The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 878, Chapter 878, Chapter 878, Chapter 878

"How can it be?" At this time, the Millennium also woke up from the illusion, went to the body, and dropped the cold sweat on the forehead.

"How? Do you know this person?" Asked the night's doubt.

"Well ... His name is Yuliang, it is the end of our village!" The Qian Dynasty slowly returned to 997, "and he has served as a four-year job in Sandy Village, it should not ..."

"Get it! Isn't it a matter of your baby's grandson? What is so strange!" The night is swaying, "I have been wasted for a lot of time, let's go! People should be nearby! "

bass! The figure of the two disappeared again.

The lens is turned back to Kate.

"Water radians are in addition to putting big knives, you are ..." Akai seems to recall the identity of ghosts.

"It seems that you will finally impress!" Ghosts smashed the muscles,

"How do I seem to have been here!" Akai heard the reliability.

"You!" Ghosts are also awkward, "You are really mad people don't pay, so let me guide you well before you think of me!"

After the ghost, the muscle is behind, and the figure is started in an instant, step on the water under the feet to rush to the Akai.

Akai is also started at the same time. His speed is also a lot more fast than the ghost, flying up and kicks the ghost, the ghosts use the muscles, but by Akai's foot hook the knife!

bass! Akai took advantage of the muscles from the ghosts!

"Take now!" Akai turned his head.

The Kate three people appeared on the top of the ghost!

775 chapter, killing to slag

"Damn!" The ghosts have a quick print, "the water is separated!"

At a time, the ghosts were out of shape, including the body, just four directions, one direction.

Snapped! Snapped! ~ ▉

! At this time, the knife of the muscles is actually extended out of the knife, and Akai will take the hand, and the blood is arrogant.

Water service! Taking advantage of this opportunity, ghosts use the water, and the three people in Kate must be imprisoned in water polo.

"Hey ~ ▉ can breathe!" He didn't stop the blister every day.

"Damn!" Ning Ji did not flash.

"It is trapped!" Xiao Li also did not have a way.

"Xiao Li, Ning, every day!" Akai turned over in the water and looked at the ghosts.

"These little ghosts are really a lot more than I think." The ghost smiled, "But now, there will be no more people to hinder me!"

~ ▉ ▉

A ghosts grabbed the muscles in the chest, "this is called the big knife of the musk, only I agree with me!"

"Yes, how do I feel that it just treats you as a parasitic creature!" The night is suddenly appeared above the ghost.

"It's you!" Ghosts, followed the muscles in the hands to play the night.

bass! The night long-lived flashes flashed the ghost attack and came to the ghosts.

Snapped! A waving shit of the night, being imprisoned in the semi-servant, the Water ball in the three-person spheres of the three people were instantaneous fans into a water drum.

! The water drops fall, and the right foot light is kicked out.

The ghosts only came to the front of the muscles in front, then they were kicked out of the power of the night, and they kept rolling on the water. It was not easy to stop.

The night long is the right arm extended, and will fall in the arms every day.

"Nothing, every day` ▉? "The night grew smile every day.

Every day, a pretty face, gently, she didn't expect that the night grew is once again appeared in front of her, and she saved her once, almost the same way as the last time I took the test.

"Haha, long wind, how come you come!" Xiao Li turned over the water.

"Haha! Xiao Li, how can you take a guy that is the worst power of this well-organized strength, really disappointment!" Night long laugh.

"Hey ... Every time you play handsome!" Ning in the side fell on the water.

Night wind did not pay attention to Ning, but looked at the pretty face of the sky, and the night did not hurt gently pinched the heart of every day. "Every day, you become beautiful!" ≮ Alternative:, ≯ ≯

"Really?" Every day and night long distances are too close, smelling the breath of the night, some indulge in a moment.

"Kid, you don't be too mad!" The ghosts raised from the new hand, and the hands were quickly launched.

"Every day, after you stand in me, don't leave me too far, I will solve this waste!" The night is put down every day.

"Well, the long wind! You have to be careful!" Hey, the boring night is long.

Water, five food!

The ghosts should be taken on the water, and the five-headed shark water bomb is generated in the moment.

"Specuier small skill! It seems that the strength of the points is this level!" The night's mouth flashed a disdain, and the right fist directly went to the water.

boom! After a dull sound, there was a ripple in the water, and a ripple was constantly flashing.

The five shark-type water bombs played by ghosts are shocking in the moment when they live!

At this time, the night length has come to the top of the ghost.

"It's fast!" The ghosts are all round, and the actions of the night-catching wind, he did not see it at all.

boom! When the night is on the right foot, the weight is playing over the ghost's chin.

bass! The ghosts have disappeared in the original place. He was killed in the air in the air. It turned a black spot.

This is enough to prove the power of the night's feet, directly kick the ghosts to the high altitude of thousands of meters.

"Is this too exaggerated?" Akai looked at the ghosts almost disappeared, and it took a long time. "

Snapped! Night live wind is also straight, and the body shape is also instant to become a black spot.

In the high altitude, the night's wind has played more than ten boxes, and every punch is playing in the ghosts.

After a few seconds, the night grew in the water, and the ghost's head was floating in the water.

The long-lasting high-speed ordinary boxing, the body of the branch of the ghosts is not left, only one head is left, gradually become the head of the Ninja of Sandy Village.

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