The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 877, Chapter 877, Chapter 877

"What happened, Akai teacher?" Xiao Li asked.

"There is murderous!" Akai Turkey.

"White eyes!" The Ning of the side directly opened his eyes, and he found that the enemy was behind them, "in the back!"

Bang! A huge crack is generated in front of Aquai and others, and several people have jumped out, escaped this sneak attack ...

A person who holds a huge chopper appears in front of everyone, is a ghost.

"You are!" Akai.

"Well? Akai teacher, do you know?" Xiao Li turned his head.

"Who are you?" Akai asked.

"..." Akate three is a speechless expression.

"Oh, it is a Qi Zhenbee, even the head is a wild beast, I will help you recall!" Ghost smiled.

"Good Amazing Chakra ... In addition to the Naruto and Sand of the country, I have never seen anyone who has so many Chakra, this is Xiaoxiao?" The next choice is dead with white eyes. Ghost.

bass! The ghost suddenly threw the muscles in his hand, and then started quickly on his hands.

"Water, bursting on the water!" The ghosts finally worked together, and the mouth rose, the body was also jumped in the air.

boom! The huge water column suddenly spurtled in the mouth, directly swept away from Akai and other people!

bass! ~ ▉ class four people jump up in the air, at this time, ghosts are again grabbed the muscles and rush to the people.

"I am coming!" The ghost waved his muscles to cut the Akai.

"Wooden whirlwind!" At this time, Akai flashed the ghost attack and kicked the muscle in the ghost 3.6.

At the same time, Ning Ji is also two palms, hit the ghost, gossip air!

boom! The ghost figure was flying in an instant. The ghosts in the high-speed return of the ghosts raised the muscles in the hands of the muscles every day.

"Organs!" And this steel ball is actually an explosion.

Bang, a loud noise, the explosion sounded, the surrounding water torch!

"Damn! Let him escape!" Everyday brows wrinkled, Shen Sheng.

At the critical moment, the ghosts fled with the water, and his body slowed down from the water.

"It's really a dangerous little ghost, so trouble!" The ghost brow is also a crumpled, Akai does not say, it is the three devils in front of it. It is enough to let him headache.

After all, the current ghosts only one-third of Chakra, the strength is greatly weakened.

774 chapter, delay tactics

In the eyes of the hidden, the eyes are open.

"There is an enemy, this time is a small ghost in the village. There is still an old woman behind him!"

"This time ... Who is going?" Xiaodou asked coldly.

The lens is turned on the night long-term wind in the high-speed travel.

The nozzle body of the night is suddenly awkward, because there is a man wearing a red cloud windbreaker in front of him, his name is Yushuo!

"I didn't expect you to grow so fast, night long-lived!" Yu Zhi's written eye was cold and coldly looked at night.

bass! At this time, the Qian Dynasty also rushed to the side of the night.

"I finally caught up with you, age is still big, it is better to be these young people!" Milleno sighed, and then she also found the Unecheon in front of him.

"The little ... this kid is a little ghost that kills the whole people ... He is also a person?" The millennial brow wrinkled.

"Oh, old woman, I advise you not to look at his eyes! Although his eyes are useless, you still have no way to resist 31!" Night long wind angle slightly forsake.

"Yuxi Bo family ... I really didn't have to play my hand for a long time!" I have slowed the road, "I don't want to see me too little. I and Yu Zhibo family have not been countless, There is nothing to deal with this kind of pupil, we are now two or one, just after the attack! "

"Two words, even if there is a person who is illusion, another person can attack after body body, so that solve the illusion, even if you can't do this, you can do this to solve the mantramid!" Qian Dynasty chatter Said, "In order to other words, we can take advantage of the enemy in the number of people, others can attack behind him!"

The night's long is disdainful, "I said how long did you have not fight? You said that the Ou Zhiso's past style, you have been fighting just the Can guys are not as good as you think! "

"What do you mean?" The millennial brow wrinkled.

"He uses the kaleidoscope to write the eyes, and it is absolutely written by the general writing, don't blame, I have not remind you, if you have the words of his illusion, you are unlikely to unlikely Night long winds.

"It is a recent old year, the end of the year, the end of the year, and it seems that you will become a major obstacle!" Yuxi Pubie suddenly.

"Oh ... Today, your nonsense seems to be a bit!!" The night is laughing, "If you use the month to read, it is useless. If I don't guess the wrong, you now check Kra is not enough to use the month to read or talk to the sky! "

"You actually know the Tianzhao and month reading of our Urcho ... and have seen I am not a body ... It seems that you have to grow more than our imagination!" Yuxi Pubie has stared at the night .

"Said so much, you just want to delay time! And I am not said to you, your illusion is useless to me!" The purple flame in the eyes of night is flashing.

! When the night length, the body is started, directly passed through the Yuxi Pub's body. It turned out that Yu Zhi Bai will make illusion. Thousands of generations have already been in the illusion. She thought that she was standing in front of Yushuo.

In fact, it is just a illusion of Uki Pos, and the illusion of Uzhi Houchi has reached the top, even if it is not used, it can be launched.

However, for the night-long wind that has the blood of the undead, it is a gratitude of all the magic master, he has long seen the illusion of Udi.

The figure flashed in front of Yuxi Posh, and the night's wind and right punches, a normal boxing, and the night cost is a thunder, with a violent wind to sweep the Yisi Pub.

Yisizhubo is also a glimpse. He has retreats after the figure, he feels that Chatura, which is not a whisper, which is just that the night's strength is only used [meat] body to achieve this extent.

Even if you see a wide-known Uneche, it is very surprised. How can a person of [meat] can be strong to this extent, this is indeed incredible for people in the world.

Fast printed in both hands, the printer of Yuxi Pub is not more, almost blinking, and finally the mouth BA drums.

"Fire · !"

Compared to Sasuke, the fireball of Ukio is obviously larger, and the speed is faster!

Huge fireballs with a hot air wave to the night.

"What to fight, I am behind you!" And the speed of the night is already imagined to be beyond Yuxi, where he spit out the fireball, the night cost is already flashed by him.

The speed is just like instant movement!

boom! When the night length of the wind, a golden scorpion is emerging in an instant.

~ ▉ directly flying directly into the air, blood is arrogant!

"Use this difference to delay the time, too, I don't put me in my eyes!" The night grew away, looked at the head of the Sui Zhi, who was cut off, turned into another person's head .

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