The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 902 of the Chapter 902 of the Prince of Tennis

Nowadays, the appearance of the borders, let night long winds intend to practice the body's strength, which means that it will share the most powerful [meat] body.

The body is to continue to cultivate a variety of blood seasses and various exercises, and are not subject to any constraints.

Overall, it is just an auxiliary, and the night is mainly based on the body.

In addition to the battle in the small world in the small world, the night length of the world is undoubtedly a good news. He is now the weakest aspect is that Chakra is not as practicing for decades. Master.

"Who?" Night wind opened the door. (In fact, it is the door to open the door, sharing a variety of sensory, which is equivalent to the night growth body, there is no need to do a special instructions in the future.

"Changfeng, I heard the big and the captain said, many days, thank you for saving me!" Standing outside the door is the whirlpool.

"Oh! It is a nun, how? Recently, it is not bad with the good colorful immortal!" Night long laugh.

"Don't mention it, the color of the fairy is not moving mysteriously, I don't want him to practice again!" Naruto complained, and then walked into the night-hearted house to come to the dining room.

"Right, the master grandmother said to see you, so I told me to come to you!" Naruto is directly sitting next to the table.

"Is there a boring task?" The night's wind shook his head, looked at the sound, "Naruto, what do you do before the table?"

"Hey ... long wind ... that ... I haven't eaten my breakfast?" Naruto is embarrassed to touch the brain.

"Cut ~ ▉▉

"Haha, great! I have eaten ramen every day. My mouth has to fall out of the bird!" The excitement of Naruto, "I finally could eat the shiny cuisine, long wind, what are you ready today? "

Night wind went to the kitchen next to the dining room. "I will let you open my eyes today, see what is called the universe!"

Half hour later.

Naruto finally finished the universe of a wide range of universe, and the whole belly is like blowing balloons, walking.

"I ... Naruto, you really have finished eating ... too exaggerated!" The night grew is watching the Naruto is also crying.

"There is no way ... this universe is too good to sell, every place is different. Every time I eat a taste of a taste, I can't stop!" Naruto a happy wretched expression.

"I don't have a way, I am going! Let's go to the program, see what the task is there!" The night grew forth, the meteor came out of the door.

"Hey ~ ▉ Wait for me, long wind! You are slow!" The Naruto took himself soon to fall behind the ground.

Woody Village Purplision Office.

"Your move is too slow, let me wait for so long, really!" The two people went to the door, and the agency said.

"Calculate, the master ... don't be so angry!" 420 is also in the office.

"This can not blame me, you will know this guy!" The night grew blowing the door, the Naruto came in.

"Naruto, what have you done, how is the stomach?" The agency is also speechless.

"Hey ... I have a little more, who makes the cold style is too delicious!" Naruto is still a pig brother.

"Hey, stinky boy, I haven't seen you for a long time!" The taps also greet the night long.

"Oh, a beautiful cactus, you are not bad, have you written a novel recently?" The night is long.

"Haha, of course! Since I have seen your novel, I benefited more, I have written a new one after recently ..." I also smiled.

boom! At this time, the ahead couldn't help but ignore the existence of this fifth-generation rigid adult, and took a palm of the table.

! With the monster of the board, the table immediately quits five cracked, wood chips.

"Hey! Are you caught?" The master loudly.

"Cut ~ ▉ Why do you send such a big fire, is it a normally ..." The night's wind has not finished, and he has also held his mouth.

"Do you find it?"

"Hey ... a master, you still have to talk about what we have!" "" "" "

803 chapter, two special squad

"Hey ..." The obstacle of the agency is full of lunch, and then the look is a whole. "There is currently a letter from all over the world, what I want to say is about this thing!"

"Intelligence?" Night long wind turns to the program.

"What information? What happened?" Naruto asked doubts.

"The big snake will die ... It is said to be killed by Unecheo Sasuo!" The master slowly.

"Yes?" Night's mouth is slightly forth, "Sasu help the guy seems to be irritated by me!"

"Really ... Really?" Naruto was surprised.

"Will n't be wrong, this intelligence source is quite reliable!"

"Haha! Great, I just said that the guy will not be so easy to be killed!" The Naruto laughed behind his hands.

"Right, this kind, That Sail will come back!" Naruto excited.

"Things are not that!" Tap also replied.

"What do you mean?" Naruto hurriedly asked, "Since the big snake pill is dead, why didn't he return to the village?"

The night length shot shouted the shoulders, "I am not told you, the wooden village has no seventh class. Sasu help the big snake pill is to get the power, then kill his brother Yisizhiso! The moment he left the wooden leaves has been cut off! "

"It's evil! The guy is still thinking about this!" Naruto bite.

"This is the road he decided, and others have no way to say three four. Even if you take him as a brother!" Night wind slowly.

"Changfeng ... you!" Naruto glance.

"Okay, now I am not saying this! Now there is an intelligence to find another three people, form a team called the 'snake', ready to track the fall of Yisi Pos, and interrupt the Ming. People's words.

"Then we also hurry to organize the team to act, to stop the help!" Naruto urgently.

"Yes! This time, this time, it is for this matter. Sasuke although it is a rebellious wooden village, but it is still our wooden village, and the Unecheon he want to chase is also the rebellion of our wooden village. Intole, and I also involved in the text of the organization to be unfavorable to the village, so ... `▉ ▉ ..." The card has not fallen.

The door of the Huang Shadow office was opened again, and the flagmithioli came in, "So we have to find Uzhi Pub!"

"Oh, it is Kakasi teacher!" Naruto turned his head and looked at Kakasi.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, Naruto, long wind!" Kakasi's eyes smiled.

"Carti teacher, recently, you seem to be very busy, even the figure can not see!" Night wind spit.

"Some special tasks, now it is handled, this time our seventh class must re-collect, let Sasu help it back!" Carti replied.

"Great! Then let's go now! Carti!" Naruto urgently.

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