The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 6 - 5: Transfer Students(?)

"Hailey, why did you do that? What if that girl got really mad and ask someone to beat you up for doing that to her." Emily whispered anxiously to Hailey as both of them got into their seats. "What are you going to do then?"

"Well, I'll think about it when it happens." She replied as she sank into her seat and stretched.

"What? No. You might get hurt, she wi--" Just before Emily could finished their form teacher, Miss Wallen cleared her throat and shouted, "Everyone! Please settle down!"

The class took note of the her presence and the students sauntered back to their seats.

She placed down her books and continued, "That's much better. So class, I would like to introduce two new transferred students."

Two well-groomed students walked through the door. One of them was a petite looking girl with green eyes and hazelnut hair that was tied neatly into a lace braided bun. Her skin was clear, which indicated healthy skin and she was smiling brightly while she introduced herself, "I'm Mary Miller. Nice to meet all of you, I hope we can all be friends!"

Just as she finished her introduction, she looked over and made eye contact with Emily. Emily quickly turned away as she felt a sense of discomfort and uneasiness.

The guy next to Mary had dark brown hair with a reddish tint to it and amber coloured eyes. He was almost six feet tall and his hair was styled like how most guy will style it, nothing out of the original. But, he was definitely better looking than most male celebrities. He introduced himself with a slight yet soft smile, in order to hide his shyness, "I'm Beck Oliver."

There was a moment of silence as the class expected him to continue talking, but it seems like he had no idea what to say next. He stood there awkwardly while rubbed the back of his neck, "So... Yeah... Um..." He looked at the Miss Wallen as if to ask for help.

Emily almost felt bad for him. She could understand how difficult it was to stand in front of a crowd, because she personally hated it as well.

"So yeah, I hope the class can help both of them if they ever need help. You two can go to your seats now, right next to Miss Patterson." Miss Wallen said as she pointed to the two empty seats next to Emily.

She felt a wave of anxiety as the two walked towards her to get to their seats. "I hope nothing weird will happen again." She thought to herself.

Just as she thought about that, they stopped in front of Emily's desk.

"Dammit. Something weird is going to happen, right?" She looked up hesitantly and said, "Um, your seats are right there." Hoping that they are acting weirdly because they didn't know where their seats were.

Suddenly, both of them gave her the forty-five degree bow similar to the one she saw yesterday saying, "Good morning, Princess."

Emily was so shocked that she jumped out of her seat.

Miss Wallen saw what happened and asked, "Miss Patterson, do you... know them?"

"No... I don't, Miss Wallen." She replied as her eyes were still widened from the shock.

"Okay then. The three of you, sit down! Lesson is about to start." Miss Wallen ordered. The three of them followed, except Emily was still confused of what just happened.

Lessons still went on as usual, but she found it difficult to focus because of all the weirdness going on. She let her mind drifted for a while, when suddenly...


Emily grimaced.


"I'm sor--"



That was Mr Robertson, he was one of the oldest Mathematics teachers in the school and he will always find opportunities to pick on students. Emily was not bad at mathematics but, she had no idea which question he was referring to, so she stood there with a confused look on her face.

"Z=6.00, Y=11.89 and X=59.77"

"What's the hell is that?" She thought when...

"SO MISS PATTERSON, THE ANSWER?" His cranky voice blasted through the classroom as disgusting grin was tugged at the side of his lips.

"Well, it's better to give an answer than to remain silent." She gave him the answer that she heard. "Z=6.00, Y=11.89 and X=59.77"

His eyes widened and embarrassment was written all over his face. That sight was just... Perfect.

"That's... correct. Sit down."

She sat down with her lips pursed, trying to hide the grin she had hanging at the side of her mouth.

She looked over and saw one of the newly transferred students staring at her with a rather dazed look on his face. Beck noticed that she was looking directly at him and flustered as he quickly turned away.

Lessons were the same as always and she tried her best to focus, although there were many questions she had. "What was with that voice? Why did they called my 'Princess'? ...Are those people still after me?"

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