The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 18 - 17: Roommates

Once Emily got back into the castle, she took one of the most luxurious baths she ever had. The bathroom was bigger than the size of her room, back on Earth. The water was lukewarm, which soothed her whole body and it felt as if all the aches in her body had been relieved.

She stared down onto her body and realised her wounds, had already disappeared. That was not strange for her. Even since she was young, her recovery speed is always on the top of its game. It was probably due to the genes she have gotten from her parents, whom are some sort of supernatural beings, "I guess that's another I can thank my parents for."

She got out of the bathtub, which seemed more like a small pool, after soaking for fifteen minutes or so. She felt somewhat guilty even using it, as if she did not really deserve all these luxuries. After all, it was because of her parents that she could be using all these stuff.

She dried her hair with a fresh towel and changed into a new set of clothes provided for her. She got out of the bathroom to only be greeted by a smiling servant.

He bowed to her sincerely and notified, "My lady, your room has been shifted to the top floor. The other servants and I have already brought your belongings up. Please allow me to show you the way to your room."

"Oh, okay." She nodded, "Thanks."

The man turned and walked at a slow pace while Emily followed. They walked up a couple of spiral stairs before reaching a hallway filled with pristine wooden doors. However, only one of the doors caught her eyes and that is because a familiar figure, who was holding on to a trunk, stood in front of it.

"Ah, Prince Oliver." The servant greeted with a bow while they walked towards him. Beck noticed their presence and greeted back a smile. She could not make eye contact with him since this morning, well, because of what happened.

"I'll be on my way now. Here's your room, my lady." The servant stated while giving her bow before disappearing into the long hallway, leaving the two standing outside the room awkwardly.

Until now, she could not believe that she was currently 'engaged'. She did not think that Beck was a bad guy but, everything just happened too quickly. Besides, she is only sixteen, too young to be think about these things. She should be in school now, hoping that the teachers would not call her name, since she did not like receiving attention.

"Erm... Hey." Beck greeted with a sheepish smile, which brought her back to reality.

"Oh yeah, hey." She replied while looking away.

Both of them remained silent, not knowing what to say to each other. I mean, the only thing on their minds was that little— Engagement. Emily could not believe it, she bȧrėly know this guy and now they are... Engaged.

This is just great.

"What's going to happen next? A dragon is going to fly its way here to capture me? Or maybe a damn werewolf is going devour my body? Either way, I can't wait!"

She shook her sarcastic thoughts away when she heard Beck clearing his throat abruptly to break the awkward silence, "You're going in, right?"

"Yeah. That servant said that my room has been shifted. So, I guess I'm going to be here." She answered, trying to hide her shyness. She didn't know where all that shyness came from. It was not weird talking to him in the morning, but now, it was definitely weird.

"I see. Here." He said as he pushed opened the door. She thanked him and proceeded her way through the door, while he followed behind her.

The room was huge. The bed was much bigger than the one in the guest room, it was probably two or even three times bigger. There was also a settee along with a wooden coffee table that was smoothly sanded. Other than that, there were more fancy furniture that were probably worth over millions.

After admiring the room for a good few seconds, she finally noticed his presence, "Do you need to talk to me about something?"

He rubbed the back of his neck while staring at the wooden floor, "Um... No."

She raised one of her eyebrows and ċȯċked her head slightly to the side, "So..."

"I'm staying here." He uttered quickly as he tried his best to keep a straight face. Those words just went over her head and it took a few seconds for her to finally realise what those words meant.

"WHAT?! Just how crazy can my day can get?!"

"H-hold on, you're kidding, right?" She stammered in disbelief.

"I wish I was, but I'm not."

Beck's expression then faded to an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, I guess."

When she heard his apology, she felt bad. She should have cared about his feelings too, she had not intention of making him feel bad. It was just that, there is no way she could feel comfortable staying with another guy.

"Please don't apologise. It's not your fault, things have just been a little too crazy for me. Three days ago, I was back on Earth and things were normal, but now I'm here." She admitted, while twiddling with her thumbs, "Is there no other way to break this engagement? It's not that I hate you or anything but I just can't do this."

Beck looked up at her with a sympathetic look, "I know... I'm sorry for that too. Sadly, there's no way of breaking this for the first six months. Afterwards, maybe, one of us can reject it. You can act as if you're rejecting me, this way you can still keep your dignity."

