The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 868 of the Chapter 868 of Wangzhao System, Prince of Tennis

The Naruto is full of sweat, obviously a lot of places in the morning, "Not ... Changfeng, have you seen Sasuke?"

"Sasuke? Isn't he stayed in the hospital?" The night is long and wonderful.

"Sasuo is gone! I and Carti teacher found the woody village and did not see people!" Naruto is a bit anxious, "You said that he is taken away by Uzhi Hubo!"

When the night's eyebrows were wrinkled, and the heart had already guess the seven or eight points. ? "

................................................. ▉ ...

Woody Village Purplision Office.

With the knock on the door, I was asleep on the desk, and I went back to the village of Wumi Village. She was dealing with the villages of the village because the three generations of fire died and accumulated a lot. I misgiving, I am tired of her.

"Who, come in!" The master slowly.

"The fifth generation of fires, we have something to report!" Two wooden and ninja came in.


According to the dark line, Yuxi Mozi's Urcho Sasuo has left the village in the early hours of the morning, and the peers also have wooden rebellion. "One of them hurriedly.

"What!" The master was shocked, and the brow was frowning. The top of the big snake pill is thrown. This is troublesome! "

"Out of the cloud, small iron! Go to help me find a!" The agency stationed directly from the cutting railway.


Ten minutes later, the night growth and Naruto appeared in the office of Nash.

"I am looking for this boy, Naruto, how did you come?" The program wrinkled.

"Don't say this, do you have anything to find?" Night long wind interrupts the aperary directly asked, "Do you think, do you miss me?"

The night long wind reached out and did a scratch-pinned gesture, with a smile.

The face of the master is slightly red, and the night has kills 10,000 times. "The stinky boy, one day you fell to my hand, I want to let ä, not as good as death! Å!"

"Yesterday, the members of your seventh class Yischo Sasuke have left the village ... Now I can preliminate ... He is going to be a hidden village!" The master watched the night long-awaited.

"What? Sasuke really has left the village? Why is it? Is it because I ..." Naruto was surprised to yell.

"It's because of the guy of the big snake!" The cold light in the eyes of the night, "he wants to be quite dangerous, get the power of the big snake!"

"Big Snake Pills ..." Naruto's sweat flows, "How can this?"

"Yes! So as the fifth generation of Hui Village, I am now appointed to give you a task!" The agency said to the night, "No matter what way, you go back!"

"Bored ... Don't go! I still have to practice!" The night's wind shook his head, joke, this kind of thing, the night is of course not willing to do.

Moreover, the night grows do not think that there is something beneficial to bring the Sakuo to bring back. Save the personality of the guy, the thing that has decided, no matter how many times he brought back, he will still go to the big snake pill.

Because the night-hearted wind can be seen from his eyes (DBFD) to see that Sasuke is too eager to force the power of Uzhi.

"What! Stinky boy, do you even have the order of my ninger?" The agency is a bit angry, watching the night's long-awaiting, the master is coming.

"Isn't Kasi teacher, and there are also a lot of walking on the wooden leaves? It is much higher than the grievances of me." Night wind shrugged.

"No ... Carti and most of the wooden leaves are sent to the implementation task. Now it is a nervous period, and the leaves can not send too much power to find Sasuke!" Outlet whit looked at night Changfeng, "And your kid is a person to force the big snake pills and pockets, now there is nothing to do, send you to the most suitable!"

"If you can complete this task, I will be able to rush to endure!" The corner of the mouth smiles, "If this kind, you can become the third day of the history of Woody Village, the super genius, How?"

"Hey! Do you endure? I have to go!" The Naruto of the side was bright.

"Hey, this condition should be unsealed for these kids ..." The agency is proud.

"Not interested!" The night's wind shook his head. He didn't care about what the title of the dog, and the third fast this is a bit uncomfortable.

However, if the night length is really an endure, it should be that the shortest time in history is never rushed to endure, less than a year.

This speed, the genius of Kakasi and the four generations of wave wind doors are also smoother.

"Stinky boy!" The player is on the forehead, and there is a bit bite tooth with the night long wind that does not enter the oil. If you don't have a shadow, she is as good as before, and she is like previously the same as the night length.

"But, if you can promise me if you can promise me, I immediately take the sakifa!" The night length of the wind is slightly tight.

"What is the stinky ghost, what are you thinking?" The agency is a bit confused.

"Let's talk, what is the condition! As long as it is not too much, I promise it!"

"It's very simple!" The night is laughing, "If I take the sakura back to the village, you will serve me one night, how?"

"What?" Naruto and a hand stopped.

"Changfeng, what are you talking about?" Naruto thought that he had a magic.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ , double boxing is hitting, and the green gluten is released.

Then I actually changed a face. The prime was smiled in the night, "Okay, I promise you!"

"Hey! Outline grandmother, are you crazy?" Naruto rose big mouth ...

765 chapter, chasing Sasuke

Nightning office.

Night long wind feels that the surrounding air fell a few degrees, looked at the laughter of the program, and the night and the left eye kept beating.

"Not a wonderful! Flash!" The night long turned and pulled the Naruto, and he ran away.

"Right, don't forget your commitment!" When the night was out of the door, he made a reminder of death.

! All the cabbage in front of the program flew over the night, and the night long windmill was brought on the gate.

Volume, all the doors, and then scattered.

"Stinky boy, when you come back, I want you to look good!" The fire of the angry bears in the open eye ...

Come to the streets of the village, the night long wind turns to the Naruto: "Naruto, you go to find a good color of the cactus, I am going to find a help!"

Naruto's head shakes, "No, I have to go! I must bring the sakura back, otherwise, he will be given by the big snake pills ..."

The night length shook his head, he also didn't have a way, "Forget it, since you want to come, if you think, let me come!"

The moving figure of the night is disappearing in place, and the same Naruto is also disappeared.

The Naruto has covered a red Chakra. Under the urgentity, the Naruto borrowed the nine-tailed Chakra, because the speed of the night is too fast.

After a fine particles in the bright body of the night, I have obtained a force of a dragon icon, and the physical quality is no longer more than before.

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