There was no ambush under the well of Shenming blood.

Lintian and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Looking up, they saw that the place where they stood was a quiet, desolate and dark world.

It's like walking into the netherworld. The world is dead and cold.

Looking up, a blood cloud whirlpool appeared on the void.

Just now, they were moved out of the vortex.

Looking around, Ji Xingyao and poison Yunfeng each took out a pair of old picture scrolls and put them together for research.

"The legendary cave of God and hell should be here."

Before long, they determined a position, and then took the people to action immediately.

On the way, Ji Xingyao sent a message to Lintian: "the cave of the gods and the underworld is just our name. It is a taboo place, sealed with the great fortune against heaven. In ancient times, strong people arrived there and made a judgment. There is likely to be some supreme inheritance left in the cave of the gods and the underworld."

Lintian nodded. He was not interested in it. He only cared about where the old clam was now.

The world is desolate, silent and dark.

The cold air is filled with all things, and the dead air is not seen.


Suddenly, the sound of sword singing came. In front, a golden sword rushed into the sky and cut through the darkness of the sky.

Then, it flashed away and disappeared.

For two hours, although there was no danger along the way, the atmosphere was so quiet that it was oppressive. Now Lintian and them were awed to see such a scene.

"Is there a peerless sword unearthed here?"

Mo Tianhe's eyes flickered.

So far, they have walked all the way in this bloody place. They haven't seen anything valuable at all, so they have got nothing.

Dozens of miles ahead, a hill like grave appeared. It stood here naked. I don't know how long, and a stone tablet stood in front of the grave.

The stone tablet is broken. It has been eroded by wind and rain. It can be seen vaguely. It is written with eight ancient words "road fire never stops, road forever".

Lintian was surprised that the tomb looked ordinary, but it was not simple. It stood here like a hill, emitting an invisible trend!

This "potential", which connects the sky above and the earth below, is integrated with this area. Although invisible, it gives people a sense of towering immortality and immensity.

Standing in front of it, it is as small as a mole ant, which makes people feel awed.

"Is this a sacred tomb?"

Poison Yun Feng's eyes were hot.

Others are more or less excited. A sacred tomb must have something of amazing value.


Suddenly, there was a clear chant in the ancient tomb, and a silver knife light rushed out, just like a white dragon, soaring away, which was very eye-catching in the dark world.

"The golden sword light just now must have been taken out of the tomb!"

Mo Tianhe said to himself, and his heart couldn't help looking forward to it.

After many dangers and mysteries, I finally entered here through Shenming blood well, but I got nothing all the way, which makes people suspect that I came to the wrong place.

But now, no one would think so!

"This is not Dao Qi, but a vision manifested by 'primitive Dao fire'!"

Ji Xingyao looked up at the void with colorful eyes.

Lintian also noticed that the silver sword Qi was actually an illusion of nothingness. Look carefully, it was like a silver flame!

Suddenly, everyone looked different and their hearts beat violently.

Primitive fire, a kind of fire born in the origin of the great road, has an incredible and wonderful effect on pregnant, raising and refining the king's extreme soldiers.

As everyone knows, anyone who sets foot in the king's territory can conceive and raise his own life treasure, which is also called "Wang Daoji soldier".

Every ancient Taoist tradition has different secret methods and techniques for sacrificing, refining and nurturing the king's way and extreme soldiers, each with its own mysteries.

But whether there is primitive fire to sacrifice and refine will make the king's extreme soldiers have completely different powers.

With the help of the original Taoist fire, the quality and power of the king Taoist extreme soldiers will change dramatically, and have the potential to become a holy treasure!

Without the assistance of the original Taoist fire, the quality and power are relatively limited, and it is impossible to grow into a holy treasure in the future.

For example, Lintian sacrificed and refined a king's extreme soldier. If there was the original fire, he could continuously refine the treasure. As long as there was enough spiritual material and divine material, he could continuously transform the king's extreme soldier until it evolved into a holy treasure!

On the contrary, this step cannot be achieved without the origin of daohuo.

This is the value of the original Taoist fire!

In the outside world, the original daohuo has long been divided up by the old monsters in each Avenue system, and few can stay, almost extinct.

After all, which old monster will give up such treasures to the younger generation?

Even Ji Xingyao, Mo Tianhe and poison Yun peak, the king of Jue summit, were only told by the sect door before they came to Jue summit. If they can set foot in Jue summit King territory and return safely, the sect door will consider seeking a source of fire for them!

In other words, like Ji Xingyao, if they want to get the original Taoist fire, they must meet the requirements of the sect!

