All the big people in the field were stiff and frightened.

Imperial atmosphere!?

At this moment, Lu dubu's power is like supreme.

In the battle field, Lintian's pupils were also frozen, and his mind had a rare turbulence.

This must be fake!

Lintian was sure of this. If Lu stepped into the imperial realm alone, who might participate in the discussion of Taoism in Yunzhou?

What really surprised Lintian was that he could not find a flaw with his years of war experience, which could only prove that the imperial atmosphere emerging from Lu dubu was too real!


When Lu walked alone, if he stepped on the gangdou, the gods of heaven and earth, waved, the sun and moon overturned, and the longitude and latitude were in disorder.

The unparalleled bright light turned into a magnificent torrent and shrouded Lintian.

Countless people are in a cold sweat and creepy. Such fighting power can never be mastered by Jue top holy kingdom!

That jinduyi... Is dangerous!

But at that moment, Lintian suddenly smiled.

Around him, there was a red God haze sweeping up, and the smell of burning the sky and destroying the earth was released. Originally, he was like a god of fire bathed in the flame of God.

Violent and wanton, publicity like fire!

Instead of retreating, he rushed forward, just like a sea of fire that blocks out the sun, burning fiercely and colliding with the oncoming unparalleled torrent.


Lu dubu's powerful attack in the imperial territory turned into ashes inch by inch and was completely burned in the sound of terrible collision!


The whole audience trembled, and some people realized at the moment that Lu dubu's power full of imperial prestige was obviously not true.

Otherwise, how could it be defeated so easily?


But when Lu dubu made another move and set off a rain of light, the hearts of the people were in a trance again. The majesty of the imperial territory filled in the attack came to their faces, which made them all feel thrilled and depressed.

How could this be false?

Many people's minds are about to be confused. At the moment, it's like Lu dubu in the Empire. Is it true or false?

But then, their mind and eyes were completely attracted by Lintian's movement.

He was like a fire and invaded like a wind. All the offensives of Lu dubu were incinerated and turned into ashes.

The terrible force full of the majesty of the Empire looked extremely unbearable in front of him!

This is undoubtedly incredible.

"It seems that although Lu dubu and other forces seem as terrible as the Empire, they are not true."

So far, many people have come to realize that their faces are full of exclamations. Even if they are false, who can distinguish them when they really fight?

Lu dubu, who is in control of such magical powers, will be shocked and scared to lose his mind if he uses them out of guard!

"Have you found out that Jin Duyi has also changed. Before, he was as calm as a mountain and gave people a sense of being unable to shake. At this time, he was as violent as fire and wantonly publicized. The released power was full of terrible incineration and destruction power, which was like becoming another person."

Someone said movingly.

In fact, there is no need to remind. Everyone present has also found this scene. They are all shocked and unable to calm down.


On the battlefield, the fighting became more and more intense.

Lintian's skill became more and more rapid. He was like a fire, burning the sky and destroying the earth. He was violent and overbearing, and attacked and plundered in the field.

On the contrary, Lu dubu's prestige is frightening, but in the battle, it shows a trend of continuous defeat.

"Why does this guy look like a different person all at once?"

Lu dubu looked surprised.

A few days ago, he had focused on studying Lintian's fighting means and fighting style, and thought he had already seen most of Lintian's details.

But I didn't think that Lintian's momentum and fighting methods had completely changed in today's duel, just like a person.

In this way, he felt unprepared.

In fact, neither Lu dubu nor others present knew that Lintian had been using the Loess Taoist body before.

Today, he uses the red fire Taoist body!

The natural power of the two Taoist bodies is completely different from the fighting style.


A fire and rain came, and Lu dubu just dissolved the blow. Lintian moved to the void and killed him with his fist.

His whole body was full of divine flame, and there were wisps of fire floating on his hair, which was bright and powerful and frightening.

After a dull crash, Lu dubu's divine flame shook and stepped back a few steps. His chest and clothes were burned, leaving scorched marks.

In the sound of exclamation, Lintian's attack was like a storm, and the fire burst out of his fist power covered the sky and the sun, drowning Lu dubu and the whole person.

All of a sudden, Lu dubu fell into a passive disadvantage!

"This son is too strong..."

Look at emptiness and look dignified.

Other big people also showed surprise.

Today's Jin Duyi is completely different from before, which makes them feel unimaginable. It's impossible to imagine how a person's fighting power can change so much.

"Floating life is illusory. I believe it is true!"

Suddenly, Lu dubu screamed and used the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

See his figure suddenly turned into illusory light rain, and those light rain turned into sun, moon, mountains and rivers, longitude and latitude, floating and sinking things in the world

All kinds of visions, branded with the magical power of the road, enveloped Lintian, just like suppressing him in a world.

