The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 881 of Tennis Prince Chaow

"Scene?" The night is very windy, "is the same as the guardian of my love?"

"No, that is sand iron, is the most terrible weapon of sandy village, the stemming of the third generation of winds, can make the sand iron into anything, and can also make a weapon!" Thousand generation explained "The third generation of wind shadow has a special system that can make the manufactured Chakra with magnetic!"

"This is also a bloody limit? Is it said that these scorpions make the ()?" The night was frowned.

"What is still there, or if he has long been invincible!" The night is thinking.

"Little ghost, you leave here, then give it to me!" Millennium suddenly passed.

"What jokes are joking, the good play is just beginning, you will step down?" The night's long-term style did not fall.

"It's too late!"

Sand iron!

The wind shadow is involved in the shadow of the sand iron to instantly become a small granular object, as the bullet is generally shot, the speed is extremely fast, and it is also covered with the sky.

At this time, the purple flame in the eyes of the night, suddenly appeared, and the right hand is played!

Among the void, a black gate suddenly opened in front of the night.

The sand iron has taken a black hole, and it disappears in an instant ...

779 chapter, the skeletal war

"What is this?" Is also a glimpse. He has never seen this sterile. He has already induced the sand iron absorbed by the black hole. That is to say completely, the connection with the sand iron is completely related. Separate another space.

"Is it a time and space forbearance?" Shu Yi fell back step.

The night long-faced horns slightly, the fire in the eye is burning in the bears. "The is always just a beggar, let you see the real eternal creature!"

!! In the black hole, I walked out a giant warrior wearing a black armor. He held a few meters long giant swords, and the eyes were shining in the dark blue undead fire.

The night-long wind call is the eight-level undead creature - the skeletal war will be.

Compared to the samar sarm, the level of the skeletal war will be higher, and the strength is strongly more than ten times.

The samn of the samurai is the generals of Wei Zhen, while the skeletal war will basically be the war god of the mainland.

What is God of War, only the war is worthy of war.

It is enough to meet this skeletal war, and the night-length wind can only summon and control the three silaen war in ordinary states.

Because the control of the skeletal war will consume Night -157- Chakra, Chekra in the body is not much in the normal state, which is a level of left and right.

The skeletal war war burns a deep blue flame, tall body is bigger than the wind shadow.

"Is this guy really just a little ghost?" I originally planned to save the night's long-winding. I found that I am more concerned. In addition to being super strong, there are other powerful sinks.

The Qian Dynasty is also a long time, and has experienced a lot of war, and the Ninja of each country has handed over, but he has never seen this forces such as the night, which can summon powerful creatures from the void.

Although it is also a teacher, the thousand generations have to admit that the undead creatures of the night's greetings make her feel unprecedented pressure.

"The arrogant little ghost!" is also a glimpse, murderous in the eyes, he feels the powerful almost essential pressure of the skeletal war, which feels that he has not experienced too long

A completeness that is completely unbearable is more terrible than the , emits fearful death.

~ ▉ At this time, the wind shadow of the air growed up on the back of the sky, and in the top of the squat, there were two huge objects that were condensed by two sanders. One is three [Corner] The cone and the other are the rectangular square, which looks fairly high.

"Go!" The finger of the scorpion moved.

The huge sand iron cone is shot to the night, and the other rectangular body is pressed from the sky.

"Stupid goods!" Night wind directly jumped in the air to welcome the sand iron cone, and fell!

Heavy punch!

boom! The cone of the sand iron is scattered in the morning, and the powerful power of the night is powerful, and the cone of the sand iron is filled with the space of the entire cave.

At the same time, the skeletal war will ignite the flame in the hands of the huge sword, and the giant sword waves!

The sword is in the world!

The huge round moon energy is shot from the giant sword, and instantly hits the column of the sand iron in the head.

boom! The huge explosion sounded, the column of the sand iron was flying instantly! Solve the original owner of the original owner who launched it!

This sword is one of the sheds of the sorrow, and today's power is not enough, but the giant steel weapon of the sand iron is still turned back to the moment.

However, the shock of the monstering of the monster directly and the night-long wind is still a lot.

Booming ~ The column of the big sand iron will be returned by the skeletal war, rushing to the, simply not control the control.

~ ▉ ▉

(DBDH)! The column of the sand iron has fallen in the place where the scorpion is just now, and it has raised huge smoke.

"Hey!" The murder in the eyes is more prosperous, his finger keeps jitter.

The sand iron scattered around the sand is again contemporated into a cone of the sand iron, and the cone of the sand iron is constantly rotating, and an ejection is moving to the night.

This speed is faster, and it looks more density!

The column of the sand iron in the same variation is also pulled up from the ground and hit the skeletal war.

"I see that you can't see the coffin, don't sleep!" Night wind has lost the resistance, the body instantly flashed to the cone of the sand iron before holding the sand iron.

"What!" Is also a glimpse, the speed of the night is too fast, the body's speed is already the speed of the cone attack of the sand iron, and at this time, the cone of the sand iron is completely unable to move. Like a tapping, it is generally dead to grasp the cone of the sand iron.

This is not finished, the night long body shape disappears in the air again, when it appears again, the left hand grows the paws of the golden bones, grabbing the column of the sand iron that is pressed against the skeletal war.

"What's wrong? Do you have a sand iron?" Laughing at night, he turned around.

The cone and sand iron column of the sand iron disappeared between the heavens and the earth, and it was thrown directly into the small world.

"What!" Said completely, he found that he and the sand iron have completely lost contact, and the long-term induction disappeared without a trace, "What do you do!"

"Less nonsense, now send you to hell!" The night grows in an instant, with this, when the skeletal war will start at the same time.

The night long wind is shining in front of the wind, and the three-fly speed of running!

Continuous ordinary boxing!

boom! boom! After the sound of the three-sounded sounds, the wind shadow was scattered in the instant, and the night is three boxes.

At the same time, the skeleton war will also sway the giant sword in the hand, the burning of the blue flame bear, the ability of the capabilities, the moving shot, shooting to the red sand!

Bang Rynard! The huge explosive sound continuously sounded, almost a piece, and the scorpion will only stop the storm of the wind!

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