The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 900

"Sasuke, how do you use this tone and a big snake pill?" Don't be full.

"Don't be so angry ... I got a good gift today!" The big snake pill, "he is the ninja from the wooden leaves like you, maybe you can talk to him!"

"Hey!" Sasuke snorted, slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were evil bright red.

Three hooks jade writes the wheel!

"This is the last heirs of the Yishabo family, Su Zhibo, is helpful!" Zuoi is still thinking about the eyes of the expression, "and the eyes of the night long have just been exactly the same!"

"Fortunately, I am a Zuoi! You are a help, I am also a member of your seventh class!" Zuoi also put a distressed smile.

800 chapter, the king of escape

"Roll!" Sasuke one heard the three words of the seventh class, his eyes were angry.

The Saki's eyes are in the eyes, and the Sakuo is not coming back two steps, and then a pi share is sitting on the ground.

"Sasuke!" Dat off.

Sasuke slowly deviating the head, did not pay attention to Zuoi.

At the end of the wall, the corner of the mouth is slightly fond, "Sasuke this guy, it has grown a lot in such a short time, it seems that the power of hatred is bigger than the imagination!"

Zuoi wiped the sweat of the first head, slowly stood, "Why is this? I will not feel anything, I don't have any feelings, just in the heart of Sasu, there is no way to give birth to myself. Suppress the idea of ​​fearing Sasuke? "

"Oh, you should not be chaotic, now Sasuke is better than me," the big snake pill cold channel.

"Big snake pill, don't take this kind of guy, come with me to practice!" At this time, Sasuke is also slowly standing.

"Okay! I have to go, pocket, you go to make this file that hunt!" Dabin Pill will give the envelope to his envelope.

I quickly opened the envelope and swept it, "This is ... The copy of the list of the members of the smocks!"

At the time of the big snake pills and Sasuke, the moving figure gradually appeared in front of a few people.

"Sakui, your guy is really a spy, the acting is so bad, it is really rare!" The night is cold and cold.

"Night long wind, it is you!" Sasuke fresh red eyes stared at night.

"Hey! Sasuke, I have been still not bad recently!" The night is laughing.

"Can be evil! How did you come in this little ghost?" The big snake pill is also a crumpled.

Night-length mouth, there is no ignorance of the big snake pill, but look to Sasuke, "I have said before, if I let me see you again, I will not pay attention to ¨` [▉ "

The sound of the night is cold, and the murder flashed in the eyes.

"This is troublesome, now the body of the big snake pill is not working at all, and Sasuke has not yet grown yet, no one is the opponent of this guy!" The pocket also flashed to the big snake pill.

"The big snake pills, let's leave!" Low voice.

"Sasuke, let's go!" The big snake pill is cold, and now he is only given up this base. Now, now and the night grow up. [Wrap] is undoubtedly very disadvantageous to himself.

The voice of the big snake pill did not fall. Sasuke is directly rushing to the night lengthy wind, and the left and right hands are simultaneously started, the blue electric light in the hand is flashing.

Thousands of birds!

At a time, the air of the surrounding air is filled with the blue ▉, surrounded by the night long, all hits the night.

With a hint of noise in the mouth of the night, it also summoned the golden warfare, and there is any defense or dodge movement. It is directly hard.

~ ▉ ▉ Current directly in the night long, the whole dark base is illuminated.

"Ni? He actually does not break?" The big snake pill is a surprise, Sasuke this striker flow is a variant of the thousand birds, which is much larger than his previous Rainwell.

And the night grows is direct hard, completely does not dode. ^

Snapped! Snapped! ~ ▉ Changfeng will absorb all the lightning power in the four people, and the dark base channel recovers the calm of the past.

Open your eyes again, the golden light in the eyes of the eyes, the power of this lightning, the power of the thunder, and the body strength of the night-catching body increased.

"Sasuke, you are still so weak!" The nozzle body of the night suddenly appeared behind him, holding the shoulders of Sasuke.

"You!" Sasuke pulled out the long sword between the waist, stabbed the night.

Golden bones were born in the loulevard, and she raised the attack of Sasuke.

Ding! Ding! ~ ▉ In the extreme time, a few tricks in extreme time, Sasuke's speed is not the opponent of the night, the whole person's body is wearing a golden bone whisper that can be extended by the night. Come.

"I am evil!" Sakuo is also an oozing of blood, and the hatred in the eyes is getting more and more concentrated.

He hates his strength is too weak. If you can't play, how can you kill the man in his heart!

"Sasuke, let's go!" The big snake pill is right-handed, and his hand has taken dozens of snakes to tuft directly, dragging.

"Want to go?" The night's hands started quickly, and the lightning shot on the ground. Bamboo

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801 chapter, anti-being swallowed

A week later, there is a place in the Village.

! Sasuke put the eating long sword on the ground, he is the body of the ninja under his body and surrounded by seven vertical eight.

"Big Snake Pill, only? I have to become stronger, this extent is that I can't kill people I want to kill!" Sasuke cold channel.

"Oh, you are now very strong, Sasuke!" The big snake pill laughed.

"That's why I still can't live the night." Sasu help the eyebrows to ring a week ago, and the trick is completely affected in the lounge, which makes Sasuo have always been ignorant.

He throws the wooden village, throwing a partner, came to the big snake pill, only one purpose.

That is the stronger, becomes strong than everyone, then killing him, the man who has always wanted to kill in the heart!

"You can rest assured, take this extent, your strength will be beyond the kid of the night!" The big snake pill sweeps a full body, "What you need is time!"

"But I don't want to wait!" Sasuke instantly pulled out the long sword in front of him, and then put the sword back into the sword scabbed, "the big snake pill, if you can't let me become stronger, then I only leave to find a better way! "

"Oh!" Big snake pill looked at the back of the left, his eyes were full, and the sick Shehead in his mouth once again reached again. "This will not worry, and then your body is mine!"

On the next day, the other hidden base of the big snake pill.

"The cough ~ ▉ ▉ suddenly spit a blood," It has been to the limit, this body is still too weak, it seems that it must be reincarnated right away! "

"But the big snake pills, you just have just been reincarnated a few months, and Sasuke has not yet ..."

"There is no time! Must forced to renew!" The big snake pill is full of sweat, "I am going to be a body now !!"

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