The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 875 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Two, let me ask you!" Masaki appeared in the ban.

"The ancient book should be a high-end, now what are we still doing now?" One of the old old colors of the old colors replied.

She is a thousand generations of super-first-class people in Sandy Village, commonly known as the Millennium Mother-in-law.

"The guards in the village are taken away by a person who is blocked. If you let go ... The consequences are unimaginable!" Maji continued.

"This is your era, you will find a way!" The other old man said.

He is the high-rise of Saha Yin Village, and it is also a brother of the Millennium. It is called the sea.

"The two have reliable inner lines in each village, even if the village of the non-allied countries is no exception, rely on our own collection of information ... Can't do it at all!" Masaki replied.

"The world is no longer in love, after all, we have retired for many years, the most is also to see your grandson!" The Qian Dynasty slowly replied.

"That is just ... your grandson is a member of the organization!" Masaki replied.

"What?" "The Millennium stood up," Are you really true? "

"Please come with me!" Maji took the thousand generations and the old town to the surroundings of Jiulang.

After some look, the Millennium brow wrinkled. "I have a study on the poison, but I still see this, the guy is fine!"

"What should I do?" Ma Ji hurriedly applied.

"It's more good at detoxification than I am more good than I am more good. The princess of the wooden leaves is, and the poison I used in the past has been resolved, and she also modulates a difficult drug that makes me very difficult. For a while! "A thousand generations slowly," now only helps her! "

"Today, we are also all alliances with Wapi Village!"

"But she is now just a shadow. I am afraid I can't leave the village easily, but even if she promised, I will not be anxious!" Masaki replied, "Now we have contacted wooden leaves, please send special teams. I am only waiting! "

"Hey ... I have to rely on others! Don't be too convinced of the wooden leaves, don't have a luxury, others are others, we are us!" I grew up, "I estimate that they are also a few small . I didn't like the princess! "

"Old woman, you said who is Xiao !" The night of the night suddenly appeared in front of everyone in Sandy Village.

"Yes you!" Maji stunned, his impression of the night's wind is still very deep, after all, when the test is taken, the strength of the night is full of hometown.

"Little ghost head, how did you come in?" I flash a cold in the Qian Dynasty. "What to do here (Zhao)?"

"I am not a small ?" Night's mouth with a hint, "said that it is back, saying that others is a little , it is really rude! As for me, how did I come in ...... "

The night is full of storm, "Of course, it's so bad, your sandy village is so bad, it is a ninja to sneak, let alone people who are taught, I love to be taken away. Bar! "

"You!" The night is so sad that it is quite anger, and it is necessary to teach the night's wind.

"I advise you still don't have to do it!" The night's eyes flashed a murderous, suddenly released a powerful momentum, "Although you are being smashed by the big snake pill, it is also a lot of leaves. This account has not been to you yet! "

"Oh!" The horse is under the head of the cold sweat, which is turned out to be overwhelmed by the nightly wind.

772 chapter, odor detector

"Okay, young people, is the fifth-generation fire planner only send you one, or some small team has not arrived yet?" Sea old town asked.

"I am enough alone!" Night long-lasting horns slightly, right hand, suddenly a green reagent bottle of ink.

Immediately, the night grows slowly to the Jilang.

"What do you want to do?" Ma Ji asked.

"A nonsense, of course it is saved! Although I have no sense of good feelings about you, I still say it back. Now we are also a union relationship. We all have a common enemy ... Xia!" Night long finish, The ink green reagents were filled into the mouth of the Jiulang.

This reagent is that the night length has just been exchanged with five thousand redemption points, and the name is simple, it is called the universal detoxification agent.

This is something from high-tech planes. This reagent is very magical. It can automatically determine the ingredients of toxins in vivo in vivo, and thoroughly neutralize the toxins according to the contrary to which the ingredient is changed according to this ingredient.

In the high-tech plane, this is not a rare thing. The price is not expensive in the supernatural system, and the night is fortunate to redeem, selling it to the sandy village.

"Are you crazy? Thousands of people have already said that there is no one who can solve the poison in the ninelang in the case!" The horse is exposed on the head, and he is still very valued for his own disciples.

"You shut up!" The Qian Dynasty suddenly passed, she has discovered the change of the Siro.

Originally, Jilang's pale and weak face, it turned out to become rolling, and his eyes were slowly opened.

"Is you?" Summing Jiu Lang saw the night-hearted wind, "What is the attempt to come in Shang Yin Village?"

"Oh, you asked your savior, so?" Night long-winded.

At this time, the Qian Dynasty was spoken. She carefully explored the situation of the Jilang in the body, and the toxins didn't have all, which made her great surprised.

In accordance with the idea of ​​the Chi Generation, even if the program can come here for the treatment of Ji Lang, it is a long process, it is impossible to go in place.

Night winds just put a unknown liquid into the mouth of Jilang, and it is not a minute to clear the toxins in the body of Ji Lang. This is probably trying to provoke a large vibration of the medical community.

"Don't you are a master's apprentice? This is the skill of the drug, the old woman is not as good!" Millennant sighed.

"Sister ... It's really a long river. The strength of this young man is really unspeakable!" The sea is also attached.

"Oh, this medicine can be nothing to do with the program! It is my own modulation! The whole world is unique, you want to get it!" The night is swaying.

"Okay, I am precious, still don't talk nonsense!" Night long wind turned his head looked at the Jiu Lang. "Where did the person you organize, where did I bring my love?"


Fire Country Wooden Village Puff Yenge Office.

"Now I sent you a mission to rush to the country to help the night's task to complete the rescue of the rescue!" The agency facing the three people under his eyes, every day and Xiao Li, Ning Slowly.

For night-long winds, there is still no way to rest assured, so, although Wapan Village is now tight, it is also to help the Narai and others to help the night grow. stomach

"Yes! Outline adult, guarantee completion tasks!" A Kaijiao hand, thumbs up, the teeth are shining.

"After all, I still owe the kid and one thing!" Akai turned his head and looked at Xiao Li smiled. "Do you say that? Xiao Li?"

"Yes, this time I am coming to help the long wind! The youth of the village is about to shine!" Xiao Li is also a double eye light.

Since Xiao Li eats the golden fruit gave him a night, the whole person's body has changed, and the body talent increases too much.

At the same time, Xiao Li is also more crazy than the previous cultivation, so the strength is raised soon.

"We still have to go to the long wind, or if he is dangerous!" Every day is also very worried about the night.

Usually, the night is in the village. It is almost not going to go out. This makes it all every day to go close to the night's wind, so she is looking forward to it again.

The lens returns to the country of sand.

Sitting Jilang reluctantly sat up and slowly said: "The enemy has two ... I love to take it away by one, just find that I can find them! Even if they separate, my There is also a fragment of another person in his hand! "

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