The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 882, Chapter 882, Chapter 882 of Wangzhao System

The gravel flying, shakes the mountain, the boulder on the top of the head continues, and the entire cave is constantly collapsed!

The Qian Dynasty is also retreating, jumping out of the cave, and the night grow is straight to the sky, and all the boulder flying all over the air!

Dang! Pushed the boulder on the body, the whole person became gray face. At this time, he really understood that Yu Zhihe was called him to be careful.

The strength of this wooden ghost in front of me is unlearabes, and the huge in front of him is also powerful, directly collapse the entire cave!

Chapter 780, say herself and say!

"Hey, I admit that you are a huge threat we organized, and you can smash my three-generation wind shadow, and you can summon such an overbearing. I don't have effects in this situation. Since this is the case ... "slowly stood up, and the momentum took off his red cloud windbreaker.

"Is it finally used to use the card?" Laughing smiles with the nozzle of the night.

"Since I joined the tissue, after many things happened, I haven't used myself for too long!" Scorpion has a whole body.

His whole body has been caused by himself, this manpower is a knife, and there is a hole in the abdomen in front of the body, and the hole has a long-shaped lock chain. The head is a The firm is shining with cold light.

"No wonder you still have a baby face, it turns out!" The night grew away, "Don't you think that you can live a long time, this is what you call eternal art? Stupid goods, your heart and brain cells The life is limited! "

"Shut up! , you dare to insult my art, I can't put you!" The hands of the hands, and the left and right palms extended a long tube.

boom! The long tube sprayed out of the super high temperature flame, and the columns of the two flames directly shot to the night length and the skeletal war beside him!

"Waste! Do you think I will be afraid of this little fire?" Night wind put a lot of Chakra into the golden okay, the whole armor instantly bluited, and the brilliance did not stop.

boom! Night wind does not avoid it, sprayed by ultra-high temperature fire column, super high temperature is enough to firing the rigid fire column is ticking at this time at this time, there is no feeling, but it is The iron bone warfare is more robust.

On the other side, the fire column will be shot directly in the bones, but unfortunately this super high temperature fire column is not as good as the temperature of the light blue flame, directly blocked in the skeletal war. Out of bones.

boom! boom! Night wind and skeletal war will be a slowly walking of the column of the flame!

"You are evil! Don't come over!" The reel of Chakra after the scorpion broke it, he turned his hands.

The fire column emitted by palms turned into a high-speed water column!

When the water injection speed reaches a certain degree, it can cut a diamond.

In the future, this high-speed water column is still unpredictable in the future.

! The skeletal war shifts the giant sword in your hand and the bone knife extending in the night-length wind, and the left and right hands of the scorpion are cut off at the same time!

boom! The night and the right foot is kicking in the abdomen of the scorpion. The body of the scorpion is played in the moment when the night is very long. All parts are scattered!

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ ! What is the dog, it is probably the weakest thing in the organization!" The night is helplessly shaking his head, and he also expected a hearty battle.

But the battle with the teacher makes the night long style, the strength of the night, the strength of the body, the blood session of the bone veins, is just a nightmare for the teacher.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"Get it, the Millennium Taishi, I will flash first, do you want to get your grandson?" Night long-term wind is preparing to leave the Didara.

"Little ghost, behind you!"

"What?" The night is turning again.

"What do you say?" The part of the scorpion of the scattered land is actually an automatic re-combination, and the scorpion is actually resurrected.

"Cut ... It's really the soul is not disappeared!" The night is very frowning.

"Little ghost! I want you to see the real power of the teacher!" The rose tied out a roll of reels from behind.

~ The axis is automatically launched in the air. It is constantly flying from the reel, just at this time, the opened the institution of his body, and hundreds of Chakra's line stretched out!

The sky appeared in the top of the night, almost blocked the day.

"Honestly, your potential is really afraid, kid! Harm, I have to take the final organ!" The face of the lady twitched.

"Oh? Yes!" The night's wind looked up at the top of the hundred and the weapons of each puppet.

The teacher is measured by the number of that can be manipulated, and the number of fingers only has ten fingers, so the number of manipulation is limited.

··· ▉ ▉ ····

The lack of jealousy, the one-time manipulation, the number of people, the night is also to admit that this guy is already a peak, it is a person who is born for the sake.

"Is there been this level?" The Qian Dynasty of the battle was shocked to say that there was no one in the history of the teacher.

"Little ghost, you can't escape, this is not what you can fight!" The Qian Dynasty was jumped to the front of the night, and the sluggish scroll was written in hand.

"Yes?" Night long-lasting horns slightly, the fire of purple undead was constantly burning, suddenly boiling.

"How many people is more than people?" The night grew right hand!

bass! He suddenly appeared countless black dots in the empty space, and these dots suddenly became a black hole with a humanoid size.

....... ..... [▉.

Thousands of black holes appeared in front of the three people.

"What!" The Qian Dynasty is standing, although she doesn't know what night is long, but the spirit of the dead spirit of the black hole, can't help but hit, from the beginning of a chill .

"Go out!" The night is gently drinking.

Among the thousand black holes, flying out of thousands of black birds.

The name of this bird is a black fire bird. It is the undead creature of the three [level]. Their eye hole is burning is the fire of the black undead!

When the night lengthy wind, the extreme summons are summoned to thousands of black fire birds, they fly around the shackles of the jealousy!

"Go! First, I will say that he will say it!" Night wind has lost his patience, commanding the birds of thousands of black fires while launching offensive.

boom! Every black fire bird's mouth BA is open, and a black fireball is gathered in his mouth.

The flooded fireball will lead to the hundreds of ,,,, , ,,,,,

Other black fireballs are all ever stunned to the ground.

Bang! The deafening explosion sounded, the wavy layer was transmitted, and the whole rock that has collapsed was out of the ground!

Exaggerated huge mushroom clouds, all everything is like this explosion!

781 chapter, chasing Didala

"This little ghost ... is too horrible!" The Qian Dynasty originally thought that after the excitement of hundreds of droves, the night grew is not his opponent.

But she didn't expect night-long wind to summon thousands of huge caves directly to the whole huge cave.

The epitaxial epitaxy of the original village is a mountain, which is also fry into a deep valley by a huge explosion.

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