The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 9 - 8: The White Haired Swordsman

Emily's heart stopped beating for a second. "'Special' people...?"

"What do you mean by 'special' people...?" Emily asked hesitantly.

"Well, we'll explain it to you later. But that's just an illusion barrier to hide this huge building. In other words, when cars pass by, they'll see nothing. Only those who are 'special' will see them." Lavi explained in a surprisingly knowledgeable way.

Emily persisted to asked further but, he refused to say some more, shushing with the phrase, "We'll give you a clearer explanation later."

"We have already reached our destination." He announced in an almost accurate pilot's voice.

Emily looked through the window and saw a huge building that looked beautiful yet... intimidating. It was glistening as the sunlight hits it, making it look too majestic to be to be real, as if it was from a fantasy storybook. She found herself staring at the work of art for a whole minute or so. "Wow..."

Emily fell back into reality as she heard the click of the car door. She turned to see a familiar face, it was the guy in he black suit whom she saw yesterday. He opened he car door and bowed, "I apologise for my rudeness, I've not introduce myself yet. I'm Jai Walter." He then continued to introduce the girl who didn't say anything for the whole journey, "And this is Anna Belltina."

Anna formally bowed with respect.

Seeing that, Emily subconsciously bowed back. "Nice to meet you both."

"Welcome to Fiore's HQ!" Lavi said enthusiastically with a bright smile.

Mary gave him a droll look, "How are so enthusiastic all the time?" She then turned to Emily, "Let's ignore this guy and go in."

"I agreed." Ethan stated as he walked passed the poor guy.

All of them headed in the tall building, ignoring Lavi.

"Hey, wait up!" He gave in after seeing everyone leaving him alone one by one.

Once they entered, a girl caught Emily's eyes. She had long and straight white hair. Her skin was almost completely white and her features were incredible but sharp, till an extent that it was slightly intimidating. She noticed that the whole group of them had entered, and shot a icy cold glare towards them with her striking blue eyes.

"Yukiko." Mary called out with a hint of hatred in her voice.

In a blink of an eye, she appeared in front of Emily. That scared Emily as she stumbled backwards as Yukiko went closer to her. "So, this is the Princess, huh." She mockingly chuckled. "She's weak."

Mary immediately stood in front of Emily and argued back, "Weak or not, you have no right to determine that."

Yukiko grinned as she placed a hand on her slender waist, "Well sure. But, should I test her out?" She manifested a white sword out of thin air and got into her stance.

"Yukiko don't you dare! It's a serious offe--" Before Mary could finished her sentence, Yukiko already launched herself towards Emily.

She dodged Yukiko's first attack thanks to her reflexes, but before she knew it Yukiko gyrated and skillfully swung her sword for the second time. This time, Emily wasn't as lucky. The sword made contact with her right arm before she could even move a muscle.

At that moment, the only thing she could do was to let out a little yelp.

Her arm was sore as thick crimson liquid poured through. She cupped her left hand over her throbbing wound, in the attempt to stop it from bleeding... which, of course, did not work.

The pain from her arm was excruciating, she had never felt like that for a long time. "Stop it Yukiko." Jai ordered sternly. "If you are not going to stop, I'll need to get violent."

But before Jai could do anything, Yukiko dived forward with her sword directly toward Emily. She wanted to move, but the fear and pain in her right arm stopped her from doing so.

"I'm going to die! Come on, Emily! Move!"

However, her feet was still planted to the ground. She shut her eyes as she was too afraid to see the sword going through her body.

She waited for the pain to hit. But, for some reason it didn't hurt. "Maybe the sword pierce through my heart and I've died instantly... So I can't feel the pain? Or maybe the pain comes afterwards?"

She stood there for a moment. Realising she can still feel the pain in her right arm she thought to herself, "Wait, I can still feel pain. Doesn't that mean I'm still alive?"

She opened her eyes and saw a figure.

Everything felt surreal, as if she was dreaming.

She blinked a few times, before finally realising what just happened.

Someone took that for her...

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