On the cloud platform, the whole audience focused on Lintian, Lu dubu and Wu Huang.

This is the top three of Yunzhou's comparison of Taoism!

"Tomorrow morning, there will be a battle for the top three rankings. These are three supernatural creation and chemical pills. When you go back, you can refine them by three people, so that your cultivation can return to its peak overnight."

Guan Xu stood up, bent his fingers and flicked, and the three elixirs turned into streamers and fell into the hands of Lintian, Lu dubu and Wu Huang respectively.

There was a stir in the field.

Some big people smacked their tongues and were surprised by Guan Xu's big pen.

It is said that there are thousands of materials needed to refine this pill, each of which is a rare treasure in the world!

This kind of divine pill can be described as priceless, because the outside world can't buy it at all. Even in Daxu Taoism, ordinary heirs can't get such gifts at all.

But now, just to restore Lintian and others' physical strength, Guan Xu gave three Shangqing nature and chemistry pills at random, which was not surprising.

Some strong men even showed envious eyes. They had heard of the name of the supernatural creation pill. It was clear that this pill could not only recover their physical strength very quickly, but also had an incredible and wonderful effect on the cultivation of Jue Ding holy kingdom.

At this point, everyone dispersed.

The news of today's duel between Taoism and Taoism also spread from Daxu Taoism to Daxu city in the shortest time, causing a lot of sensation.

In particular, the news that Lintian entered the top three as a dark horse caused countless surprised voices.


That night.

In the cave, Lintian looked at the supernatural nature pill in his hand.

The pill is as big as a pigeon's egg and is blue all over. The surface is branded with mysterious Taoist patterns like earthworms. The light and haze flow and the divine brightness is dense.

The strong and clear medicine fragrance fills the air and reaches to the depths of the soul, making people relaxed and happy.

When swallowed into the body, the Danton turns into a warm and mellow heat flow and diffuses away.

For a moment, Lintian only felt that his energy was like wild grass in spring, which rose sharply, and the whole person felt like he was in high spirits.


He immediately turned his cultivation and tried his best to refine it.

In just a few hours, Lintian was acutely aware that his cultivation in the middle of the supreme kingdom had improved a lot, and it was only a short distance from the later stage!

The most wonderful thing is that the soaring cultivation has not affected the foundation, and everything presents a sense of mellowness and strength.

"Good baby."

Lintian couldn't help praising.

"The Daxu Taoist school first took out the Daxu Taoist training tower, so that those who participated in the selection could get the source power of martial arts. Now they give the top three strong people Shangqing fortune pill. In this way, how can the strong people who receive these benefits in the future not read the good of the Daxu Taoist school?"

"It's no wonder that Da Xu bulk can be listed as the first orthodoxy in Yunzhou. Such boldness and means are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary forces."

Lintian sighed, shook his head, abandoned his thoughts and began to meditate again.


"Jin Duyi, Wu Huang..."

In another cave, Lu walked alone and sat on the ground at will, with a leisurely manner.

At his fingertips, a cold and illusory Taoist light emerged, and various visions evolved, including sun, moon and stars, mountains, rivers, plants and trees, ups and downs of world affairs and changes of all things

Floating life is like a dream!

"If you think the strength I show today is all my strength, you are very wrong..."

For a long time, Lu dubu murmured.

A pair of eyes are full of absolute confidence.


"Although the blood prison God wheel is exposed in advance, it doesn't hurt. It would be better if it could act as a deterrent and make them vigilant and afraid."

In the same night, Wu Huang, dressed in black robes, sat in the cave and was also planning for the top three ranking competition tomorrow.

His black hair was scattered and his whole body was filled with fog. He was like a demon sitting alone in the dark. His eyes opened and closed, with a cold and frightening light.

"Jin Duyi is very secretive and must have a backhand. Lu dubu can't expose all his cards today. It seems that he can only use some real means to defeat them..."

Wu Huang stroked his chin and his eyes were as deep as water.


"Yuhua, you can't be discouraged. It's not humiliating to lose under an imperial treasure."

In the quiet of the night, Mrs. Yu comforted in a soft voice in the courtyard.

Xie Yuhua said with a smile: "elder, I'm not as fragile as you think. I just didn't expect that Jin Duyi could reach the top three. It's really like what you said at first. It's not too much to overestimate this person."

When talking about Lintian, Mrs. Yu's eyes also looked different and said, "this son is indeed an unexpected exception. I believe his name is bound to ring through the sky of Yunzhou after the selection of Taoism."

"Elder, do you think he can win the first place?"

Xie Yuhua said curiously.

Mrs. Yu pondered: "it's hard to say, whether it's Lu dubu or that Wuhuang, they are not comparable to ordinary peerless figures. No one knows whether there are more powerful cards in the hands of these two people."

