"Hand over your treasure and... Get out!"

The man with strong figure was named Cheng Xiang. His eyes were cold and scanned the golden sky, xuanyue and others.

"Brother Cheng, they are Lintian's friends."

The green skirt woman next to Cheng Xiang whispered a reminder.

"What are you afraid of? Lintian was really an invincible figure in our generation when he killed the heroes in front of the dilapidated gate. But when the trip to the ancient immortal forbidden area ended, how could the outside Empire leaders let him go?"

Cheng Xiang looked disdainful.

"This is also true. Even if he is invincible in this situation, even if he can win that chaotic treasure, he must suffer when he leaves."

The green skirt woman thought for a while, and her worries disappeared without a trace.

The contempt and contempt shown by the two people made Jintian xuanyue and others angry.

But at the same time, there was a burst of doubt in my heart.


How does the name sound so familiar

Besides, why do these two people think they are Lintian's friends?

The reason is that since they entered the Guxian restricted area, they have been dormant and know nothing about what happened in the Guxian restricted area.

Naturally, they didn't know that Lintian was jinduyi they were familiar with.

"What are you doing? Hand over the treasure quickly!"

Cheng Xiang yelled at him. His eyebrows showed impatience and his killing machine soared.

"Did you expect Lintian to come and save you now?"

The look of the woman in green dress also became gloomy and cold.

Jintianxuanyue and others were shocked. They just came out of the dormant place and encountered such a robbery, which made them feel unprepared.

Just then, a voice as indifferent as water sounded: "brother Lin won't come, but I can help him."

A figure came from a distance, with eyes as clear as a lake and plain breath.

But Cheng Xiang and his wife shuddered and their faces changed greatly.


Without hesitation, they tried their best to move and escape.

But I saw the man who came pacing from the void hit the midpoint twice in the void.

Poof! Poof!

Thousands of feet away, the figures of Cheng Xiang and the green skirt woman fell from the void. They were pierced through their heads by terrible fingers and died suddenly.

Dying, I didn't have time to respond!

Jin Tianxuan Yue and others took a cool breath and took an understatement blow, but killed two strong men who were qualified to enter the Guxian restricted area.

This is undoubtedly terrible!

At the same time, they recognized the identity of the person.


The legend that once dominated the list of heavenly saints for the first 600 years!

However, Jin Tianxuan and Yue broke their heads and couldn't think of how Mi boundless, the core successor of panwu Taoist court, would take the initiative to help them.

"Quasi imperial territory! No... this is the absolute top quasi imperial territory!"

At the same time, jintianxuanyue found that the boundless breath did not belong to the holy land at all, and became more terrible and unfathomable.

"In ten days, Guxian's trip to the forbidden area will be over. If you see brother Lin, tell him that if you have a chance to escape when you leave the outside world, you must take action at the first time, otherwise..."

Mi boundless thought, put down this sentence, and turned away.

Otherwise, he didn't say.

But the meaning can be heard as long as it's not a fool.


Jin Tianxuan and Yue still didn't understand. Why did Mi boundless think they knew Lintian?

Who was Lintian?

Unfortunately, without waiting for them to ask, the boundless figure had already disappeared in the vast heaven and earth far away.

"Shouldn't it be... Brother Jin?"

Leng xiuflail couldn't help saying.

"How could this be possible? When he was in xuanhuang Taoist court, brother Jin had been proved to be the descendant of Guiyuan Taoist court. Would those big people look away?"

Xie Yuhua frowned.

"Lintian... I remember that this man was making a big fuss in the Kunlun ruins, killing all the heroes in all directions and collapsing into a river of blood!"

The golden sky and the dark moon brightened. No wonder I felt Lintian's name was so familiar.

"However, Lintian didn't participate in this discourse event... No, he didn't... he wasn't really a childe?"

Jin tianxuanyue trembled in her heart and realized one thing. She thought that Lin Xun's real identity should be called Yu Xuan.

But now it suddenly occurred to me that since Jin Duyi's identity was disguised by the childe, can Yu Xuan's identity also be disguised?

"Yu Xuan... Jin Duyi... Lintian..."

Jintian xuanyue murmured, thinking of MI boundless's words before leaving, a general judgment had emerged in her heart.

The childe who is highly respected by himself is likely to be Lintian!

"Listen to MI boundless, it turns out that childe he... Probably has taken that chaotic treasure in his hand..."

Jin Tianxuan Yue was so excited that she couldn't help saying, "let's go, let's move on and inquire about the news!"


With the time limit for leaving Guxian restricted area approaching, it is not calm in Guxian restricted area. There are major movements in different areas one after another.

The news that MI boundless broke through the boundary and became the supreme quasi emperor soon spread like wildfire and was noticed by many interested people.

