The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 866 of the Chapter 866 of the Hosting System of Tennis Prince

After the night is swallowed, there are ten golden fruits, all of which are full of this golden warmth. If the powerful energy is completely broke out, even if the night's strength, the body strength will also be explored and dead, even Slag will not remain.

"Give me!" The night-long winding warmers constantly operates in accordance with the first level of the gods, which attacked a small particles next to the heart.

At this time, the night-length wind whole person has become a golden person, and it is dazzling than the sun in the chaos in the small earth.

This share is enough to die, and the energy of the dead, the energy of the dead can be killed by the night long, and it is actually a stone seashore, and there is no reaction.

"I kao! This method is too metamorphosis, so many fine pure and top energy actually even a fine particle is not bright?" Just as the night long shit changed to this impact failure.

The particles next to his heart actually slowly illuminate, between the time, the back of the night, and a dragon is in the roaring!

At this time, the night's wind feels that his body is full of strength to destroy the earth, and the 31 full body bones are also awkward.

Bang! When the night-long wind, we will patted the grass below the foot. The whole grass is instantly crackled, and the hundred meters in front of the night is collapsed.

The space level of Xiaocheng is very high, and it is generally very stable.

Before the night's wind, there are also grounds that destroy the small world, but the whole force is hit by a hole in a size.

And the night-catching wind is now just a gently shot in a normal state, actually let the ground of hundreds of meters in Xiaomahi are completely collapsed.

"Is this a power of a dragon?" The night's eyes are full of unconvivoriat, "Too big, it's too big!"

A waving, the grass in front of the night is restored to the original.

Protect your hands and grasp, night long style feels that your physical condition has never been so good.

Looking at the front of the bare god trees, nodded at night, although this time the golden fruit of the god tree is expensive, but the return is twice.

Night winds have already had a power of dragon icons. As for what levels you have now in the world, you only have to verify it through actual combat.

At the same time, the night's long-winding is also full of awe, this is only a small amount of energy, it is necessary to light up billion particles, how much is it? energy?

And just lighting a fine particle, the night grows feeling that it is much stronger, which is all the realm of all the lights.

Night-lasting, YY, YY, I can't come out, this lucky prize is not a bloody boundary, but this practice.

However, it is obviously such a god-level skill to be a no-hole, and the color of the night is not easy to accumulate, and now the night's wind needs to make the god tree to swallow more energy.

Wondering at night, there are many thousands of soldiers who are waiting for a long time, they are all sued by the god tree, instantification, and then buryed by the grass.

Countless light white undead fire surround around the god, and then is completely absorbed by the god tree.

The sacred tree covering the sky once again issued a golden ray, and the fire of the descendant of the soldiers, although the energy is weak, but it can't stand more.

When the night's winter, the space of the small world has expanded a little bit, and the top of the god tree is another golden fruit.

"Cut ~ ▉? The efficiency is too low!" The night is dark, he originally wants to summon the undead creatures to make the god tree to supplement energy.

But now it is clear that this method is too low, and the night is soon giving up this idea, too trouble and inefficiency.

"It seems that there is a big change in Xiaohe, and it is only to catch the beast!" The night is grown.

The lens is turned to the roof of the wooden hospital, and the sectors and Naruto looks.

"Haha ... How can I have this feeling, even the lower abdomen is tight!" Naruto actually laughed.

Sasuke frowned, "What happened, I laughed very well?"

"It's not funny, I am excited! Because I can finally beat you!" The mouth of the mouth was slightly tight.

Sasuke's eyes are cold, "What do you say, you dare to be so arrogant!"

"Hey! I have not intended to be a living person in a living, and now it seems that someone seems to be a crane tail than I!" Naruto did not help.

"You are white, don't be too mad!" Sasuke is not full.

"What's wrong, Sasuke! You will be so calm, it will not be ..."

"Don't worry, come!" Sasuke interrupts the Naruto.

"On your baking!" Narley said than before.

"If you don't need, you can't hurt me here!" Sasuke refers to his forehead.

"You didn't understand what I meed, I meant ..." The voice of Naruto did not fall, Sasuke is already rushing.

"Can be evil!" Naruto is also instantaneous start, and the two have spread after a pair of boxes in the middle.

The Naruto has a fast print, "multiple shadow points!"

boom! For a while, the flank was filled with the shadow of the Naruto mass.

"Board!" All shadows rushed to Sasuke!

Sasuke is a write-wheel eye to open, and the body will be hit by the shadow.

At this time, Sasuke suddenly appeared four Naruto shadings, and kicked Sasuke to the sky.

The other part of the Naruto is coming to the top of Sasuke flying in the air.

The writer of Sasuke will capture everything, he flashes the kick of the shooting shadow, and then starts fast printing.

Fire · !

Sasuke finally spurting huge flames, swallowing the shadow of the Naruto on the Tiantai.

"Ah! Ah! I am burning me!" The science of Naruto was all cracked in an interpretation.

After the flame, the body of the Naruto appeared under Sasuke, and there was a chassis of Chakra in the hand in constant condensation, and Chakra around the surrounding Chakra was constantly moving.

"That is ... What?" Sasuke's written eyes clearly saw the change of the Naruto's case, and suddenly.

"Damn!" Sasuke extended his left hand on the right hand on the right hand, the force of lightning was constantly shining in his hands.

It is a thousand birds, that is, Raincat, Sasuke also used his maximum of his attack.

The two people did not make each other, they were mad called their energy rushing to each other!

Even if the two regret it, it is not anxious, because the arrow is in the string, you have to send it!

763 chapter, the fire of revenge

bass! At the critical moment, Kakasi suddenly appeared in the middle of the two, and the two people were grabbed by one left and right, throwing out.


"What is going on?" Two people were thrown by Kassea to the water tower above the rooftop one right.

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