After a pause, she continued, "however, if the most hidden one is Jin Duyi, there is no doubt."

"Yuhua, have you noticed that whether in the second round of selection or in the third round of selection, Jin Duyi seems to have never been excited about it, and his mood and mood are too calm, no matter how powerful his opponent is and how much victory he has won."

Xie Yuhua thought carefully for a moment and immediately nodded: "indeed, I even felt that his mind seemed to have never been on the war and was indifferent to anything."

Mrs. Yu was deeply convinced and said with emotion: "perhaps, in this son's eyes, these battles are not much dangerous, or his pride has long been restrained to his bones and disdained to be publicized in front of the public."

Xie Yuhua's curiosity was suddenly aroused: "I'm looking forward to what kind of style he should have when he really ignites his fighting spirit and shows his edge."

"I once caught a glimpse of Hong."

Mrs. Yu suddenly remembered that in the second round of selection, Jin Duyi once killed the ninth floor with incredible speed and became the first strong person to successfully break through the barrier before Lu dubu and Wu Huang.

At that time, Jin Duyi showed his edge, which surprised all the big people present!

Unfortunately, those scenes took place in the Da Xu Taoist refining tower, so people can only see the surface, but can't spy on the truth.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Yu said firmly: "it is certain that the emergence of Lu dubu and Wu Huang may form a powerful power, which makes Jin Duyi dare not keep it any more!"

"We'll see."

Xie Yuhua's star eyes are unreal and full of expectation.


Similar comments take place in different places in this night.

What people talk about most is the top three ranking of lundao Dabi.

Jin Duyi, Lu dubu, Wu Huang!

Who can win the first title among these three people?

Everyone is looking forward to it.


The next morning.

Before dawn, the cloud platform on the top of Xianwu peak is full of figures.

Guanxu, hengxiao, Taoist LAN and other great figures, as well as Xie Yuhua, Wang Tu, Su Muhan and other strong young people, have arrived.

When Lintian, Lu dubu and Wu Huang appeared on the cloud platform, all eyes in the field immediately gathered in the past.

Today, we will start the competition for the top three rankings!

"I haven't seen you all night. Lu dubu seems to be more confident than before. He has the look of arrogance and invincibility."

Some people are keenly aware of the subtle changes in the breath of Lu dubu.

"Wu Huang is also like this. Looking around, he looks frightening. It seems that he is full of confidence in today's battle."

The sound of discussion sounded in the field.

"It's just that Jin Duyi seems to be the same as before. He's plain, quiet and no sharp edge. This guy is really calm."

Many people tried to find some differences in Lintian's looks and actions, but they were disappointed because Lintian and were the same as before.

"Today, there will be a dispute over the top three rankings of Yunzhou's debate on Taoism, and the three of you will start the final battle."

Guan Xu stood up and sounded like a loud bell, which rang through the four directions, "in the first game, Lintian played Lu dubu."

Immediately, they set foot on the battlefield together.

"Jin Duyi, today's battle is about the first competition. I will exert all my power. You should be careful."

Lu dubu is graceful with big sleeves and elegant demeanor. When he speaks with a smile, he looks arrogant at mountains and rivers and gives up his meaning.

His words undoubtedly proved that he didn't use his best in the selection before!

"So best."

Lintian nodded.

Lu Du Bu started at once, and his thin figure rose up from the void, flying one after another dreamlike crystal rain.

With his fingertips.


The light and rain all over the sky turned into a field of Taoism, in which mountains and rivers, sun and moon, sky longitude and latitude, ups and downs of world affairs, changes of all things, and all kinds of visions emerged.

man 's life is like a dream!

After years of fighting and selection, even if there are reservations at this stage, Lu dubu's fighting methods have been exposed for most of them.

Just like the "floating life like a dream" at this time, Lu dubu has performed it before. The only difference may be that the floating life like a dream at this time is far more powerful and terrible than before, both in power and weather.

Lintian was just like before. He was clumsy and natural and understated.

The two soon fought fiercely together, performing scenes of unparalleled fighting on the battlefield, which attracted the attention of the whole audience.

"True is not true, dream is not a dream, my heart leads, the big dream is true!"

After hundreds of rounds, Lu walked alone and opened his mouth. With his voice, his breath was like the Yangtze River, producing an earth shaking roar.

In an instant, they were only aware of a flower in front of them. They were shocked to find that Lu dubu's breath was rising, breaking through the barrier of the absolute top holy King's realm and entering the quasi emperor's realm.

Then he jumped from the quasi imperial territory into the imperial territory!

Looking from a distance, his figure is like a dream, his whole body is radiant, just like an emperor in the world, with the supreme power of pitching the heavens and deterring all living beings!

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