Time passed much faster when Emily thought that she had finally gotten an opportunity to actually learn more about herself and before she knew it, school ended.

She told Hailey that she will be going with Beck and Mary for a little while to clarify some things. To her surprise, Hailey understood and respected her decision.

She followed Mary and Beck to the limousine that was parked in the school's carpark. She hid her face behind her bag as she enter the luxurious chunk of metal so that she will not get any more attention than she have already gotten.

Once she got in, she saw five other people. One of the guys from the group saw her and said, "Wow, you two really got her." He continued while giving her a bow, "You can call me Lavi, it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you, Princess."

"Nice to meet you too and you can stop bowing now. We can't be sure if I'm the Princess or not." Emily replied as Lavi raised his head.

"Hmm... We'll see about that."

Another guy caught Emily's eyes. He looked almost identical to Beck, except for his hair colour, he had a darker shade of brown. He caught her staring at him and said, "Well, I see the Princess has already taken an interest in me." He took her hand and gave it a gentle peck.

Emily's face turned red almost immediately. "What are you doing?!" She flustered.

"It's just a greeting." The guy grinned. Seeing what had just happened, another guy from the pack elbowed his face, making him jolted to the side. Emily's eyes widened as she pulled her hand away from his grip.

Beck whispered to her, "Sorry about that. That's my... older twin Brother, Ben."

Ben gingerly rubbed his jaw, "Ow! What was that for, Ethan?!"

"What are you talking about? I was just stretching, you just happened to be there. Besides, who do you think you are treating the Princess with this kind of attitude?" Ethan replied with a serious yet disgusted look on his face.

"Princess, I apologize on behalf of this dumbass." Ethan bowed sincerely.

"Don't mind them, they are just having one of their best friends arguments." Mary reassured with a innocent smile.

Upon hearing that, both Ben and Ethan exclaimed in unison, "WE'RE NOT BEST FRIENDS!"

"See? Best friends. They are totally in sync with one another." Mary reiterated her point, while retaining her innocent smile.

For some reason, Emily found it entertaining to watch those two, and without knowing, she let out a small smile.

Everyone inside looked at Emily as if she did something amazing. "I'm sorry but what's wrong?" She asked, "Why is everyone smiling at me?"

Mary stared at her for a few seconds before her face relaxed and she answered, "It's nothing, it's just that I've been observing you for the past for a while now and I haven't seen a single smile from you. Now that I've seen your smile, you truly look beautiful with it. I really do think that you're the person we're looking for. I mean, you really do look like your her majesty when you smile."

Emily blushed as she rarely received compliments from people, other than Patricia and Hailey of course. Because of that, she's felt uncomfortable when she is being complimented.

"...Thanks." She mumbled shyly, before attempting to change the topic. "So, where am I going? And Where is this 'homeland'?"

Mary smiled and explained, "Ahem, well, you're going to Fiorentina, in short - Fiore."

That place was completely foreign to Emily. She never heard of such country. She scrunched her nose and asked, "Andddd... Where is that? I've heard never heard of it."

"I'm not surprised, Fiore is not on Earth. She at a completely different universe." Mary replied as her eyes lit up, "But, we can get there through a portal located in the Fiore's headquarters that IS located on Earth."

Mary spoke about it like everything was normal, but to Emily, that was something that should be defined as insanity.

"Different... Universe?" Emily repeated.

"Yup! Don't worry you're be able to get back whenever you want to." Mary ȧssured while putting a caring hand on top of Emily's hand. She did not expected that because no one ever did that except for...

You guessed it, Patricia and Hailey.

Mary was even shocked herself when she did that so withdrew her hand and apologised, "Sorry, I didn't meant to do that, I--"

"It's fine, thank you, Mary." Emily smiled for the second time and it was contagious enough to make Mary smiled as well.

They ended up in a two hour long journey.

A pretty awkward journey, but the seats were comfy. Six and a half out of ten.

All of a sudden, Emily sat up from the leather seat and interrupted the long and dreadful silence, "You know, I don't want to be the annoying child in the car who will continuously ask: 'Are we there yet?'. But, are we there yet?"

"Well, we are reaching soon. Look out the window." Lavi replied while pointing the window, "That's the Fiore's HQ."

Emily turned and saw a a huge skyscraper. However, one thing weird about was... "WHY IS THERE A WEIRD REDDISH TRANSLUCENT GLASS LIKE THING SURROUNDING IT?!"

"Um... What's with that weird reddish glass looking thing surrounding it?" She asked as calmly as she could while trying to hide the fact that she was slowly getting a panic attack as they got closer to it. "Shouldn't we stop before we hit it?" She asked but in a much anxious and desperate tone.

"You can see it?" Mary asked with her eyes widened.

"Well, yeah. Is THAT supposed to be invisible?" Emily questioned with one of her eyebrows raised with doubt.

"For humans, yeah." Lavi answered suddenly with a smirk, "For 'special' people like us, we'll be able to see what you've just seen."

Lavi turned and looked at Emily and repeated his point, "Only 'special' people can see that."

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