The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 879 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"This is ..." Akaiyi.

"It's just their bordering!" Night is growing.

"The words come back, every day, how come you?" The night long turned to the head.

"It is a master to send us to assist you, the long wind!" Turned every day.

"Cut ~ ▉ ... I actually don't believe my strength, really!" The night's wind shook his head, and there was a hand of the hand in the brain.

On the cliffs, the size of the Yisi Pub and the ghosts slowly opened his eyes.

"Ghost, you are over there!" Yuxi hubo was cold.

"Hey ... it is the little ghost of the wooden leaf. I really should solve him!" The ghost angle [pumping] moving, even if it is bordered, but there is a power of 30%, but it is so easy to murder To the slag, this makes the ghosts are very unhappy.

"Now, what is late, his strength has exceeded that we expect too much (Wang Zhao Zhao), and I always feel that he is still hidden!" Yu Zhi's eyes became more cold.

"But it is also a delay. Let's wait until everything is completed, the little ghost is not enough to be strong!" Ghost said.

"..." Yu Zhi Hose slowly closed his eyes and didn't return again.

Xiaoxiwi-hiding the cave, after three days of time, the ultimate is finally tailing from my love of the body.

"Very good, has been completed! And ghosts are also dragging enough time!" Xiaodou said.

"You said it is easy ... The two people who have been sacrificed by your sickness as a sacrifice, but my part!" Said dissatisfaction.

"Hey! If you rely on my interest, they can't temporarily become a member of the child. In my opinion, I should thank you for your part!" The head of Xiaofeng slowly opened his demon Eyelid ...

776 chapter, boxing

"Absolute! You go to handle those who have been applied!" Xiaodou turned.


"The rest is handed over to Didara, and the!" Xiaodou said that he turned his head to Su Zhi Hou, "" tells them the number and character of the enemy! "The rest is dissolved!"

"There are two people, one is the ninja name of the wooden leaves, the name of the night, the strength is strong, and the other person is sand.

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777 chapter, war red sand

bass! The night long wind flashes to the cave, and there is also a thousand generations and Xiao Li, Akai!

Every day and Ning will be responsible for being guarded in the cave, preventing the other party from reaching or escaping from other places.

"It seems that it has been late!" The night was frowned, looked at my love, I didn't wake up the person, and only two members of the organization were left. One is a scorpion, the other is Dida. Pull.

"..." Millennium I entered the cave, and my eyes stared at the.

"I said, who is so exaggerated, actually forced to break up the end!" Didara laughed.

"You laugh ... I am sorry to tell you something!" Night wind slowly went to the two people, "You already ... die!"

"It seems that this little ghost, the guys who have to be careful!" .

"Big Brother ... This arrogant kid will give it to me!" Dida pulls.

"Didala, you don't want too much, this kid is not so simple!" .

"Hehe ... If the artist does not seek stronger excitement, 31 feelings of things will become slow ... Big Brother!" Dida Rachel with a smile, "I like and strong enemy against! "

"What do you say? Your explosion is also an art? Art is a long-lasting thing and beautiful, it is a long-lasting thing ... The permanent task is art!" .

"You and I are also created, big brother ... I respect you! But the beauty of art is to turn the beautiful beauty ..." Two people started to discuss art.

Snapped! Snapped! The night is shot, "" "Reminding before dying is true art!"

bass! When the night long wind is started, and when I came to the two people, the right fist was directly swayed.

The fist with the wind blows Didara and the windbreaker of Dida and Zhu.

boom! The mutual steel tail of the scorpion is also sweeping to the night!

Snapped! The night-long punch is caught directly, grabbing the steel tail!

"This little child!" The scorpion head wrinkled, the speed of the night exceeded that he expected too much, and he found that he did not care for the steel tail.

To know that his own design of this organ is tail, as long as Chakra is injected, it can produce a giant force of dozens of ordinary people.

This force is caught in the hands of the night!

"Didala, your guy is nonsense, you now, I will then go!"

"Well, big brother ... If you lose it to this child, then I only show my art, the explosion is true art!" Didala, the giant bird used to use clay, to give me love Drill a mouth.

~ ▉ ▉ directly in the air, and Dida jumps up, "will, big brother!"

The giant bird flying in the air directly swallowed my love directly into the mouth!

"This ... I love Luo is already ..." The small plunger on the side of the sweat.

"Hey! Stupid goods, if you are on the words, there is still possible possibilities, now ... all have to die!" The cold light in the eyes of the night.

"Xiao Li, Akai teacher, you follow Dida, don't shoot! I will come right away!" Night long turned back.

"Well, the long style, you are careful!" Akai and Xiao Li disappeared and chased Didara.

"Old woman, I will help you with this grandson, you have no opinion?" Night long wind turns.

"Hey!" The Qian Dynasty snorted, did not speak.

Snapped! The night is very powerful, and the tail of the scorpion will be pulled down and throw it on one side.

"What is the thing, what is the use of this East Xi'an?" The night grew with a hint.

! The mood is stable in the ground, and the hands are on the ground.

The back is a mask, the left hand and the right hand are the agency, it looks like shape, ugly cry!

"Stinky boy, you are not arrogant, you have become my collection together!" , "If you count two words, just get 300 , this is my art! "

"Then your art is really ugly!" The night grew and shook his head. He really wanted to do so ugly why these manufactured is so ugly.

Moreover, even the ,,

"Little ghost, don't be very good! Although the teacher is not good at the melee, the manipulation will overcome this weakness!" The Qian Dynasty reminded, " can be used as a weapon, in front of you is the most proud of Aunt! "

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