See yourself as a brother.

Lintian couldn't help feeling something in his heart. In his mind, green baby's beautiful face of green clothes, blood umbrella and demon charm appeared again.

"Don't say that."

Zhong Qiu sat on the ground, "I have heard the dialogue between you just now. There is only one word to tell you."

Lintian also sat down and listened.

"I've been sitting in the dark world for countless years. All I'm waiting for is this nirvana. I'll see who can become the only lotus in the master's mouth."

"I hope it will be you, but it's just hope."

The sound of mid autumn echoed in the quiet hall.

"What if I'm not?" Lintian asked.

Zhongqiu thought for a while and said, "disappointment is inevitable, but it doesn't matter. Who made you my junior brother of Zhongqiu?"

At last, I couldn't help laughing.

It seemed like a joke, but Lintian's heart was rolling.

He knows very well how much pressure Zhong Qiu, the second senior brother, is facing to protect himself. It is the danger of being hostile from heaven!

Zhong Qiu glanced at Lintian and seemed to see through his mind: "you don't have to worry about it or feel that you owe me anything."

"This time, no matter how Nirvana ends in heaven, I will not stay in this dark world again. Therefore, even if the whole world is enemy, I am not afraid."

"What about Tongque tower?" Lintian couldn't help saying.

Tongquelou is one of the three giants of darkness. Its influence has already spread all over the sky. As the second elder martial brother who created tongquelou, don't you worry that tongquelou will suffer a devastating blow?

Zhong Qiu smiled and said casually, "as long as I don't die, no one dares to kill the Tongque building unless they don't want to live."

Lintian believed that.

The second senior brother's strength is undoubtedly strong. Looking at the sky, he can be regarded as the supreme figure.

If he is determined to take revenge on who, which orthodoxy can be fearless?

"What about the emperor of heaven?" Lintian said that was what he was most worried about.

Zhong Qiu frowned and said, "younger martial brother, do you think your second senior brother is not as good as the first senior brother?"

Lintian smiled bitterly, "I dare not."

Zhong Qiu said, "that's all right. The last unknown emperor was suppressed by the eldest martial brother. Of course, I have to solve this problem."

The voice is casual, but it shows arrogance.

"I didn't come here to talk to you about this."

Zhong Qiu sorted out his thoughts and said, "in a month, Nirvana will come from heaven. Whoever enters it will be imprisoned and unable to use any treasure and external force he carries."

"This means that in Nirvana, the competition in heaven can rely on only one's own Taoism."

Hearing this, Lintian frowned and immediately relaxed.

There are many treasures on him, such as no end tower on the main road and Kunlun emperor soldiers. They can be called the top treasures.

Apart from all these treasures, the existence of the spirit of leaves, no shortage and broken blades can also be of great help in times of crisis.

But obviously, in Nirvana, no matter those treasures or leaves, their power can no longer be used.

This undoubtedly made Lintian lose some cards.

But similarly, other strong people who enter Nirvana and are in heaven will also face such a situation!

Zhong Qiu saw the changes in Lintian's look, and could not help nodding secretly. In the final analysis, the competition was his own way.

"In addition, in Nirvana, the most mysterious and terrible thing is the power of 'reincarnation of years'. This order power has only appeared in the beginning of ancient times. According to the master, once you get lost in reincarnation and let your path lead to heaven, you will have no choice between life and death, and your success or failure will be in vain."

Zhong Qiu said seriously, "younger martial brother, when you enter it, you must remember that in case of reincarnation, 'awakening' is the most important."

Lintian nodded, and he suddenly remembered a past event.

In that year, in the eighth pass of Qingyun Avenue, the secret land of Tongtian, he entered a reincarnation, floated and sank in another identity for 20 years, and finally saw himself.

Is this reincarnation the same as the reincarnation force in the mouth of the second senior brother?

"In addition, what we need to guard against is the attack from foreign countries."

Zhong Qiu spoke and said exactly what Lintian wanted to ask.

According to Zhong Qiu's statement, the threat from foreign countries may actually come from the other side of the starry sky!

What kind of world is there on the other side of the starry sky and how big is it? The Mid Autumn Festival can't give a clear answer.

The only thing we can be sure of is that on the other side of the starry sky, there is a higher realm of Avenue than the Empire realm, immortal and eternal power, as well as the supreme law of fate and time!

Such a world is destined to be far from comparable to the ancient path in the starry sky.

In the final analysis, the ancient star road is just a "road" to the other side.

And how can one road be compared with one world?

"So, the threat from a foreign country is likely to come from the same place and camp as emperor Shi Tian?" Lintian's black eyes narrowed slightly.

After thinking about it, Zhong Qiu said, "it's possible to come from the same place, but it's possible whether they come from the same camp."

"No matter how strong emperor Shi is, he is nothing more than a monk. He alone can't represent the other side of the whole starry sky."

"After Nirvana appeared in heaven, the reason why it will be watched by those terrorist beings in foreign countries lies in the 'immortal supreme road'."

"This road is too terrible. It has been the only one since ancient times. Once someone can become the only lotus in this eternal disaster, it will be if he has the supreme details of 'immortality, I am the only one' on the road of the imperial realm."

"If such an abnormal number appears, it will be enough to cause the fear of anyone and any side of the world!"

Speaking of this, