The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 903 of the Chapter 903 of the Prince of Tennis

"Let's go, I am not interested in Sasuke!" Night long wind.

"Changfeng, how do you like this, Sasuke, but our partner!" Naruto shouted.

"In order to get the power, you have to kill your own brothers, this partner, I would rather don't." The night greeshole, "I have to practice, if it is fine, I will go first!"

After the night is finished, turn around and leave.

Naruto also has no way to refute the night, the night's wind is all truth, but the Naruto always feels that he and the classes are not cut off.

His inner heart always has a strong desire, to find Saso help.

The night does not have this idea at all, any world is just a memory for night growth. One year, the night's live wind is completely integrated into the world.

But the so-called embarrassment is not too big for night lengthy, and the night grows is just living, and it is getting stronger and stronger, and finally surpassing the ultimate strength of this naciery world.

Only powerful to the limit can not be bound by any law, powerful to the control of the superhen system, in a sense is the ultimate task of the night length.

boom! The apeer is a table that is broken in front of the crushed table, and the floor under the table instantly collapsed.

"Night long wind, you are stinking, you stand!" The aperator was smashed enough, but it didn't have a good way to get the night.

She knows that night long winds are completely unsatisfactory.

"Okay! Opener, don't you send such a big temper? This kid is handed over to me, just as I want to perform the task, it is still a person!" Suddenly there.

"Hey!" The master is cold, indicating that the huge dissatisfaction of the night's long wind is.

"How? Stinky boy, do you want to perform a task with me?" The neck of the night is also homked.

"Not interested ..." I spit out three words in the noise of the night.

"I know that you will say this, this time I have to go to the base!" Low the loud voice at night.

"Well?" The night's hard work listened to the base of the organization.

"I know that your kid is more in writing, how do you want to go with me?" I asked again.

The night growth is slightly thinking. There is Kakasi in the words, the Naruto should have a problem, even if the Naruto is captured, it should not immediately take the nine-tailed foxes in the human body.

After all, the nine tail is the last absorbed tail, so the night cost is still going to the rescue.

At the same time, if this time is really a well-taught base, the night costumes will also wanted to learn the leader of the organization and see how strong it is.

If you can kill the tissue leader, it is very likely that you have destroyed the organization and complete the legendary task published by the superhen system.

(Zhao Hao) Even if you can't kill the head collar of the organization, it is good to see the strength of the organization.

After all, the four people killed before the night, are not the strongest person in the group weaving.

"Good!" I spit into a word in the long-lasting mouth.

"Oh, okay! Outlet, this kid is handed over!" The coming is turning his head.

Then I will also disappear at the same place at the same time.

"Hey ~ ▉, good color cactus!" Naruto wanted to call two people late.

"Don't call, two of them are special two teams, they are going to implement special tasks!" The master is full of airway.

"What should we do?" Naruto asked, "You must have to organize the help!"

"You will work with other teams to complete this capture of Uki-Zhi's task!" The program was clapped, "Okay, you can come in!"

804 chapter, the big camp

It is the three three people, young and dogwood, and oil women.

"Hey ... is you!" Naruto called.

"Haha, the Naruto hasn't seen you for a long time!" The dog is laughing.

"Okay, now you have formed a five-person team to organize Unecho Sasuke, can, to bring him back to the village!"

"Yes!" The five people should be in the same way.

At this point, the squad of the two wooden villages has been departed, and a team is a special small team that is also a night, and the task is to find out the base camp.

The other team is the Naruto, and the five-person small team consisting of the three people in the red class is Yiszo.

Above the wasteland, the clouds in the sky, the lightning is quite, and there will be a little rain.

"Start it!" Ghost said.

"Yeah, the weather is getting worse!" Yisi Hubo on the side looked up at the sky.

"Go to the tree to hide, it will be cold." The ghosts blinded after the muscles.

"Know it ..." Yisi Pubo turned his head.

The ghosts picked up the old man on the ground, and then got up, "I went to contact the leader!"

"He seems to be dead ... Treat the elderly to be careful!"

"You don't know if he is fine, this person can use the four-tailed melt, so don't need too careful!", You didn't make it with him, so I don't know my hard! " Ghost replied.

"is it……"

"But ... is what I asked you to let me go alone, or you have to make a complex goal, let me take him a half!" Said the ghost.

"The ghost is so excited!" Yuxi Hosi replied.

"But the words come back, I am a little tired, I really want to complete the task quickly, then take a break!" The two walked into the woods.

"Don't be so embarrassed, there will be a lot of time!" Yisi Hosi replied.

"Don't spend more time, there are not a few tail beasts, after all, the recent leader, let us speed up!" Ghost said.

"We also need to capture eight tail column, and the last nine tails ..." The voice of the did not fall, they were summoned by the tissue headers.

Unknown cave.

~ ▉ and ghosts are soon appeared in this cave. At this time, (DBCA) Other members of the organization have been in the cave.

"You move too slowly." Take the head of the organization.

"We just caught the column, in order not to let him escape, we spent a little time, so late!" Ghost replied.

"Very good ... Everyone is all!"

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