In fact, it's no wonder people can't think of it. It should be noted that the Buzhou mountain is extremely large, vast, covered with the smell of terrible destruction, and full of many great dangers.

Walking among them is like a mole ant, which makes people feel small. Who can think that such a large mountain will be a treasure?

Lintian suddenly thought of something: "by the way, you just said you wanted me to take you away?"

The Taoist platform was silent for a long time and conveyed an idea: "if I fall into your hands, I'm afraid it's a disaster rather than a blessing."

"What do you mean?" Lintian raised his eyebrows.

"You are too weak."

Zhou Shanling's answer made Lintian feel uneasy. He heard such words more than once.

Some are pure ridicule and contempt, thinking that when Fang cunshan had such a weak successor.

Some are disappointed and think that Fang cunshan's descendants should not be so weak

Zhou Shanling's answer is more direct.

"Just because you are too weak, you can't feel my will power at the gate of this mountain, and you can't know it. At that time, I told you that you can take me away without entering here..."

Lintian was stunned when he heard this.

So, outside the dilapidated gate, when the spirit of Buzhou mountain follows him step by step, as long as he leaves, he can take away the chaotic treasure of Buzhou mountain?

At the thought of this, Lintian was speechless and could not laugh or cry.

After working hard for a long time, I finally won the qualification to enter this dilapidated door. It's unnecessary!

At this time, Lintian finally realized that it must be the arrangement of senior sister junhuan, so that he could easily take away this great fortune after he arrived at Buzhou mountain.


But I didn't understand!

However, Lintian didn't regret it. If it wasn't for this bloody battle, how could he prove himself and break through the territory?

"It's also your cultivation breakthrough, which can barely sense my existence, so that you can communicate with me at this time."

But in my opinion, the power you have at this time is still... Too weak

Lintian's lips twitched, and he felt depressed when he was hit by the will power of Zhou Shan.

"Although someone in Lin is weak at this time, he may not be so in the future!"

Lintian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "as for what you said is misfortune or blessing, I don't pay attention to it."

His identity has been exposed. He killed many descendants of pangran power in the Guxian restricted area,

Outside the ancient immortal forbidden area, there are many old monsters in the imperial realm!

If it was because of concern and fear, how could he do that?

"You are far from that woman in those days, but since she asked you to come, I will never refuse to leave with you."

Zhou Shanling's words were harsh, but Lintian was refreshed.

"However, with your current strength, it is impossible to control and use Zhoushan, and I am only a force of will, and I am doomed not to help you."

Zhou Shanling continued, "now, are you sure you want to take me away?"

Lintian said without thinking: "of course!"

He didn't expect to help himself with this chaotic treasure, but regarded it as a cornerstone for the reconstruction of Fangcun mountain.

There's nothing else to ask for!

"This mountain is short, so it can't be called."

The voice of the spirit of Buzhou mountain sounded, "a divine stone missing in this mountain is the core source of this mountain, and all kinds of Avenue order forces covered on this mountain were born from this."

"Where is the missing stone now?" Lintian couldn't help asking.

Bu Zhou Shanling was silent for a moment and said, "at your feet."

Lintian was stunned and realized that it was this Taoist platform that Zhou Shanling said!

The spirit of Buzhou mountain said, "the leak on the stone wall is the birthplace of this divine stone. If you take this divine stone, you can take the whole Buzhou mountain."

Lintian's eyes saw that there was indeed a pit in the corner of the stone wall, which was the same size as the platform under his feet.

Obviously, Zhou Shanling didn't lie.

"When you leave with this sacred stone, my power will fall into silence. Unless your power is enough to awaken me, the real mystery of Buzhou mountain will be opened for you."

The voice of Bu Zhou Shanling has no emotional fluctuation. Think about it, it is just a force of will. It can only be said to be channeling, not having real wisdom.

"I see."

Lintian nodded, "but now I'm not going to leave."

He just woke up. Although he has confirmed that he has set foot in the extreme quasi imperial realm, he is completely unfamiliar with the power of this body and needs time to exercise and control.

A new realm means a new power and way.

After reaching the quasi imperial realm, Lintian's power was infinitely close to the real imperial realm, but he didn't even know how powerful it was.

Therefore, he still needs time to meditate and experience.

Zhou Shanling did not refuse.

Lintian immediately sat cross legged on the Taoist platform and began to meditate quietly to understand the mysteries belonging to the absolute top quasi emperor realm.

The quasi emperor is above the Holy Land and infinitely close to the imperial land.

This territory is divided into three days.

