the correct context.

Under the powerful understanding of the night growth, the long wind quickly found the trick and entered the status of cultivation.

If the ordinary people have cultivated this god-level practice, maybe I can't get started in their lives, and the night's wind can enter the state. First, the talents are different, the soul is powerful, the second is to absorb the Tianhuo Dragon After the essence, the whole body of the night, the glomerical veins of the night, expanded to the extent of quite horrible.

Even so, the night-catching piece of cultivation of the first level of the imaginary impersonation is the first level of skill, but it does not light any particles in your body.

It is to know that this idiots are jailed, the most important thing is to lit the particles in the body, and there is no lightweight, such a practice does not have any power.

"I am evil!" The night is full of sweating, his whole body Chakra energy is exhausted, or you can't activate any particles, "Chakra's energy level is too low, you can't activate the particles!"

"MD, Laozi does not believe that I can't activate one piece!" The night's wind is angry, and it stands directly.

At a time, all the golden fruits above the gods were summed up.

Dozens of golden fruits have a golden light, and the whole people of the night are reflected in a golden.

At this time, the night length of the wind opened his mouth, and the heart of the heart will swallow the golden fruit, one will not stay!

You must know that before the night's long wind is exhausted in Chakra, there is only a golden fruit, but also has a lot of strength, enough to see the energy among golden fruits. How huge.

Nowadays, the night is actually swallowing dozens of golden fruits, which is simply playing!

762 chapter, the battle of Tiantai

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