"So, there is probably more than one original fire buried in this tomb?"

Poison cloud peak sucked the cool air and couldn't calm down.

"It must be so, and the original life Taoist fire that can show such amazing phenomena is absolutely amazing."

Ji Xingyao's star eyes are shining, and her heart is also quite excited.

Before reaching the cave of the gods and the underworld, it is very likely to obtain a great fortune that can be met and not sought. It is difficult for anyone to calm down.

"The road fire does not stop, and the road will last forever..."

Lintian looked at the mottled stone tablet and said, "there should be a chance about the origin of fire here."

He had never sacrificed and refined the king's extreme soldiers before. One of the most important reasons is that he still lacks the original Taoist fire in his hands!

Now, the opportunity is likely to be in front of us.

While they were talking, on the hill like tombs, there were bright lights rushing into the sky one after another, which evolved into different forms, and the vision was amazing.

From this, we can judge that there are definitely not a few primitive fires under the tombs!

"In that case, let's act quickly."

As soon as poison Yunfeng said this, everyone immediately agreed. They really couldn't wait.

"Wait a minute!"

Lintian suddenly opened his mouth, walked forward, released his divine consciousness and felt it carefully.

Everyone else frowned. Why should we be so careful and break the grave directly?

"Let me do it!"

The tough man named Zhanlu Xiu was impatient. He stepped out and offered a black spear. He drank violently and waved it down.


The void collapsed suddenly and burst into pieces. It can be seen how fierce the blow was.

But at this moment, Lintian waved his robe and retreated with Ji Xingyao, far away.

At the same time, the tomb suddenly sent out a wave of taboo to the sky, spreading like a tide.

With a bang, Zhanlu Xiu was the first to bear the brunt. He was severely shocked and flew out. His body stumbled and fell hundreds of feet away, and his mouth and nose gushed blood.

Mo Tianhe and poison cloud peak failed to retreat for the first time, and were also affected. They all resisted and dodged in embarrassment, and the noisy screams also sounded.

Only Lintian and Ji Xingyao were safe.

"Did you see it?" Ji Xingyao couldn't help asking.

Lintian said, "I just felt something was wrong, so let's wait a moment. I didn't think about it. The exhibitor was so worried that there were such changes."

Zhan Lu Xiu, who just returned, suddenly looked a little ugly. Is this blaming him for his delay?

When he was about to say something, he was glared at by the cold eyes of poison Yun Feng. Suddenly, he was stiff and didn't dare to say more.

At the same time, poison Yun Feng looked friendly and said, "brother Jin, since you have noticed something strange, can you find a way to solve it?"

Others also looked at Lintian.

"Wait a minute, everyone."

Lintian said and began to look around the ancient tomb.

For a moment, he stood at a place and made a sudden force under his feet.

With a bang, the earth shook and the soil splashed, exposing a strange layer of black stone slabs. Before leading to the tomb, it was like a paved road.

Remove the soil one by one, and you can see that the black stone plate is branded with totems, which are flames in various forms.

Some are like knives, swords, tripods and towers.

Some are like birds, animals and ghosts.

Seeing this, everyone was excited. They couldn't help looking at Lintian more. It seemed that Jin Duyi could see through the reality of this place.

Lintian ignored this. He walked along the black slate to the foot of the tomb, looked at it, put out a hand and pressed it gently in the space.

Click! Click!

An amazing scene appeared. With Lintian pressing down, the ancient rocks under the tomb were separated on both sides, revealing a tunnel like path to the deep.


Other people were surprised. They looked at Lintian more and more differently. They didn't expect that Jin Duyi had such amazing ability.

In fact, this is the credit of the pupil of mocking the wind. It has a magical effect on exploring acupoints and finding pulse.

After Lintian set foot in the king's realm, the power of ridicule pupil became more and more magical, and he could see more vanity and the essence of heaven and earth.

Mo Tianhe rubbed his hands and could not help rushing into the tunnel, but he immediately stopped, glanced at Lintian and asked for advice: "brother Jin, are you safe now?"

Lintian looked strange. If this guy knew that he was Lintian who beat him up, would he still be so polite to himself?

"It's safe now, but I'm not sure if there are other dangers in the tunnel."

Lintian said casually.

"How about brother Jin leading the way? We'll try our best to escort you."

Poison Yun Feng also opened his mouth and was extremely polite.

Ji Xingyao suddenly found that Lintian had become the backbone of their group. At least now, even Mo Tianhe and poison Yun peak had to rely on his strength and wisdom.

It's gold. It shines wherever it is.

Ji Xingyao could not help feeling.

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