Incarnate Tao domain!

This is the perfect power of "floating like a dream".

Being trapped in it is like a person against a complete world!

At that moment, Lintian suddenly stood still, looked up slightly, and a pair of eyes opened and closed, and a series of terrible visions emerged.

Finally, in his pupil, two beams of fire swept out and swept out.


In this dreamy world, where the light of fire passes, all things are extinguished and turned into ashes, and the longitude, latitude, sun, moon, stars and changes of all things... All are incinerated and melted by the terrible flame!

In the end, the whole world fell and burst into endless flames.

Burn the sky, destroy the earth and turn everything into embers!

This is the pupil of burning embers!

"Ah --"

On the battlefield, there was a cry of pain.

The naked figure was badly burned out of the rain.

There was silence, and the dropping of the needle could be heard.

Everyone looked shocked and turned over the river.

Lu dubu

Was defeated!

Such a legendary figure who has long been known as Yunzhou and is dazzling like the middle of the sun has always been regarded as the pride of Yunzhou.

But at the top of Xianwu peak today, he was defeated by Jin Duyi!

Watching him scream in embarrassment and look at his burns, everyone has a dreamlike unreal feeling.

When the fire dispersed and the fighting battlefield recovered calm, Lu dubu hurried and gasped for half a sound before his voice said bitterly: "brother Jin is better than me, I lost..."

The heroes looked sideways and were shocked and speechless for a moment.

"There are days outside the sky and people outside the people. It's not unfair for you to lose alone. When the grand event of discussing Taoism opens, there will be more peerless figures like Jin Duyi. You can't be depressed."

Watch the emptiness and sink your voice.

Lu dubu is the pride of Yunzhou and Daxu Taoism. Guanxu can't help worrying about whether such a defeat will affect Lu dubu's state of mind.

"Don't worry about me."

Lu walked alone, arched his hands, and then turned down to fight the battlefield.

Seeing that he looked calm, Guan Xu sighed with a sigh of relief and said, "take a rest and play against Wu Huang in a quarter of an hour."

Lu Du Bu nodded, sat cross legged on the ground and began to meditate.

Lintian walked down the challenge arena, but when he looked at him again, everyone's look became subtle.

Lu alone, alone in the world.

Jinduyi, unique!

The battle between the two finally won with Jin Duyi. This result made everyone realize that the young man who killed as a dark horse in the first round of selection is far more hidden than they thought!

At this moment, Xie Yuhua also thought of Mrs. Yu's words again——

If you overestimate Jin Duyi, it's not too much!

In a quarter of an hour.

Lu Du Bu stepped on the battlefield again, but his opponent had been replaced by Wu Huang.

If he loses this war again, he is destined to be ranked third, ranking behind Lintian and Wu Huang.

"Lu dubu, I have seen your cards. You will lose this war."

Wu Huang opened his mouth calmly. He was dressed in a black robe, his long hair was scattered, and a frightening strange luster flowed in his grayish brown pupils.

"Really, let's wait and see."

Lu dubu looked calm.


Wu Huang did not hesitate to move his hand. His figure flickered like a shadow and fog. It was strange and unpredictable. He killed Lu alone.

In his palm, a bronze wheel was humming and rotating, flowing out a bloody and thick divine light, and the terror of the breath made the world turn pale.

This shot was directly used by Emperor Bao!

Obviously, he didn't intend to entangle with Lu dubu, because he had to fight Lintian in the next game. If he could make a quick decision, he could save a lot of physical strength.

"Ridiculous, do you think I don't have emperor treasure?"

Lu Du Bu showed a touch of sarcasm. Before his voice fell, a pagoda rose from the sky, ancient vicissitudes, emitting a wasteland like atmosphere.

Da Xu Taoist training tower!

In an instant, everyone present recognized the baby, because the second round of selection was carried out in this tower.

But no one expected that this treasure would be used by Lu dubu at this time!

It should be noted that this is the most precious treasure of the town sect of Daxu daozong. It is said to be a mysterious antique from an unknown place!


Wu Huang's pupils coagulated and obviously had some accidents.

Without waiting for his reaction, the bronze Roulette has competed with the great virtual refining Taoist tower. Both of them can be called terrible treasures. They are almost like two gods fighting. The former flows hundreds of millions of bloody gods and turns into a portal like bloody purgatory to oppress the world.

Instead of the great virtual refining tower, it shoots out a series of divine light and rain, rushes up into the sky and spreads to ten directions, with the same terrible momentum.

For a time, the battlefield shook violently and was covered with signs of destruction in turbulence and chaos!

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