The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 905 of the Chapter 905 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

"The words come back, we have to get wine and wine," The headscarf is very dissatisfied to watch the two people after the bar, "I am not ready for all!"

boom! At this time, two service students show real appearance, which is also a lot of live wind.

"Who is you?" The two rainy countries were scared to jump, and they took two steps.

"You are asking us, it should be that we ask you!" Laughing.

At this time, the outer rain was stopped.

On the high platform, Payne turned to the small South Road. "

"Know!" Xiaoshan closed his eyes, she suddenly became a paper piece, followed by flying from her.

These sheets of paper eventually changed to the flying butterfly four-to-eight side.

The lens turns back to the frog bar. In fact, there is no bar, and the ninja of the two rain is in the belly of the call.

"I said that the good cactus, you didn't tell me so disgusting!" The night grew by the night.

"Okay, your kid doesn't complain. I am not easy to lie to them!" I also turned around to look at the Ninja that was fixed in the stomach wall.

"Although you are small, it is also a ninja!" The tap also slowly.

"Who are you?" The headscarf man is full of sweat, "Where are we!"

"Shut up! You only need to answer our questions, otherwise!" There is a golden Chakra ball in the hands of the night, "I will tell us what you lead!"

"What is this? Strong Chakra fluctuate, if it is playing, it will be ..." The yellow head on the side is also cold sweat.

"Say!" The night's wind has lost patience and raised the golden Chakra's ball in front of the two.

"Well! I said, I said ..." The headscarf is scared enough. "I heard that Payne is on the highest tower of the west ..."

"Do you tell me I heard?"

"Honestly, no one knows about Payne adults!" Headband male replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that he inherited the blood of the wind, but no one has seen his long phase, and even some people say that he does not exist at all!" Heads and men bow down.

"Is it? When I mentioned Payne on the street, people asked were very respectful!" Night and cold.

··· ▉ ▉ ···

"That's because Wesin is like God, there is no existence and not important, because he will always guard us! Whether it is a sacrifices, speech or other orders, he will send an agent to execute!" Tarnam Male.

"Is he your leader? Why should I hide the true face on the people in the village?" The coming is also confused.

"Well? Are you not a member of the residency? Who are you?" Headscarf suddenly passed.

"Who we have nothing to do with you, but why do you mention the residual parties in the rain?"

"Hey! It seems that you don't know anything, you are all foreign people! Not long ago, those who have still wanted to take the life of Payne, have been sneaking here. But so far, it seems to have only You have two success! "Huang Mao added to the side.

...? .... [......

"What do you mean?"

"The civil war is over, the last winner is us, so Penne will become a legend, because his stomach is destroyed!" The headscarf is proud.

"Well!" The coming is also shocked. "It's hard to believe! The half-Zhai, which is famous!"

"Half hide, who is? Very strong?" Asked Night asked.

The coming is also in the remember.

"We have happened to fight with the country of Yu, that time, I also had a big snake pill, and the three people were not half-hidden. And the name of our wooden leaves is also raised by half hidden!" Also driven.

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉

"Yeah! Say, how did he kill half-hidden!"

"I didn't say it? We don't know anything!" Turban men replied, "Because Bene is God, he must use a terrible tolerance to kill half-hidden, and he also has a strong poisonous Tough heart! "

"What do you mean?"

"Not just half-hidden, all people related to half are dead, and he destroys everything, this is the sanctions of God!" The headscarf is full of respect, "So Wesin is a true God! "

806 chapter, Xiaonan

"Well! Good color cactus, these two guys were brained, anyway, I can't ask! We went directly to Payne!" When the night's hands were behind, it didn't matter Rare.

"Okay!" The company is also fast printed. The two appeared in the streets of the rain.

Night, the wind is slightly upside down, "I don't know how Wen's strength, don't let me be too disappointed!"

The two immediately disappeared in the same place and rushed to the highest tower of the west.

Both people did not pay attention to white paper butterfly around them.

Half an hour later, it was also in the high tower and the night wind.

The entire tower is a water pipe everywhere, and there are many channels like a maze.

On the top of the Tower's top, the white "four three three" colored paper butterflies were hovered again, and finally became a small South.

"Who?" Petion asked.

"One is a lot, and another person has not seen it. It should be the Ninja of Wapan Village!" Xiaoke slowly replied.

"It's a teacher, it is really a little!" Pethen.

"Wesin, what should I do next?" Xiaonan asked.

"Of course, it's a killing of all invaders, including the teacher, now I have no nostalgia to him!" Payne cold.

"Take me! Kill them!"

"Know! But before it is, it will be they will come!" Xiaonan's body changed to a small white paper, dissipated in the air.

The lens turns to the night grows and tap.

"I said that it is necessary to turn into the land of these two rainfalls ..." Night wind is very unlogly.

"Don't complain about your kid, camouflage is the compulsory course of the Ninja!" The voice did not fall.

Suddenly, the air is filled with white paper, and the flooded floods.

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