The murmuring sigh, if there is nothing, lingers in the hearts of the people. It makes people feel depressed, like a lump in their throat, and they want to say something.


Who is it?

When I raised my head, I found that the blood fog was diffuse, and the headless figure of the White Bone Hill and the blood robe had long disappeared.

"They've all gone. Who remembers that I'm safe?"

Inexplicably, Lintian remembered what Chen Linkong had said when he was in the burning valley.

"In those years, when we left the ancient wasteland, we were worried about danger and possible accidents, so we left our mantle and fortune here in order to pass on the firewood and fire from generation to generation. Even if we went to another country, our inheritance will not be cut off..."

This is Chen Linkong's original words.

Now, hearing the words of the woman who claimed to be "no harm", Lintian couldn't help thinking.

Do "they" refer to Chen Linkong, a group of strong people who left the ancient wasteland?

"No disaster! It has been recorded in our xuanming shrine that at the beginning of ancient times, there was a brilliant non disaster war emperor who fought for nine days and nine secluded places. He covered a period of time alone. All his peers were dim!"

Suddenly, poison Yun Feng lost his voice and said a piece of ancient secret.

No disaster war emperor!

Everyone was moved and in a turbulent mood. Was the Headless Woman in blood robe originally a war emperor in ancient times?

Those who can be called "war emperor" are not enough to intimidate the omniscient figures of an era!

A woman can dominate her peers for a period of time, which itself is like a legend, enough to shock anyone.

"But... Why did she appear here, and... Her head was gone?"

Mo Tianhe sucked the cool air.

People were also shocked. Yes, how could a war emperor lose his head?

No one knows.

However, after this incident, people became more and more aware of the strangeness and unknown of the Styx forbidden area. The secret of its existence only revealed the tip of the iceberg, which can be called shocking!

The treasure ship continued to move forward, with heavy fog, like a mystery shrouded in ages, full of unknowns.

No one noticed that at the stern, a beautiful figure was sitting there, dressed in a blood stained skirt, looming in the blood mist, as vague as illusion.

Lintian seemed to notice something and couldn't help looking back.

It's clear, but it's empty!

Until we reached the other shore, nothing unusual happened along the way.

The blood fog faded away, and the sky and the nine rounds of blood days hanging on it were exposed again. Everyone was relieved.

In the distance, Mountains lie dormant on the earth, with undulating peaks.

Without any hesitation, everyone landed on the shore, eager to leave this place full of blood fog and mysteries early.

Before leaving, Lintian seemed to hear a faint sigh.

Lintian suddenly turned around.

The blood fog filled the air, and he didn't know whether it was an illusion. He had a strong feeling that there were a pair of eyes staring at himself in the depths of the blood fog.

Can be carefully perceived, but only the rolling blood fog.

"What's the matter?"

Ji Xingyao looked back and looked at Lintian suspiciously.


Lintian shook his head and followed the crowd.

But soon, his heart clicked, because an old and dull copper ring hung on the hair beside his ear.

It's only the size of copper coins. It's simple and unsophisticated.

Lintian was sweating cold on his back. The copper ring was tied to the tip of his hair, but he didn't notice it all the time! Who did this?

If the other party is willing, can't he kill himself silently?

Lintian glanced at Ji Xingyao and poison Yun peak without a trace, but found that they were unaware of it.

Is that her?

Inexplicably, Lintian remembered the figure sitting on the white bone mountain with a bloody skirt

Lintian took the copper ring in his hand and felt it slightly, but he only felt a bone chilling cold. In addition, he found nothing else.

Before long, Ji Xingyao's "divine light guide" finally returned to normal and re guided a path.

This relieved everyone.

In this Styx forbidden area, the most worrying thing is to lose your way.

"Poison Taoist friend, if you'll excuse me, can you tell me about the 'disaster free war Emperor'?"

Lintian stepped forward and asked.

This made others stunned, and immediately they couldn't help looking at poison Yun peak.

They also wondered why such a war emperor who had been amazing for some time appeared in the strange blood fog and had no head.

To everyone's disappointment, poison cloud peak also knew very little, and only knew the name of the non disaster war emperor, but did not know his deeds and origin.

"But one thing is certain. Anyone who is regarded as a 'War Emperor' must have opened up his own way!"

With a touch of admiration in his eyes, poison Yunfeng said, "since ancient times, many Taoist paths have been handed down to the world. If we trace back to the origin, all these paths have been developed by the sages with great wisdom and perseverance!"

"Some paths are annihilated in the years."

