The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 867 of the Chapter 867 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

"Damn ..." Sasukes snorted.

"Carti teacher?" Naruto glance.

"Well ... Just Naruto, the trick is ..." Kakasi's eyes blunt.

! After two huge sounds, the Naruto and Sasukes scored the violent energy in their hands into the water tower of the steel casting.

"What are you doing in the top of the hospital, if it is a fight, this is too much!" Carti is very helpless.

"Yes, the tricks of Naruto are spiral pills! What is going on, how can the Naruto move?" Carti looked at the people.

The Naruto raised the water tower with a semi-circular small pit, and there was a small hole in the pit.

"Hey!" The other side of the help is a big hole in front of the water tower. After he took out his hand, the water column of a arm was sprayed!

"The crane is the hanger tail!" Sakuo Haki with a hint of disdain.

"Sasuke ... Are you balanced? Just a thousand birds not let you take yourself!" Kakasi cold voice, "You are a childish teenager!"

"Hey ..." Sasuke frowned, did not pay attention to Kaki, directly turned over and turned out of the roof.

"I am evil!" The Naruto bite his teeth and is very dissatisfied with the help.

Drops ~ Sasuke turned over to the platform under the rooftop, his forehead was hit by the water drops falling above.

Sasuke's consciousness, suddenly at the scene.

The spiral pills played by the Naruto took a huge pothole behind the water tower, which looks powerful, and more than ten times better than the Sasuke!

"How is the hole?" Sasukes clenched the fist angry, and slammed it on the cement wall next to it.

"Why, everyone is much stronger than me! It is evil ~!" Sasuke slowly left, and the back is very lonely.

"Hey ... a little team spirit can't be found. The stink of the long wind doesn't know where to go, the seventh class is!" Kaka Western sighed.

At this time, there was also under the water tower.

"You teach him the trick ... For the current Naruto, it is too early to use the trick!" Kakasi slowed down. It is to let the Naruto to prevent the defense, or ... "

"Take each other, the tricks are also very dangerous!" Lish also replied, "and I didn't expect that the smell of Naruto will use the companion, what is the two guys? ? "

"It is difficult to say, simply, they are like you and the big snake pills ..." Carti replied.

"Cut ~ ▉ This is this!" The head shook his head.

"In short, the Naruto is pleased, I still have a mission, and I need to use the thousand birds, I also need me to deal!" Kasi has disappeared after it ......

"Naruto, your guy is really uncomfortable!" The voice smiled and laughed.

A big tree on wooden leaves.

Sasuke sitting on the trunk, look lonely.

"I have been now ... what I did, I didn't make it strong! Night long wind, even the nun people are stronger than me!" Sasuo's brain continues to flash the night long wind and Naruto battle.

Finally, the ice-cold eyes that suddenly appeared, as well as the tragedy of the family, hovering in the brain of Sasuke.

Sasuke bite the teeth, the whole face has become quite awkward, and the eyes are more enemous flames burning.

"Oh, a good expression, Sasuke classmates!" A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke.

"It's you!" Sasuke face, coldly looked at the sudden appearance in front of him.

The pocket is now being wanted by the wooden leaves as a rebellious, so Sasuke already knows that it is a big snake pill.

"What do you want to do?" Sasuke put a defensive posture.

"Oh, what do I want to do, you should be clear! The big snake pills have been waiting, you are best to go with me, so I will hurt you, so the big snake pill will be unhappy!" The eyes flashed a white light.

"Hey! Who are you? I am now annoying now ... There is less messy, otherwise I am also welcome!" Sasuke cold touga.

"What do you say?" The cold light was flashing, and suddenly appeared after it.

"You!" Sasuke didn't look back yet.

The Blackra Blade in the hand cuts off the calf muscles in a moment, so that Sasuke instantly lost its actions.

Now Sasuke is not the opponent's opponent, and in order to ensure the success of this task, it has been prepared.

The speed of just now is exposed to the real strength!

"Why are you so fast?" Sasuke frowned, he has been tied by the rope that you can't use the material, and you can't move.

"Oh ... this is the power of the big snake pill, you want to become strong? Sasuke students ... then follow the footsteps of the big snake pills, your talent of Yisi Bo is in the leadership of the big snake pills. Go to the ultimate! "Pulling the eyes on the rigid, smiles.

"Seventh class, Kakasi ..." flashed in the face of Kasi and the seventh class.

When you look at the evacuation of Sasuke, the mind is turned to the exit: "Do you already forget Uzhi Hou, Sasuke?"

Sasuke one heard the name of Uzhi, the eyes were all round.

"Don't forget what you most want to do, other people of Woody Village and wooden leaves are just a shackle for you, hurry to bid farewell to these boring games (Gen Wang) to get more powerful strength! Sasuke!" The pocket has fully insided the heart of Sasuke.

Now Sasuke is still not mature, although it is often seen that a face is very calm, it is still a little fart.

"Yes! Killing that man is what I want to do!" Sasuke suddenly tightened his fist, and his eyes shot the flame of hatred. "That is the only purpose of my life!"

"Oh ... Yes, come! Sasuke, enjoy the power of the big snake pills together!" The eyes flashed in the eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go!" Sasuke the cold voice.

From this moment, Sasuke has been prepared, completely step into the road to pursuing power, no matter how hard this road is difficult or the evil, in order to kill Uzeca, Sasuke has decided not to care about everything!

Some sense, Sasuke has become a tool for his own revenge ...

764 chapter, the conditions of the night

The next day, the night long wind home in the village.

After a night, the night is not sleeping, and finally it is easy to control your own force.

Of course, the basement is already a wolf, the wall where the chair is sitting, and the wall of the pit is all the results of a miracle.

Just as the night, the long-term wind is preparing to continue to cultivate the gods, the family's door is awkward, some people are constantly knocking.

"Who is this morning?" The night was frowned, returned from the basement, and opened the door.

"Oh, Naruto! Is there anything? Is it a good color of the immortal to discuss the story of the novel, you told him that I have to practice!" Night wind slowly.

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