The three accomplishments of cultivating the body, soul and Qi of practitioners will condense the "Great Road divine fire" one by one.

Also known as the 'quasi emperor Triple Flame'!

It condenses a kind of great road fire, which can be regarded as an important territory of the emperor.

Condensing two kinds of, is the dual realm of quasi emperor.

When all the three great ways of refining body, Qi and God are condensed, it is called the triple realm of quasi emperor.

Ninety nine percent of the world's Quasi imperial territory exists, and all remain in the territory of quasi imperial Yizhong.

The reason is that from the beginning of their cultivation, these practitioners either focus on the cultivation of Qi, God or body.

It is precisely because the cableway is only limited to one kind. Therefore, even in the later years, the practice of taking into account the other two kinds of Cableways can be delayed and unable to break through after becoming the quasi emperor territory because of the foundation of the avenue.

Like those quasi emperors that Lintian killed before, almost all of them were in the territory of quasi emperors.

Different from the general quasi emperor, Lintian was already the top quasi emperor at this time. Taking into account the cultivation of three ways, he had already integrated the three ways and was only one.

This also makes him different from other top quasi emperors. In this important day of quasi emperors, the great road divine fire condensed from his body integrates the mysteries of body refining, Qi refining and soul refining at the same time!

It should be noted that no matter what kind of divine fire is condensed by the general absolute emperor, the great road divine fire condensed by the quasi emperor can only be integrated into one of the three ways!

In this way, we could see how different Lintian's Taoism was at the moment. He was completely like an alternative!

However, this is not to say that Lintian's cultivation became the strong man of the quasi emperor's triple heaven, but the great road fire he condensed is too strange.

Lintian also noticed this. After a long time of careful experience, he just made a vague judgment. Although his great road fire seemed different, it was unique, and the strength was more powerful!

"Quasi emperor territory, you can master the incomplete laws of emperor territory, which is why it is called quasi Emperor..."

Lintian thought while stabilizing and experiencing his own way.

"With my strength now, I can begin to practice the mystery of the 'five virtues' realm. If I can practice successfully and have five separate bodies, I can master the consciousness and Taoism that are not inferior to the self..."

"At that time, if I am besieged again, I can give full play to the fighting power of six people by myself!"

With the passage of time, Lintian gradually immersed himself in cultivation.


Guxian forbidden area, deep in mountains, at the bottom of an insignificant mountain, there is a natural underground cave.

"In less than ten days, the trip to Guxian forbidden area will end."

Xie Yuhua, who woke up from practice, murmured, "time flies."

"I just don't know how brother Jin is now. If he acts alone, I don't know whether he can snatch the great fortune related to the chaotic treasure."

The cold flail beside him showed a worried look.

"It must be possible!"

There was a firm color in the beautiful eyes of the golden sky and the dark moon.

Next to the three, there is a cold water pool, in which snow-white waves roll, and bursts of clear fragrance bloom.

This is a miraculous pool. The cold air gushing from it is full of unimaginable power.

In this practice, they all got unexpected benefits.

In fact, after entering the Guxian restricted area, the three soon met and acted together in this dangerous world.

They are not greedy for any chance. What they think of at the first time is how to protect themselves and leave the Guxian restricted area alive.

Then, they accidentally found such an underground cave and this natural magical cold pool.

Since that day, the three have been dormant and hidden here, concentrating on meditation. Up to now, they have not left half a step, but they have not encountered any danger.

However, seeing that the closing time of Guxian restricted area was coming, they couldn't help thinking of Lintian and worried about him.

"Why don't we go outside and inquire about the news?"

Leng Xiujia suggested.

Jintian xuanyue and Xie Yuhua looked at each other and agreed after a little meditation.

Immediately, the three acted together and left the underground cave.

But not long after they left, they met two strong men who were exploring opportunities in this mountain.

This is a man and a woman. The man has a strong figure, wide shoulders and narrow waist. The eyes are awe inspiring. The woman wears a green skirt with enchanting looks and looks like a smoker.

Both of them are from other worlds in the starry sky.

When they noticed the figure of Jintian xuanyue and others from a distance, they were also awestruck and showed vigilance.

But when they recognized the identity of Jin Tianxuan Yue, they both showed a relaxed color, and there was a trace of disdain between their eyebrows.

They didn't know that if Lintian hadn't sheltered them in the dark yellow secret place, the three people would not be qualified to enter the ancient immortal forbidden area!


(there will be a study meeting in the evening, and the second will be a little late. Let's say it in advance ~)

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