In a quarter of an hour.

After six months of training, Lintian walked out of the dark purgatory.

"Hey, the boy is out!"

Next to the entrance of dark hidden purgatory, when Lintian appeared, the drunkard man, rhubarb and green baby who had been waiting there were startled.

"Why didn't you break the border and become emperor?"

Rhubarb looked at Lintian and could not help showing a trace of disappointment. Originally, he thought that after six months of experience, Lintian should have been able to break through the environment.

Just like his second elder martial brother, he killed to the ninth floor in one fell swoop and became emperor at the top of it!

But obviously, Lintian didn't break the environment.

"It's not that I don't want to, but that I don't want to."

Lintian said casually that he could see the disappointment of rhubarb, which made him laugh. When did this arrogant rhubarb start to care about his Taoism?

Rhubarb didn't have a good way: "what nonsense is unwilling to do? It's obviously impossible. If it can be done, which fool will bear not to become emperor?"

Lintian laughed: "among us, you rhubarb can fart, but others can't."

In a word, he was so yellow and black that he was going to get angry. He taught this young man who didn't know how to respect the elderly and love dogs a good lesson, and was stopped by an alcoholic man.

The drunkard man looked differently and said with emotion, "it doesn't matter whether Lintian is broken now. Don't forget, he killed the silver bat ghost emperor."

In front of Lintian, his breath was indifferent and ethereal. Compared with the past, Lintian had a more prosperous and authentic charm, which made him unable to see through.

This is undoubtedly incredible.

It should be noted that with his realm, you can see through the details of any supreme quasi emperor at a glance!

"Everyone, Mr. Lin has returned. Let's go back to the hidden place first. The Lord of Tongque told me that he would come to see you as soon as Mr. Lin returns."

Green Baby opened his mouth. In a word, both rhubarb and drunkard men dare not stay any longer.

Immediately, the party returned to the hidden place.

On the way, Qing Ying told Lintian all the sensational events in the dark world.

Lintian knew that the dark world had become a whirlpool and was concerned by the sky.

The reason is that in less than a month, the third disaster will come!

This catastrophe, involving nirvana in heaven and the "immortal supreme road", can be described as affecting the hearts of major forces in the world.

For example, the wonderful lotus event, which kicked off in Star City, was held for this purpose.

As time goes on, more and more major forces come to the dark world from the stars.

In addition to the well-known "six Avenue court", "ten war clan", "Taigu emperor clan" and other giants, there are also ancient clans and orthodoxy from all walks of life in the starry sky.

This also makes today's dark world seem like a whirlpool, with numerous forces and a gathering of heroes, which is completely different from the past.

Everything is to wait for nirvana to come from heaven!

After hearing the news, Lintian was speechless for a while. A no chance event related to the "immortal supreme road" actually attracted the attention of the whole ancient star road, which made him wonder how many ancient boss forces and Dadao Tong joined in.

We can imagine how fierce the competition will be at that time.

"Young master, do you still remember some secrets I said for you?" Green baby asked.

Lintian nodded, of course he remembered.

Unlike other secret worlds, Nirvana is in heaven, and there is likely to be the law of "reincarnation of years". The test faced by the strong who enter it will also become extremely dangerous.

Once you enter reincarnation, there are only two results, either sink into it and lose yourself.

Or we can transform from it to the utmost and realize the great nirvana of our own Taoism, so as to get out of trouble.

In addition to the test of "reincarnation", Nirvana is in the sky and is also full of extremely terrible killing and looting. There will be foreign demons invading and terrorist figures from exotic stars sniping!

It's all because the immortal supreme road is too terrible. Once someone becomes the only lotus on this road, he will have the terrible connotation of "immortality and respect only me" on the road of emperor territory!

Just the eight characters of "immortality, only I respect" are indeed too rebellious, and it is also too jealous and crazy.

If you want to have the opportunity and qualification to enter Nirvana when it comes from heaven, you must have two conditions.

The first is that the strong who set foot on the path to the top of the mountain. Regardless of their accomplishments, even the friars in the lower five realms are also qualified to enter.

The second is the characters who step into the realm of God. As long as their strength is within the nine categories of the realm of emperor, they can enter it.

"Recently, new inside information came out. It is said that after Nirvana came, the stronger those who enter it, the higher their cultivation, the more terrible the danger they encounter.

Qingying said, "it is certain that once the strong people with more than six levels in the imperial territory enter, they will encounter the most terrible robbery in their life and be killed with all their strength by terrorist figures from foreign countries."

"According to the analysis of Tongque landlord, this inside information should be credible."