"Gosh! He's way too nice."

She smiled sadly as she met his eyes, "There's no way I can do that, I can't use you for my own benefits. Also, come on, stop apologising, it's not fault. You're probably the last one I should blame. I mean, you tried to warn me about this, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"So, because of that, you shouldn't not be at fault. Instead, I should thank you. Thanks."

She then turned and made her way to the bed. She sat on the comfy bed, which sank when she landed on it. Beck walked towards her and informed, "Prin-- I mean, Emily. We're heading back to Earth tomorrow, so I guess that's something less crazy."

"Really?" She blurted out as her eyes lit up upon hearing that. It was something that she was glad to hear. Even though she has been here for two days, she already missed Patricia and Hailey.

Beck nodded in reassurance, "His and her majesty thought that you might miss your life back on Earth, so they decided that you should head back whenever you want. However, you need to return here whenever you're needed, which sadly, might be pretty often."

She would not mind it one bit, as long as she was able to see Patricia and Hailey again.

She heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I guess I wouldn't be stuck here forever."

"I guess so." He chuckled.

Emily fell back on to the soft bed, just then, something popped up on her mind. "Wait, there's one bed and the two of us. How-- What? Don't tell me..."

She jolted up and looked directly at him, "There's only one bed. There's no way that we are expected to share the bed right?"

Who was she kidding? The answer to that question was obvious.

"Well, we are. Don't worry about it though, I'll be sleeping there." Beck answered while pointing to the settee next to the coffee table.

"Wait, what? No. You're injured, I wouldn't want you to sleep there. You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep there." She protested as she shot up to her feet.

"There's no way I'm letting you do that. You're the Princess, you shouldn't sleep there." Beck argued almost immediately.

"You're a Prince yourself, you can't do that too." A tired sigh then escaped her lips as her expression softened, "Just use the bed, Beck."

"I won't. If you're worry about me being injured, then I can tell you honestly, I'm fine." Beck ȧssured while placing his hand over his wound.

She raised an eyebrow in disbelief, as she crossed her arms over her ċhėst.

"There's no way he can be fine. Yesterday, I just saw this guy had a sword pierced through him. Compared to me, he was in a much worse state. I got lucky because of Yukiko. As for him, not so much, he's definitely NOT fine at all. And who's fault is it? Me, Emily!"

"Excuse me, but... You're not fine." Emily breathed out with a sense of guilt, "You're in this state because of me. So, this is the least I can do. Oh yes, you're working under me, right? So, I commend you to sleep on the bed then."

"Emily, you can't just do that." Beck huffed as he shook his head disapprovingly.

"I can." She insisted as she walked towards the settee and sat down on it. "I've claim this now."

When she said that she felt like a three year old who was claiming everything she found to be hers.

Beck was surprised when he heard her, but the surprised look on his face slowly turned into amusement.

Emily's face flushed red with embarrassment as she looked away, "Hey, don't laugh. I'm already embarrassed."

He covered his mouth with the back of his hand and pursed his lips, "I'm sorry, but I've never expected the Princess to say such things in this manner."

"Princess or not, I'm still human... Until recently." She hesitated before continuing, "Look, what I'm trying to say is that I have feelings, you know? There are times when I will say these things, I guess."

"You're right." He smiled. Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door. He walked towards the door and opened it as Emily followed behind.

They were both greeted by a bright and cheery smile, "Hey, love birds!"

Those last two words made both of their faces red.

Mary skipped in happily, as if she was entertained solely by their reaction. However, she did decide to give them a break after everything that happened in the morning. "Alright, alright. I'm just kidding." She giggled.

"Yeahhh. So, what's up, Mary?" Emily asked as an attempt to try to play it cool.

"Well, I need to change Beck's bandages." Mary replied while pointing at him.

"Oh, alright. Do what you need to do." She said as she lifted both her arms as if to surrender.

"Emily, it's going to get... Um, gross. So, it's probably better if you go out and get some fresh air." Beck suggested with a smile. She knew that he wanted her to leave but, she didn't want to leave him like that.

It did not feel right.

However, if that was what he wants then, sure.

"Okay, then." She obeyed while heading outside to meet with a long and empty hallway.

"Now, where should I go?"

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