The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 883 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Changfeng, you are nothing?" The night grew in the opposite mountain, every day, the horse was commented on the night of the night.

"Nothing, I am not telling you, I am not my opponent!" Night loud laugh.

In fact, the power of the fireball of thousands of black fires, the power of the fireball, and some of the long winds are not, the night long style is to let the black fire bird will be a broken slag, and then the scorpion You can go out.

Let the "seven-three zero" night-long wind did not think of the black gall at the same time, the explosion of the chain, the whole cave was flat, and the birds of thousands of black fire were also directly exploded. Give it to swallow.

Night-catching winds ourselves underestimated the huge power of the thousands of black fires while attacking.

Although the rating of the birds of the black fire is not high, it will not be average, and the equivalent will produce a quality leap.

This is the place where the fire of the Undead is strong. When the night's long wind really can control an undead army, all enemies in the Nango world are just floating clouds.

So the three blood seasses of the night, the fire of the undead is still the bloody development of the focus of the night, it is bigger than the potential of writing the eyes!

Snapped! At this time, a black cylinder flew out and was caught by the night.

Put the black tube in front of you, write a '' word, and its outer skin has been exploded to burn off.

But I don't know what material is made, I have not been completely swallowed by this explosion, and there is still half of them, there is a black fleshy and blurred thing.

"This is probably the heart of the guy!" The night grew blows the black tube to the thousand generations, "Or you will handle it!"

"I walked first to chase Xiaoli, every day, you will report the situation in Ning Tang Ye village!" The night grey turned to the day.

"No! This time I have to go with you, I don't want to worry about your comfort!"

The night is warm, and then gently pinched the pretty face of every day. "If this is the case, you can come with me!"

The moving figure in the night disappears in the original place, raising the speed to the limit, is almost moving forward with the speed of the sound.

"Changfeng, wait for me!" Every day, the speed of the night is too fast, there is no longer between blink of an eye.

Previously, the battle of the scorpion consumed a lot of time, although the night grew is not worried about the comfort of Xiao Li and Akai, after all, the strength of Akai is still quite safe.

However, for the IQ night of this teacher, he did not dare to compliment, if it was fled by Dida, it was not good.

After all, Didala's temperament is uncertain. If he fled, it will take a job to find it.

Along the secret leaving the small Li all the way, the night length is instantly accelerated, the body is faster!


After ten minutes, the night-long wind has seen the shape of Xiao Li and Akai's continuous advancement.

Didara is sitting on the sky, and continuous advancement.

Although Xiao Li and Akai are not slow, you can catch up with Didara, but they are not good at distance attack, so there is no way to prevent Didala from escaping.

"Xiao Li!" The night long wind flashed to Xiao Li's side.

"Changfeng, you are coming! Is that guy that has been done by you?" Xiao Li asked.

The night's style nodded, and the eyes glanced over the giant bird on the sky.

"Long wind this kid, such a short time solves the people who have taught it?" Akai, the next side, "he grew too fast, than the genius of the trees!"

"Xiao Li, Akai teacher, you pay attention to pick up the head of the giant bird!" The night is long.

"Ni, what do you want to do? Changfeng!" Xiao Li voice did not fall.

boom! The night-long wind in the high-speed travel is already like a rocket, which is generally in the air. This jump is hundreds of meters, almost blinking to the side of the giant bird.

"It's a boy!" Didala, "What did the big brother do, actually let you come!"

The night long's mouth flashed a brunette, "Your big brother has already under hell, I will let you reunite with him!"

The night is driving, kicking directly, Didara sitting on the giant bird ...?

~ ▉ Dara directly jumped to escaped the nightly windshield.

! The purpose of this foot of the night is in fact, it is not Didala, but the giant bird under his body!

The giant bird's neck was quickly kicked in the night, and the head of the giant bird fell directly.

"It turns out!" Xiao Li body is also jumped in the air, and the steady caught the head of the giant bird.

Xiao Li pulls the birds made of clay, I love Luo Zheng's eyes closed, no angry.

! Among the air, Didara and Night Variety fall.

At this time, the night cost is directly stabilized in the air, one flipped, the feet spurt the golden Chakra, the night-catching wind turned his feet as the fighter's jet!

boom! The body shape of the night-catching wind is instantly accelerated in front of Didara.

"Continuous ordinary boxing!" The night is light.

The double punches have been played, all of them fall on Didara!

Didala continues to spray fresh blood, he did not think of the strength and speed of the night growth.

"Is the big brother really killed by this little ghost? How could this!" Didala shines in the eyes.

! Didala's body was bossed by a clay with a clay in the air, and the four came.

"Cut ~ ▉ Clay Frames!" The night length of the mouth 4.5 horns smashed, and at the beginning, he was sitting on the giant bird, it was not the body of Didara.

"It's really careful, let you return a dog!" The night's wind right, the smell detector once again appeared in the lively wind, "But your smell is still in this clay, you still want escape?"

The night-long wind will put the clay grabbed by the right hand into the smell detector!

~ ▉ ▉ ,,,,,

"Xiao Li, Akai teacher! I love to you, you turn to Millennium! I still have something, go first!" After night, the body has disappeared again.

"Stinky boy ..." Akai has shook his head, "I really said in Kakasi, this kid is not a team awareness!"

782 chapter, War Didala

bass! At this time, the Qian Dynasty and every day and Ning were also arrived at the scene.

"Teacher Akai, Changfeng?" I asked in a hurry every day.

"That kid is chasing another person of the organization!" Akai Turkey.

"No, I am going to find him!" Every day is about to start, and I was stopped by Akai.

"Where do you go? I said, you only have trouble to add it, let's go!" Akai advised.

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