Immediately after that, it came out that HUAXINGLI and linghongzhuang also set foot in jue'ding quasi imperial realm one after another!

For a time, it attracted an unknown amount of attention.

"Breaking the territory in the Guxian forbidden area can avoid the taboo robbery and killing!"

Until this news came out, it suddenly made all the strong boiling.

It should be noted that if you put it on the ancient road in the starry sky, the strong who want to step into the top quasi imperial realm will almost die, and the hope of success is extremely slim.

Even if it is a demon character with excellent talent and terrible background, it is very likely to suffer under such a great disaster.

For example, in Hongmeng world, it is common to grasp a large number of quasi emperors, but the number of quasi emperors at the top is very small, almost rare.

Even in such behemoths as the Sixth Avenue court and the Tenth World War clan, there are extremely limited descendants of the supreme quasi emperor.

In short, whether the territory of quasi emperor can be crowned with the word "Jue Ding" is a world of difference!

In this way, the strong were so excited when they learned that they could avoid the taboo robbery and killing in the Guxian forbidden area.

Facts have proved that the rumors are not false.

In the following time, those unparalleled figures who have the peak power of the supreme King's realm and can be called the overlord of the same realm, almost like the following dumplings, broke through the realm one after another and forged the way of the supreme quasi emperor!

"I don't know if Lintian broke the territory, but I want to fight him again!"

Some people were ready to move again after they set foot in the top quasi emperor realm, and they stared at Lintian again.

"Save it. We can break through the environment, not to mention the pervert?"

"I'm going to die!"

More people wisely gave up their intention to compete with Lintian again.

The bloody battle that took place in front of the dilapidated gate is still fresh in my mind, just like a shadow shrouded in the hearts of these powerful people. I'm afraid it can't be dispelled in my life.


"This is Buzhou mountain?"

Jintianxuanyue, Xie Yuhua and lengxiuflail were all secretly shocked when they looked at the vast mountain covered by the smell of destruction from a distance.

They came all the way to prove one thing.

"It's terrible. I really don't know where the so-called 'broken door' is?"

Leng xiuflail looked dignified.

"Are we going?"

Xie Yuhua looked at the golden sky and xuanyue.

Jin Tianxuan Yue also hesitated, but there was great danger and terror in Zhoushan. If he didn't find Lintian, it wouldn't be worth losing his life there.

"There's no need to go. He'll come out by himself."

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and a monk dressed in monk's clothes, with gentle eyebrows and eyes and smooth forehead, appeared out of thin air.

Ling Kezi!

Jintian xuanyue and others recognized it at a glance.

Ling Kezi seemed to dispel the concerns of Jin Tianxuan Yue and added, "I'm waiting for him, too, and I'm going to return some booty to him."

Jintian xuanyue and others looked at each other and were on guard and vigilant.

Ling Kezi didn't explain much. He looked around and said, "no, the mountain is very big, but whoever goes to the broken door will pass through here. Similarly, if Lintian returns from the broken door, he will certainly appear in this area."


Suddenly, lingkezi's pupil shrunk and frowned, "is the thief's heart not dead, or do you think you can be fearless of that guy if you step into the absolute top quasi emperor realm?"

He waved his robe.

A light and rain flow, enveloping the golden sky xuanyue and others around them, and then whispered, "don't make a sound."

Jintian xuanyue and others were awestruck and looked up. Then they found that there were many figures in the far distance, and their breath was very terrible.

Headed by jingtiannan!

Intentionally or unintentionally, Jing Tiannan glanced at the place where Ling Kezi was standing.

Then, he took a deep breath, looked at the vast and powerful Buzhou mountain and said, "guys, are you sure you want to act with Jing? You should know how terrible Lintian's power would be if he also stepped into the top quasi imperial realm."

On the south side of Jingtian, there are five strong men, three core successors of Qiankun Taoist court and two core successors of panwu Taoist court.

Among them was Shang Ziyan, who had been taken away by Lintian and could not use the knife.

In that bloody battle not long ago, he was badly hurt by Lintian, but he didn't die.

This time, after stepping into the realm of Jue Ding quasi emperor, I want to recapture the blade again!

Hearing jingtiannan's question, Shang Ziyan said expressionless, "if the situation is wrong, I have my own means to deal with it."

Everyone else acquiesced.

"Well, if you are in trouble, don't blame jingmou for not reminding you." Jingtian South sink channel.

"Sure enough, I came for Lintian..."

Seeing this, Ling Kezi's eyes glowed with wisdom and said in his heart: "since ancient times, the biggest disaster on the road of cultivation may be the word" heart thief ". How many people can avoid the scourge of the word" greed ", such as greed, anger, infatuation, hate, love, evil and desire?"

He sighed at the thought.

No more words.

When jingtiannan and his party were preparing to act, suddenly a strange roar spread from the depths of Zhoushan mountain

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