[Earth, Patricia's house]

"What are you girls doing?" Patricia asked as Emily and Hailey practically busted through the door.

"Um... Exercising?" Hailey stated dryly as Emily tried to catch her breath.

"Really? Exercising? Well, either way you two look like you didn't enjoy it very much." Patricia said as she took the two plates of spaghetti and placed them on the dining table, "Here, eat up. Luckily, I prepared an extra plate. I didn't expect Hailey would come by."

"Sorry about that and thanks, Patricia." Hailey smiled while rubbing her elbow sheepishly

"It's fine, I'm gonna go to work now. You girls can stay here. I've already prepared dinner, it's in the fridge. Just heat it up if you're hungry. Alright, bye." Patricia waved, before she shut the door behind her.

Patricia Lotto, she is Emily's Guardian and she is 34 years old. Despite her age, she's a very attractive woman and she looks as if she's in her early twenties. Because of that, many men would always turned their heads as she walked by. She is another person that Emily is grateful to have. However, she is no doubt a charming woman... She can literally flirt with anyone and almost everyone she flirted with, will fall for her. When she drunk, DAMN! She will be that one woman who walks around while being surrounded by men. But, it's hard to get Patricia drunk, so that helps A LOT.

Patricia have been taking care of Emily for her whole 16 years worth of life. Emily knows nothing about her real parents but she heard the story of how Patricia found her.

Apparently, when she's an infant, her parents left her at the doorstep of Patricia's newly bought house. She was in a basket with a note saying:

'Please take good care of our daughter, we will repay when the time comes. Her name is Emily Patterson.'

Emily have always thought how cruel her parents were to leave a vulnerable baby at a stranger's doorstep. I mean, what if the owner of the house was a cannibal? Or maybe a psychopath? She could have died and not see the beautiful view of this plate of spaghetti.

Fortunately, Patricia was neither of which. She always joked around how as an 18 years old girl, she always wanted to just kicked the baby out of her doorstep or use the baby as a sacrifice to the gods of some sort. But, she didn't do it. Instead, she took care of it and often called a nanny to take care of Emily while she is studying in college.

How she get the money to do such things? Emily don't know it herself. She frequently asked Patricia this question. But, her reply is always the same with a wink, "What can I say? I'm a smart-ass woman. I know how to make money quickly and efficiently."

Because of this, Emily never really missed her parents or have the urge to find them. Patricia provided enough care and love to make her not think about them.

"Emily! Hey! Hello! Are you still with me? Earth to Emily. Just so you know, you're daydreaming again." Hailey sighed while shaking her head dramatically.

That broke her train of thought as she looked up at Hailey with a confused look on her face. "Sorry, you said something?"

"Yeah, I did. Do you know those people?" She asked as she slurped on a noodle.

"Well, no, I don't. They probably got the wrong person. I mean Emily and Emilia do sound the same, but they're different, right? So, they probably confused me with another girl."

Hailey paused, "But, it's still disturbing to me. He said your name when you first met him."

For some reason, that made Emily's stomach tightened.

"How did he know about about your name? Maybe a distant relative whom you don't know?" Hailey's eyes widened, "Oh no, don't tell me... A stalker" Followed by an exaggerated gasp as she placed her hand over her mouth.

"Hailey... Just no." Emily looked at her unamusingly. "He's maybe a relative but definitely not a stalker... I think."

"See, you're not sure yourself." Hailey replied as she pointed the fork at Emily. "Besides, what's century are we even living in? Princesses? Seriously? Even if this is a prank, they should get their date right, you know?"

"Mm-hmm" Emily agreed with a mouth full of spaghetti.

Hailey stopped for a second and said with a serious look on her face, "But, hey, be careful. If it turns out to be real, I doubt they will stop here. I mean look at them, they have a FREAKING limousine! Which also means they have money, and money equals to capability. So, they can come get you if they want to."

Hailey ended up staying with her, until Patricia was back from work, in order to keep her company. Both of them did their work, played some video games and watched a couple of movies. However, in the end, Hailey stayed at Emily's place for night since Patricia came home pretty late and it was dangerous for Hailey to go home on her own at that time.

Well, Emily did not mind it at all. After all she enjoyed the presence of her one and only Friend, Hailey.

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