The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 17 - 16: Energies

After breakfast, Emily followed Yukiko to the back of the castle.

"I can't believe what just happened...  How can this be true? It's must a dream! This is probably why Beck want to keep our meeting as a secret, but even so--"

"Why are you still standing there?" Yukiko asked sternly disturbing Emily's train of thought.

"What?" Emily looked at Yukiko confusingly, "Did you say something?

"Yeah, I did. I asked you to come here." Yukiko grunted irritatingly as she sat down under a huge tree.

Emily followed her instruction and sat next to her, "So, what are we doing?"

"Well, first of all, why did you want me to teach you? Aren't you scared that I might kill you?" Yukiko questioned while scrunching her eyebrows.

"Um... Because your my frien-- wait no, best friend." Emily answered enthusiastically which Yukiko replied with a droll look.

"Alright, alright. I was just joking. I don't know why, but it doesn't matter, right? If you want to kill me, you could have done it long ago. Besides, right now, we're are the back of the castle, you have many chances to kill me, but you didn't."

"How would you know? I might do it later." Yukiko challenged with a glare.

Emily turned to face her, before grinning, "Well, alright. When the time comes, I guess I'll regret it, but in the meantime you should teach me some stuff, Miss Yumemiya."

"Ugh, you're insane." Yukiko rolled her eyes before continuing, "Do you have any experience with any sort of combat? Even basic self-defence is fine too."

Emily shook her head.

"Okay, do you know what kind of element you possessed?"

"Nope." Emily answered truthfully.

"Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?"

"Um..." she considered for a few seconds before shaking her head.

"You're hopeless." She scowled while pinching the bridge of her nose as she shook her head disappointedly. "Well, I guess we can first determine the element you possessed."

"So, there's this special energy that you can gain access to." She stated as she manifested a bluish light that coated her hand, "And depending on the element you possessed, the colour can vary."

Emily's eyes lit up as Yukiko did that, she can't help but to keep staring at it.

Yukiko cleared her throat before she spoke, "Since mine is snow, I can transform it into snow if I want to." She focused her energy on her palm and slowly, a handful of snow appeared on her hand.

That amazed Emily, so much that she ended clapping as if she is watching a magician, whom had just pulled a bunny out of a hat.

Emily observed the snow formed on Yukiko's hand as if it's the first time she seen snow. She swirled and poked around for a good whole minute before Yukiko started to feel uncomfortable, "Are you done?!"

Yukiko voice boomed into her ears, causing her to give her ears a ginger rub, "Yeah. So, what should I do first?"

"Straighten up and clear your mind." Yukiko instructed while making the snow on her palm disappear. "Take a deep breath and close your eyes."

Emily did as instructed. Yukiko stood up and walked around her while giving her more instructions, "Try to feel the flow of the energy passing through your veins."

At first, she couldn't feel anything but slowly she felt a slight tingling sensation. Yukiko filled her mind with her voice, "Now focus your energy at one point, your palms."

She tried her best to visualise a coating around her hands. However, the harder she tried, the faster the image will go away. She struggled to get the image back, but it didn't work out. The sweat droplets on her face started to run down her cheeks as she attempted to focus harder.

"Don't force it. Just let it flow, like water." Yukiko's voice echoed in her mind, calm yet serious.

Emily took her advice and instead of visualising a coating around her palms, she decided to visualise the energy flowing to her palms which was so much easier.

She sat there for quite some time before she felt her palms heating up. Slowly, her palms became very hot, too much for her to bear. It felt as if she is putting her hands over a thousand degree steam. Before she know it, her whole body felt the same way.

The pain pierced through every part of her body. She tried her best to remain calm, but she just couldn't. Her body fell forward as she planted her forearms on the grass to avoid her face from landing into it. Breathless, she struggled to get a couple gasps of air, before opening her eyes.

However, the pain still there, she could not get rid of it. Her vision started to blur and she could not muster up the strength to continue holding her body.

Just as she was about to pass out, Yukiko placed her hand on her head and a blue light menifested itself. Another wave of pain went through her before she found herself being launched backwards.

She fell on her back and took a couple of deep breaths before she realised the pain had already dissipated. She wiped her sweat on her forehead with the back of her palm and pushed herself up as she forced the words out, "Wh...what happened...?"

"Well, you went out of control. I'm not surprised though, since this is the first time your gaining access to this energy. You exerted out too much of energy and your body couldn't handle it." Yukiko explained with folded arms.

She walked in front of Emily and reached out her hand for hers, "Should we try again?"

Although the pain had disappeared, she could feel a tangling sensation throughout her body. She sat there, for a few seconds, trying to absorb whatever just happened. She did not think that things like that could happen, and she was not sure if she was even willing to try that again. She just couldn't forget that pain she felt.

Yukiko noticed her uncertainty and let out a sigh before saying, "We'll stop here for now. Just take a bath and get some rest." After that she walked away, towards the castle.

Emily sat there feeling angry at herself for letting her fear slipped in, "Dammit. Finally, someone is willing to help me and yet, I'm being such a coward. Come on Emily! It's just pain! Well, good job, Emily! Now you're left here... Alone."

"Hey! How long are going to sit down there?" Yukiko barked.

Surprised, Emily looked up to Yukiko staring down at her with those icy blue eyes. Emily was dumbfounded as she stared at Yukiko for a good whole minute, before Yukiko broke the silence, "Why are you looking at me like that? Get up."

"...Are you still willing to teach me?" Emily asked hesitantly as she was scared of how Yukiko might reply.

"Of course. When did I say I'll stop?" Yukiko questioned while turning her head away from her.

"Can you stop staring?!" She yelled, "Just get up already!"

She marched off while saying, "Sometimes, I really questioned your intelligence."

Emily got up while still being surprised of what just happened, but one thing she knew was that she's glad that Yukiko didn't left her. She picked up her speed and followed behind Yukiko, although her body was aching. "Thanks." Emily said quickly and softly but loud enough for Yukiko to hear, which she replied with, the typical answer, "Shut up."

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