The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 873 of the Chapter 873 of Tennis Prince

"Night Breeze, You!" Sasuke slowly looked at the cold night.

"Relying on others' strength to this extent, you are not qualified to become a strong!" The night's mouth exposed a hint of disdain, turned out to open the road, "You go!"

"Why do you want to leave me!" Sasuke wiped the blood of the mouth.

"Because you don't have the value of my business!" The night's tone is cold, "Since then, you are no longer a member of the seventh class!"

"Yes?" Sasuo slowly slowed the night and went.

"Remember that you can make it stronger! And if I go to find the big snake pill, you are still around him, I will not let you go!" Night long wind.

bass! Sasuke did not reply, hold his right hand with the perceived hand, instantly disappeared in the same place.

In a short while, the sky began to drop the rain.

Night wind looks at the direction of Sasuke's leave.

"It seems that I am late!" Carti appeared in front of the night long.

"What happened, long wind?" Kasi asked, "Sasuke?"

"There is too much rain, there is no way to track the smell of Sasuke!" Said the northern dog next to Kakasi.

"There is no need, let's go back!" Night wind will pick up the niece, "people who were blinded by hatred, no value of salvation!"

Woody Village Purplision Office ...

"A stinky boy, it seems that the task is a failure!" The open eyes looked at the night long.

"Don't talk nonsense, I am deliberately letting him go!" The night grew back slowly.

Snapped! The planner has taken the wooden table before the lower body. "What do you say, how can you deliberately let go of Sasuke, let the big snake pill ..."

"Ok!" The night was swaying, "I am too lazy to explain!"

"Stinky boy!" The brow's brow is crumpled. I don't know why, I feel uncomfortable, I feel uncomfortable.

"Still ... I didn't have a spring [Lantern], you are regrettable!" Night long-faced righteous angle slightly.

"Rolling!" The aperator threw various reels on the table to the night grow.

This time, the night's long wind suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of the program, the two people at this time were extremely [].

"What is this speed?" The apeer glanced, the speed of the night's current wind has exceeded her scope.

"A stinky boy, what do you want to do?" The pleasant face is slightly red.

Night long wind suddenly on the forehead of a micro, "Women are angry, but they will be very fast, and you are 50 years old!"

The apeer is completely stunned, or it is shocked by the movement of the night-lived wind, actually staying 5.7 sitting in place.

Laughing at night, then the figure disappeared!

After more than ten seconds, the sound of the fire in the office is connected to the sound of a mess.

"Stinky night long wind, dead night, you can give your old lady, I must have you to look!" The aperator bite the teeth.

"Go see how the Narler is the guy!" Shot came to the streets of the wooden village, and the night long wind slowly moved to the wooden hospital.

"Well, is Kakasi teacher?" The night did not pay attention to the not far away from the flag wooden carti in front of an inscription.

"I am already endured, with the student department, but I still look old, I still regret it! Even if I have this eye, I still can't see the future!" Carti slowly closed. eye.

"If you are still alive, I don't know what it will be made by you, is it? Is it!"

770 chapter, legendary mission

"You don't have to blame, Carti teacher!" Night is behind Kakasi's body.

"Well? Changfeng! What happened, why did the Naruto will be injured, and have your strength, even if the power of the curse is also unable to escape!" Kakasi turned.

"I am going to go!" Night wind slowly.

"What do you say?" Kakasi was.

"Even if he tied him back, it would not help, with the character of Sasuke, I will try to go to the big snake pill, and he is too believed in the power of the big snake, and does not believe in his own strength!" Night long wind slowly.

"Changfeng, you!"

"The choice of yourself will bear the result!" Night long wind continues, "Since the time, it has been in passive toile or by others to arrange his life, now he makes itself ä,"

"As a partner of the seventh class, although I don't think Sasuke has made a wise choice, this is at least his own choice! No one can interfere, playing 31, slogan, restricting others, is coming! "The night is swaying and slowly left.

"The stinky boy taught me!" Kakasi looked at the background of the night, "But the words come back, this kid can be said to change this world!"

Woody Village Hospital, whirlpool sickle ward.

"Naruto, you are nothing?" Night grows to push the door.

"What, what is the long wind! I am fine, I have to raise the hurt immediately and then take the sakura back!" Naruto sat straight.

"Yes?" The night's wind shook his head.

At this time, a huge loud sound came out of the window.

"What situation?" The Narler stretched out the window, and there was a huge Hama appeared outside the hospital.

"Good color ... cactus!" Naruto was shocked.

"I ... have you made a mistake, a good color of the cacto ... here is also a hospital!" Night live powerless.

"Hey!" Laughing, jumping into the ward of Naruto.

"Just, you are also, the long wind!" The mouth is also slight.

"Do?" Night long-lived smiles.

"Follow the instructions of the fifth-generation rigs, from today, I am a new instructor of you and the Naruto!" The tap also slowly, "I have to use you three years to hammers you. Being a member of the Ninja! "

"Especially your long wind, the apeer is very big for your expectation!" The tap also refers to the night's wind.

"Cut ~ Interest, I want to practice myself!" The night's ruthlessly replied.

"I will listen to me first!" I also touched my mind. "When I investigate the big snake pills, I got a certain channel for the exact news of 'Xia'."

"Dear?" The night is very good, it is interested.

"When they came next to the nun, it should be three or four years later!" Located, he glantly looked at him.

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