"Therefore, the vast majority of the old antiques that used to be above the six levels of the imperial realm have retreated and dare not be mixed in."

Speaking of this, Qingying looked at Lintian, "this should be good news for you. After all, you are not afraid of the triple existence of the imperial realm. If you can become emperor in Nirvana, you will meet a stronger opponent and at least have the ability to protect yourself."

Lintian was really relieved.

In the past, Lintian really felt great pressure.

After all, if the ruthless people in the imperial realm also participate in the competition of Nirvana, who can be their opponent?

On this ancient road in the starry sky, there may be very few old monsters with nine cultivation accomplishments in the imperial realm.

But when Nirvana appears from heaven, how can these old monsters refuse the temptation to become "immortal, only me"?

How can other strong players compete if they are involved?

It's no different from looking for death!

Now, the inside information revealed by Qingying undoubtedly makes people feel a lot easier.

"Why?" Lintian asked.

Qingying explained: "the six levels of the imperial realm are known as' lawlessness', and the nirvana in heaven is originally transformed by the order of the original avenue of the ancient path in the starry sky. When the six levels of the imperial realm enter them, their breath, like a light in the fog, will be stared at by terrorist figures from different regions for the first time."

Emperor six!

absolutely lawless!

Lintian finally understood, but another doubt came to his mind: "green baby girl, what's the matter with those foreign terrorists?"

Qingying said, "I don't know. When you meet the Lord of the bronze sparrow, you might as well ask him."

Lintian nodded.

After a stick of incense.

The party returned to the dark place. After arriving here, the drunkard man and rhubarb left, leaving only Qingying to accompany Lintian.

The two sat down in a quiet and magnificent temple, drinking tea and talking.

"Childe, I don't know what to say." Green Baby hesitated and said.

Lintian said, "but it doesn't hurt to talk."

After thinking for a while, the green baby finally said, "recently, whether it is the God of the dark world, according to the ancient sect, the Tibetan world, or the ancient orthodoxy of other worlds in the starry sky, they all threatened that if you dare to go to Nirvana and stay in heaven, you will be killed without mercy."

Lintian couldn't help laughing and said, "this is what I expected. It's not surprising."

Over the years, he has been chased and killed many times. How can he care about this.

Green Baby reminded: "don't forget, childe. Now the world knows that it is Tongque building that protects you."

In a word, Lintian's smile was frozen, and finally realized the problem.

After a moment of silence, Lintian took a deep breath and said, "in order to protect me, my second senior brother should be under great pressure?"

Green Baby nodded: "now all the stars in the sky respect Shi Tiandi, and you are the target ordered by Shi Tiandi to catch and kill. The owner of Tongque building is no less than putting Tongque building in a dangerous situation that is enemy to all over the world."

"If it had not been for fear of the details and power of the Tongque building, and the emperor of heaven had not appeared for a long time, only in this dark world, shenzhao guzong and the Tibetan world would have already started on the Tongque building."

Lintian's black eyes flashed and his heart was heavy. Then he realized how much the second senior brother had paid to protect himself!

You don't have to think about it at all. When the emperor of heaven returns from the ruins, it is the time when the Tongque building is in trouble!

At that time, God will act as the most loyal pawn of emperor Shi Tiandi and take the opportunity to destroy the Tongque building.

Similarly, the second elder martial brother Zhongqiu will also be watched by the emperor of heaven as the target of eradication!

And all this is because of yourself

"Since I have done so, I naturally have the confidence and plan to do so." At this time, a familiar voice sounded outside the hall.

Still so proud and conceited.

I saw Zhong Qiu pacing in in a wide sleeved black robe.

Seeing this, Qingying immediately got up, bowed and left the hall.

"Since the emperor of the deer array left the fog hidden room, the girl seems to have changed a person. Over the years, she has a cold temper, few words and goes alone. She only talks so much in front of you."

Seeing the green baby leave, Zhongqiu couldn't help sighing,

"In fact, I still don't understand why the emperor of the deer array didn't recognize the green baby as an adoptive daughter. This girl's talent is extremely great. She has a 'spiritual wisdom and heart'. If she wasn't intoxicated with the way of spiritual patterns and based on her inside information, I'm afraid the great attainments she has now are not below you."

Lintian was stunned. Then he realized that he seemed to have ignored Qingying's Taoism and cultivation.

The reason is that when she treats herself, she always puts her posture very low, and there is a reliable sense of closeness in her words and behavior.

Just like the spring breeze turns into rain, moistening things silently.

Zhong Qiu glanced at Lintian and said thoughtfully, "I can see that in her heart, she took you, who was raised by the emperor of Luzhen, as her brother."

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