The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 884, Chapter 884, Chapter 884, Chapter 884

"No problem, with the ability of the little ghost should not do something!" The Qian Dynasty was also a script, she put the last residual body part of the lady has been sealed.

"Well? The people who have been organized have been asked by you ..." Akai turned his head.

"That is not important, how do I Ai Luo?"

"Here!" Xiao Li shouted my love from the clay.

"Great!" The Thousands of breaths.

"But I have ..." Xiao Li and Akai have a dark.

The Qian Dynasty interrupted Xiao Li, and walked directly to the body of my love, extended his hands.

bass! The green Chakra is in the hands of the Chi Day, the Millennium will press the hands in my love!

"Is this sickness?" Kate four people were shocked.

Akai is also a look at the back of the thousand generations.

"-957 - what she is doing, a teacher?" Asked every day.

"That is medical tolerance!" Ning's white eyes opened, "she wants me to resurrect!"

"Can this matter do?" Xiao Li was shocked.

"This kind of chakra flows ... In this world, it is impossible to have such convenient surgery. This is probably a must have a considerable price!" Ningjun slowly.

"The price?" Xiao Li and every day were all glimpse.

At this time, my love is actually moving, and my eyes are slowly open, and the eyes of the Chi Day are slowly closed.

Banquet · After you have a reincarnation!

The Millennium used its own Chakra as the media, and transferred his life to my love, he lost his life.

This is a thousand generations of development, in order to let the grandson's double pro-reborn, it is finally used in my love.

At the same time, the reinforcement of sandy village is also caught in the scene.

"What is going on here?" I love the eyes of Ai Luo.

"I love Luo, you really owe the arrogant boy!" Strike Jiu Lang also recovered his body, (DBEJ) rushed to the scene.

"I love Luo ... What do you think?" Asked the hand.

"Oh ..." I love to support my knee with hand, I want to stand up.

"You are best not to stand up, because your body is still very stiff." Handcuffs reminded.

I love to stand up, I went to the front of the Millennium, didn't talk, just quietly.

The sea, the sea, the old man, shot it, shot it.

"Thousands of grandmothers, she actually used that kind of" "Surveying Jiulang is also very surprised, and the Qian Dynasty that has never asked the world has made such a big sacrifice.

In fact, the death of the scorpion has made the thousand generations of unhappy, she will entrust the future of Sandy Village to my love, and will meet again on the other side of the space.

"Everyone makes us pray for thousands of generations!" I suddenly passed.

"Master!" Everyone is a glimpse, they have never seen me in love with such expressions.

I have never had any belonging to Sandy Village, even if it is a vertical.

But at this moment, I loved the wind shadow of Sandy Village, which will also carry the future of sandy village, with the expectations of the thousand generations.

The lens turned to the other side, Didara sat in a clay big spider, flying quickly.

Compared to the giant bird, the eight-legged spider climb faster and more hidden, more suitable as a walking tool.

"I really didn't expect that the scorpion was killed by the little ghost and the old woman! I still have to stay a permanent beauty of the future generation, actually died so soon! Zi Tai confident, his so-called art and my art compared Still have a lot of difference! "Dida marry himself on the big spider.

"Yes? How do I feel that your art is not good!" The night's long wind suddenly appeared in front of Didara, and the right hand took the odor detector back in the small world.

"Little ghost, I didn't expect you to track the ability!" Didala eyes are cold, "It seems just to avoid it, or will be found by you, if so, if you ..."

Didara jumped from the clay big spider, and the clay spider was actually in the mouth, and the stomach suddenly rose ten times more than ten times.

"Haha, I will let you see my ultimate art, little ghost!" Didala mad smiled, "My art is explosion!"

drink! Didara is a long drink, the whole body is in an instant explosion, huge impact wave four, directly rushing to the night-hard wind that is not far away.

"MD, is it bordered?" The night's heart is turned, and the body came to Xiaotian.

Bang! The huge explosion swallowed everything around the forest, the forest broke the forest, although it is not as good as the power of the bird's bird, it is still not bad, it is compared to explosion. The power of the accord is too much.

When the night's eyes flashed a mortal, the idea turned back to the nignanthorn world.

Originally, the body strength of the night is not a hard thing. As long as the night is long, the whole body is covered with gold bones, but it is obviously not as mysterious and chic in Xiaohe.

bass! The body shape of the night is disappeared again.

The ~ ▉ Dala's body drilled out from a deserted soil outside the forest!

"It's really, the little ghost is too difficult! But in my favorite self-explosion, I should not have a living, haha! Sure enough, my explosion art is really ..." Didala voice Falling, smiles instantly solidified.

Because the night grows, standing in front of him, looking at Didala.

"Explosive Male, next year is your sacrifice!" The night grows slowly.

"Hey! Annoying little ghost, let you immerse in the gorgeous of this uncle!" Didala's hands quickly printed, the right hand is exhibited, there is a mouth BA in the palm.

This disgusting mouth suddenly spurted out of the long clay, and directly [wrapped] all the body of the night.

boom! boom! ~ ▉ ▉ ,,, ...,.,.,.,,,.,,

Snapped! At this time, a flat wood bounced out from the flame, just bounced in the hand of Didara.

Dida La slightly frowns, "Single?"

783 chapter, guided missile

"Is this your art? Let you taste high-tech art!" Night winds appeared behind Didara, holding a green rocket cartridge.

This rocket is to exchange from the night of the supernatural system, because it is one-time, the price is quite cheap, only a few redemption points, almost negligible.

"Launch!" The night long wind is unlocked to Didala immediately press the switch.

boom! A precise guided missile is emitted from the rocket tube, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and its goal is Didara not far away.

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