The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 904 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Well ... how is the corner and flying sections?" Ghosts and captured four tails, so I didn't know the news that the corner and flying segments have been killed by night.

"They are dead!"

"Oh, this way. The original group will die will die, I really want to see how they die!" Ghost smiled.

"Don't say your partner." Take the head of the organization.

"Who is the hand?" Ghosts asked.

"The Ninja Ninja in the Village!"

"What? It's a little ghost. Why have he always have to work with the organization? It seems that there is no hatred!" Ghosts doubt.

"Whether you don't care about him, now the most important thing is to capture eight tail and nine-tailed people!" The head of the organization is cold.

"Well ... If you are fine, let's go first ..." Ghost replied.

"Wait! I haven't finished it yet ..." Xiaou led.

"what's happenin?"

"There is still a person being killed!"

"There is still one person? Who?"

"That is the big snake pill!" Take the head of the organization.

I heard the name of the big snake pill, Yishi Houh was not easy to detect.

"Oh, it is the guy of the big snake pill. He is out of the organization has been eight years, so it is good to kill him ... but can kill the big snake pills is not ordinary people, will not be the night. Kid? "The ghost scared.

"Not! Is Yuxi Bao Sasuke!"

"The very weak little ghost can also kill the big snake pill?" The ghost is a little accident, "I don't think about the younger brother!"

"Now he is really looking for a partner, and he is looking for some ninja to deal with it."

"How to say?"

"You should also know one of them, is one of the ghost lights of the fog hidden village."

"Water moon, it is really a little!" Ghost replied.

"There is also a heavy weigh!, Ghosts, you are careful, their goals are probably you." Xiaodou slowed down.

"Okay, now start to extract the tail of the four-tail column!" Xiaotou collar quickly printed.

Bang! The huge outer road is raised again, and there is already three eyes on the head.

After three days, the country of rain.

The country is located between fire, earth and wind, and therefore, it has become more difficult in the pastoral war. The rainfall is constantly rainy, so the buildings are quite a high steel tall building, and there are many drainage pipes.

Night winds and taps have appeared in this rainy rain.

The night long wind is shrouded a layer of gold Chakra, and he feels the surrounding dangerous breath, he has let the body jump out of the small world, and let the borders enter the small world.

In terms of fighting, the night grows or try to make the body fight. Although the senses and combat experience are shared, the night grows still thinks that the body is more graspful, facing the head of the tissue, the night cost is not dare.

"Oh, successful sneak, I didn't expect it to be quite simple, I also thought that people organized will arrange some organs!" Side also laughed.

"The words are coming back, the weather here is really poor, how can people who have taught themselves as a big camp!" The night is very puzzled.

"I don't know ... I haven't been here for a long time here!"

"Oh? Good color cactus, have you been here before?" Asked Night.

"That is a long time, it is time, I am not one of them ..." The tap will slowly drive.

Among the country of rain.

"What's wrong?" A woman who has a red cloud windbreaker asked her to wear a red cloud windbreaker in front of her.

"Someone is coming, it should be two people, from Chakra's feelings, one of them is very strong, and this kind of Chakra is a little familiar ..." The man is slowly opened, the gray eyes are better than Write the power of the horrible force in the surging.

805 chapter, Payne is God?

The heavy rain has been, the night grows and comes, and the cloak walks on the streets of the rain in the country.

The people around them are in almost the same cloak, and there is only a few people in the village street of the rain in the rain, while the bustling of the village has formed a distinct contrast.

"Small South ... Wait until the rain stops, you will use that kind of time to find the invader!" On this high platform, it is a head of the organization.

"No problem, I know!" Xiaoshan hands quickly lane.

"Start!" Payn's hands were also fast print, and finally the hands were all.

on the street.

"It's great!" The Ninja in the country pushed the fight against the top.

"Yeah, find a place to drink a cup of bohey, how is it?" Said next to him.

"The nearby is the best, there is no store! We have to go up!"

"Is this not a family?" One of them pointed to the house in front of it.

The house is written on today's opening, there is a bar, the words of the frog bar.

"We are really walking!" The two longevity and walked into this so-called frog bar.

"Welcome!" Said the waiter behind the bar in the bar.

"Oh, hello! Give us a drink and bar!" The country of the rain saw someone, his face was happy, took off the cloak and said on the side of the wall and said.

"OK! Two, please take it!" Another waiter also came out of the bar, pointed to the seat in front of the bar.

"Isn't today on Sunday?" One of them sat before the bar.

"This means that Payne must do specially, maybe he wants to go abroad!" The headscarf in the side replied.

"But in the past, he never let the days outside the Sunday, the rain is over!" Huang Mei faces full of doubts.

"Who knows, maybe this event is to let him use strength!"

"But is it necessary to be such a big rain?" Huang Mao complained.

"Hey ~ ▉ is also doing this kind of thing for this town, so tight!"

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