The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 901 of the Chapter 901 of the Prince of Tennis

boom! At this time, a blue Chakra's blade wore a wall, and the lightning stabbed the big snake pill sitting in bed.

The big snake pill was shocked, and his hands crossed on the chest blocking in this sudden blow.

"This Chakra is very familiar ... but I haven't seen this change in this form!" The right arm of the big snake pill has been stretched by Chakra blade to thoroughly.

"Who?" The big snake pill stared at the wall.

Dang! The light on the wall is shining, and then cracks in an instant.

Outgoing people are Yuxi Bozuo!

"You really choose to do this, Sasuke!" The big snake pill was cold and cold.

"You have no longer let me get stronger, big snake pills!" Sasuke's eyes became a monster bright red, and at the same time his face was gradually covered with a mantry.

"Big snake pills, now you are more weak than me, so I don't need to give you my body!" Sakuo's mouth flashed a smile.

"Yuxi Bo's boy ... you'd better not be too confident!" The eyes of the big snake pills were murdered.

"Oh, big snake pill, you are doing Yushuo, so I will come to me! Treating a genius of one of the three tolerance?" Saso help the eyes cold, instantly pull out the long sword behind the big snake pill neck.

! Sasuke lightning is empty, because the big snake pill has become a white scale of the white scale!

"Is this your body? Big snake pill?" After Sasuke, he retired a few steps and cold channels.

"Sasuke, give me your body!" Big Snake Pills launched his blood pot to bite directly.

boom! Sasuke is sensitive to jump, flashing over the attack of the big snake.

At the same time, more and more mulberry prints on the body, and finally simply open the second state of the manta.

"Sakuo!" The big snake pill has reached out of countless white giant to Sasuke.

~ ▉ ~ ▉! The long sword in Sasuo waved into a residual, blush, countless white snakes were cut off.

"Go to death, big snake pills!" The wings behind the body showed it directly.

Immediately, the continuous ultra-fast attack (DBCF), the huge white snake body of the big snake pill was taken into a few pieces, weak in the ground.

"Is it over? The big snake pill, now you are really unbearable!" Sasuke gradually recovered from the state of the curse to the original state.

At this time, Sasuke suddenly found that he could not move, the body is also instant, and it is hard to stand without falling.

"Oh, it seems to have a role!" The snake head of the big snake is standing up. "The body fluid of this white snake is a liquid that will gasize the paralytic toxin as long as it is in contact with the air!"

"Haha, I am eternal, your surgery can't kill me, Sasuke!" The big snake pill opened a big mouth to bite to Sasuke, "I will give me the body!"

Sasuke's ,,

"What is this place?"

"This is the space in my body. The revolving ceremony is here!" The big snake pill showed his face from the python, "Oh, the ceremony begins, Sasuke!"

The sound of the big snake pill is just falling, and the whole body of Sasuke is climbing the boa.

Sasuke is no expression, just use his writing wheel cold looking at the eyes of the big snake pill.

"Oh ... I finally got this pair, and Yis Zhi Pip also had the same eyes as the farewell!" The big snake pill is laughing.

The body of Sasuke is completely covered by many pythons.

At the same time, the body of the big snake pill showed that two people directly have several python chains.

Just when the Big Snake Pill was completed, the Sasuke's wealth of the Sasuke that was buried by the python was actually extended from the biting of the big snake pills that biting the giant light, and the python who was handled. TUI goes.

"How is this possible? This is the space I created, why you can ..." The big snake pill is full of invincible.

"Big Snake Pills ... No matter what kind of surgery you use, it is useless in my eyes!" The giant pyth behind him is getting bigger and bigger.

The big mouth of the python bite to the big snake pill, and the awareness of Sasuke is dominating the space you created by the big snake pill.

"Why happens this! I am a long-lived big snake pill. How do I die here!" The consciousness of the snake pill was gradually swallowed, and finally became a bleak.

The big snake pill wanted to take the body of Sasuke, but did not think of the power of huge writing, but it was taken away by Saso!

"The history of reincarnation should be completed!" Pocket drilled out of the ground, "the big snake pill, congratulations, you have gained the eyes!"

"Do you say who is the big snake pill?" Sasuke turned around with a monster eyes and his pocket.

"What? Are you Sasuke?" In the eyes, he was shocked. He saw the whole process of Dabake Pills in the eyes of Sasuke.

802 chapter, outside the avatar

Fire country wooden village.

~ ▉ Changfeng is condensed in Chakra in Xiaotong, and the doorbell in the home in the world.

The reason why the doorbell is because the night long wind is now in the outside, and the night's wind finds the growth of his strength. It is already in the hot world, then the body is in the small world. .

This fellowship and ordinary shadow are different, and the night costs have also tried to use the shadow to face, and their own body is cultivated in the small world.

But as long as his body enters the small world, his shadow is disappearing, and the two worlds are not connected.

However, after returning to the village of Wuma, the night-lived wind, found a strange job in the appendix of the god-level skills.

The name is called the body outside, cultivating this exercise, will have a perfect division.

This is shared with the body to share visual, sharing memory, while sharing the tolerance or practice.

However, this strength is the strength of its own needs to be cultivated by himself. That is to say that the night's long wind is in nature, it is in the body, there is no Chakra in the body.

However, this is divided from the night-wind body 31, so his flesh intensity is half the level of the body's quality.

Although only half, but in the nature of the night, the world is superior, the best capabilities are not bad.

Only there is no night-long's blood seat limit and Chakra in the body, which is equivalent to an ultra-weak version of the night.

However, this body has a benefit, that is, it can practice itself, and the body does not interfere with each other.

At the same time, the night is equivalent to having two lives. As long as they are in the body and any part of the body, the night grow is not dead, that is, the body and one of the people who die, can be resurrected by the other party.

Quite powerful skills, no foundation before night.

It is an idiotic Taoism to automatically appear in the night-long's mind, which means that this god level is still a lot of other strange things. It is just that the night's strength is insufficient, and it will not be seen at all.

With this avatar, the body of the night, the body of the night is always cultivated in the small world, and the branch is in the middle of the fire world, and cultivation.

Since it is very mixed by itself, it is very difficult to say, and there is a bloody boundary and the like, and the night long feels difficult to specialize.

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