The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 874, Chapter 874, Chapter 874, Chapter 874

"This is not important, this is a matter of future, now we should go find Sasuke, he may die in the hands of the big snake!" Naruto shouted.

"It's not so easy!" Night long wind suddenly, "Dabelong Want to get Sasuke's desperate Yishusi's blood to spend a long time, more, can finally succeed or unknown! So Narler, you don't have to worry Sasuke is safe in a short time! "

"As for the three or four years of the good color fairy, it is not necessarily!" The night's long wind continued. He always felt that the world has its own variables, and the development of history seems to be continuously accelerated!

"Really?" Naruto was shocked, "Then I still practice, and then defeat the big snake!"

"No! Our opponents are not big snake pills ... The strength of the three tolerance is not terrible!" Night wind slowly.

"Stinky boy ... I can't afford us." "" ""

"Our opponents are taught, unknown is the most prevention!" Night long-term cold.

"The stinky boy is good, Xiaoyi is a big enemy!" "Located outside the window.

At this time, the system tips were hung in the brain of the night.


Trigger the main line task: kill the tissue header, destroy the text

Task Level: Legendary Mission

Mission Reward: Three draws

Failure punishment: Superning system will sleep permanently

Systematic evaluation: The most mysterious organizational in the world is the current enemy of the current user, destroying them before they shoot!

"Well ..." The night is very windy, "It seems that the organization is noted that this task is also the legendary level, the difficulty seems to be unsained! But the mission reward is also quite awesome! Actually Three lottery! "

Every time every lot of lottery is full of lure [confused] forces, because the lucky draw system is abnormal.

Especially the last character burst, let the night long believe you can get better treasures from the lucky draw system.

More faster, faster, stronger, and the night's striking is to strong road!

These days, the night long-term cultivation idiots are hardly discovered, and the energy level of the fire in the world is too low. Chakra is not on the world, which makes the night's long-term disappointment.

Therefore, only the long-lasting wind now has only temporarily abandoned the expectations of further improving the imaginary imitation, now the night is only a fine particle, and the minimum level of the minimum layer of the imagination is very far away. .

Night wind now can only send 577 to better treasures to a better treasure to assist in cultivation, or there will be new changes after absorbing a lot of energy!

"The guy of the organization, even if you don't come to me, I will come to you! Thank you for helping me collect the beast!" Night long wind angle slightly.

An unknown cave.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"Oh, I gathered together on the last time, or during the seven years ago, the big snake pill is separated from the organization!" One of them slowly, "the power of writing the eyes has fallen into the hands of the big snake, he got it. Your youni,! "

"..." Yuxi Pub didn't have a reply, but the cold light was flashing.

"Don't worry, we will have a big snake pill later sooner or later! Right, the little ghost of the sparkled leaves is not?"

"The background is very ordinary orphans, suddenly the strength has skyrocketed, and according to my observation, his strength is still constantly growing in the multiples!" One of them.

"Yes? It is possible to have a big problem in our hearts, it seems that he solves him in advance!"

"Yes! There is a three-year time our goal is to be achieved. You can't have any accidents before this. Who dares to block us, then he only has a road, that is ... death!"

771 chapter, Xiaofei has active

After ten days, the Wooden Ninja Village Purchase Office.

"It's not good, the fifth generation of fire, out ... I have an accident!" A female nintee responsible for communicating with other countries suddenly pushed.

"Don't panic, what's the matter, say!"

"Oh, this is the case, just through the contact knowledge ... Sandy Village's leading leader is that I armed by an organization called 'Xiao'!" The female ninja loudly.

"Yes ... it's this!" "" "" You will go to the dark part "right away."

"No!" At this time, the night's long wind suddenly appeared in front of the program, his hands behind his mind.

"Head boy, how come you?" The aperator glanced, she didn't feel the breath of the night, but the night grew is suddenly in front of her eyes.

"I love this thing to hand to me!" Night wind slowly.

"How? How do you want to stand up again and then to bear it?" The mouth of the mouth slightly forth.

"Not interested! But ... I have a hatred!" Night long style.

"What? Have a hatred?"

"Okay, don't ask, let me give it to me!" The golden light in the eyes of the night.

The aperator is holding the chin, some hesitating, the strength of the night is still very sure, but the organization is not a general enemy, the night is still young, even if the strength is strong, it is not necessarily the opponent.

"So, I am called Naruto and myself ..." The agency wanted to make the nunman and the evening and the night lengthy form a team to deal with this event.

"No, now the Naruto is practicing with the good color cactus, can't bother them! And you don't know, the Naruto is also their goal! That way, anyway, I just came to tell you, even if you disagree I will go! "The night's figure slowly disappeared," that, goodbye, wait for my good news ¨ "! "

boom! The aperator lost the various materials in front of the night, and the mouth is ignorant, "the devil!"

"Well, forget it, come on, the little ghost! I hope I don't have anything!" The ahead will change a face, and there is a little concern on my face.

The lens is transferred to the desert other than sandy village.

"You are so slow, the big brother!" He said that one of the people who organized the red clouds said.

"Don't complain, you have to come to you, don't you help you break?"

"Below is the human pillar of the next tail, I still don't know where the guy is! If he can send it to the door, it will be fine.

Sandy Village of the country.

Sprotel is injured, and he is a dying person who is taught.

"Hey ... is him! It is him!" The Sagiro kept hitting.

"Search Jilang ... What do you want to say!" The tutor of Jiu Lang was shocked, and he bowed next to the head of the Jiulang.

"It is red sand ... Zhizhen ..." Strike Jiu Lang muttered.

"What!" The pupil in the horse's eye is instantly contracted, and then he got up.

There are two old people who are fishing.

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