"Some Taoist paths have survived to this day. For example, the xuanming temple where we are located and the Wenxuan jianzhai where Ji Xianzi is located have a town school inheritance."

"This inheritance is the path opened up by the ancestors of the sect. It can be said to be a blessing for all ages, so that our generation can benefit infinitely when we first set foot on the road of practice, and we are not afraid to go astray!"

Everyone thought so.

Lintian looked different, shocked and proud.

Because his path was also opened up by himself, which is unprecedented. It is no worse than those sages in ancient times. What he lacks is nothing more than further pursuit.

If one day he can become a saint, he can open up his own orthodoxy, educate all sentient beings, pass on scriptures and teachings, and become famous and respected by all ages!

If we don't follow the "old road" of our ancestors, this "old road" will be opened up by people like the undamaged war emperor.

For future practitioners, this is a precious inheritance, but it is also a kind of frame bondage!

In Lintian's opinion, the experience and inheritance of our ancestors can be used for reference and learning, but if we really want to create unprecedented achievements on the road, we must step out of our own road.

All learning and reference is not for imitation.

But draw inferences from one instance, bypass analogy, exhaust the wisdom of the ancients, use it for me, and create our own way, so as to have the opportunity to surpass the ancients.

Those who learn from me will live, just like those who die.


The party moved forward under the leadership of Ji Xingyao.

Several dangers have been encountered along the way, but they have all been solved in danger.

"How do I feel that since we crossed the long river of blood fog, the dangers encountered along the way are much smaller, and there has not even been a fatal robbery."

After a few hours, Mo Tianhe was stunned.

The others thought a little and nodded secretly.

"Isn't this a good thing? If there is a fatal robbery, but it's not a blessing. We can only say that we're lucky."

Poison Yun Feng smiled. Lintian rubbed the old copper ring between his fingers and thought, is it really good luck?

"Just ahead."

Suddenly, Ji Xingyao, who was leading the way in front, spoke with a trace of joy.

When they looked up, they saw that far away, there were two majestic mountains standing bare, like a pair of gates between heaven and earth.

In the middle of the canyon, there is a fog, but I can't see it clearly.

"Last time, I found the divine blood well in this canyon. The old clam you said was trapped in it."

Ji Xingyao sent a message to Lintian.

Lintian was shocked and nodded to understand.

Without delay, the crowd came forward with a trace of expectation.

Shenming blood well, a place where there is an adverse creation, has been sealed for thousands of years. In ancient times, strong people also arrived here.

But without exception, they all failed.

The reason is that the nature here is sealed and cannot be broken at all!

But this time is different. This is an unprecedented great world. All the bad luck in the past will come out in this great world!

The blood fog was heavy. Although they were excited, they were all extremely vigilant. The more the nature against the sky, the more terrible and dangerous it was.

Among them, all of them are the top kings who have experienced hundreds of battles. Naturally, they become more and more clear that if they want to seek fortune, they must bear its weight!

Before long, a dry well appeared in public view.

The well is about ten meters away. The stone wall beside the well is mottled and stained with blood, emitting a frightening cold and strange gas.

At this time, poison Yun Feng opened an old picture scroll, looked at it slightly, and said with a smile: "yes, this is the entrance to the 'land of the blood Hell'!"


Like lightning, a black figure suddenly swept out of the nearby blood fog. When everyone had no time to respond, it rushed into the dry well and disappeared.

"Damn it!"

The people were surprised and their faces were gloomy. It was obvious that someone had entered the Shenming blood well before them just now.

The terrible thing is that they failed to lock each other's breath from beginning to end.

Who is that man?

Only Lintian's eyes flashed a strange light. He always felt that the shadow was familiar, and immediately remembered that it was the big blackbird who liked to carry the black pot!

Is this guy here?

"It's not too late. Let's act quickly."

Poison Yun Feng took a deep breath, took the lead to come forward and looked at it. First, he offered a jade tripod with purple Taoist light and defended his whole body. Then he jumped into the well of God's blood.

Obviously, he was worried about an ambush underground, so he was on alert in advance.

Others saw this and followed closely.

Lintian was at the end. When his figure jumped into the dry well, his fingers suddenly trembled.

It's an old simple copper ring!

However, when Lintian carefully sensed it, the copper ring was still as before, and there was no response, let alone any abnormality.

But the more so, the more Lintian felt that this ring must be strange!

"Come on, this is it!"

Shortly after Lintian left, a group of monks roared at the entrance of the bloody canyon.


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