The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 876 of the Chapter 876 of the Prince of Tennis

"Oh ... this way, as long as there is their smell, you can track it!" Although the night's wind did not call the creature like Kakasi, but the night is in the store of the superhen system. I saw the taste tracker of the high-tech plane.

The price is not expensive, that is, a thousand redemption points, it is necessary to have a lot more than Kakasi's ninja.

"Strike Jiulang, you didn't see the wrong, there is a scorpion there?" The Qian Dynasty came to ask, she was most concerned about this.

"Millennium Grandma? Sea Lao Tibet Grandpa?" Surveying Jiulang, and found two retreat of BOSS in Sandy Village.

......... [..

"Are you sure? Search Jiu Lang?" Hai La Tang asked again.

"Well!" Strike Jiu Lang's brow wrinkled, "He claims to be a red sand!"

"Okay, narrate, have the opportunity to say slowly! Strike Jiu Lang, put the piece of the cloth you put down to me!" Night lived straight.

Search Jiulan saw the strength of the long wind, he knew that the night's hard wind had deep strength, and it was able to defeat my beast, this strength is now in the Salast, no one can compare with the night. .

"Night long wind ... My brother will please you, be sure to bring him back!" Sheng Jilang handed the dead fabric in his hand to night long.

"Do not worry, the enemy's enemy is a friend. Since I come, I will definitely bring my love to the sand hidden village. As for the death is alive, I can't manage it!" Night long wind.

"You!" Masaki is very unsatisfactory.

The night is too lazy to pay attention to Maki, right hand, and there is a rectangular box material.

"What is it?" The people present were all glimpse, and there was a screen in the things that night costs came out. They have never seen this.

"That is said to you, you don't understand!" The night-long wind hand holds a senior odor detector exchanged from the supernatural system store.

This thing is better than the nose of the nose, the absolute error is in one thousandth.

773 chapter, Kate!

Put the clothing of the Jiulang's grasp to the small box that is automatically opened in the odor detector.

~ ▉ ▉

"Oh, this thing is really advanced, it is a bit like the Dragon Ball detector in Qi Donju!" The night is self-satisfied.

The door of sandy village.

"Night long wind, do you really want to go alone?" Ma Ji's eye wrinkled, the strength of the night's wind, he did not doubt, but the opponent is a well-organized, Maji is still very suspected whether the night is really good. mission accomplished.

"It's better to wait, so I can send you someone else!"

"Let me go!" The handcuffs appeared in front of everyone.

"It's still a matter, I will also be divided into" three or seven "heart photos!" The night grew shook his head.

"You!" Handcuffs were caught in the night.

"Handcuffs, you left to guard the sandy village, I will never end it by me in Sha!" The Qian Dynasty suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"But ... thousand generations of grandmother, your age ..."

"This is not very suitable ..." Masaki also expressed opposition.

"Hey! Don't think about it as an old man!" The Qian Dynasty jumped directly from the roof.

A stable fall, everyone is shocked.

"I really want to love my grandchildren for a long time!"

"Yes? You don't worry too much, come on my speed!" The nozzle of the night disappeared in the original place.

There is a fast moving figure when I am in the desert, and the speed is exaggerated, and I can't see my shadow.

"This kid's strength is improved!" Ma Ji frowned and looked at the reverse of the night length disappearance.

"The young man is really impatient!" The Qian Dynasty also disappeared in the same place.


In the cave.

Not long ago, I was caught in the caucaine, the members of my love, the members of the two wells, appeared in the cave hole.

"How is it so slow? It's going to prepare!" Said the head of the organization.

"Well ... This manpower is more powerful than I imagined!" Didala, Didala, Dida, lied my love directly on the ground.

"Well, the collection!" Xiaodou took a drink.

Everyone has stood above the five fingers of sudden rising huge statues in the cave.

"From now starting to use three days and three nights, please pay more attention to your own body!" Xiaodou slowly moved, "there is ...... Absolute! Use your body to observe the outside situation, remember to use the field of view The biggest one! "

"Understand!" The person called the head nodded.

"Okay, start now!"

Everyone who is taught is the start of the rapid printing of her hands, and Chakra, who is around, is constantly fluctuating.

"Sealing and printing, Magic Dragon is nine!" Xiaodou shouted.

Suddenly from the huge statue head extended out of the nine dragon-shaped Chakra to all hit the body of my love on the ground.

This strike is a sealing and printing of the tail from the human column to the outer road.

"Ah, ah ~ ▉ My love has lost awareness, but he is talking about Chakra that Chakra is taken out from all parts of the body.

Time is as far as it is water, it is three days.

"There is an enemy is approaching us, and there is still a good strength ... it is a madman of the leaves!" I suddenly opened my eyes.


"He is the end of the wood, good at body, this person is extremely good, can't be underestimated!" The Yuxi Hose on the side opened.

"Oh, it turned out to be the beast!" Ghosts scler.

"Use that dragonfly!"

"No problem, just, I have some private grievances, although I have to lose one-third of Chakra, but I am nothing to me!" The ghost smiled, "I finally reported this time. The feet of kicking me! "

On the other side, the squad of the Akai is going to catch the way to the country of the land. Be prepared to help the night grow, and the road they choose is happening to immediately learn the cave where the organization is located.

At this time, Akai suddenly felt a strong Chakra fluctuating in the air, and he stopped from the high-speed travel.

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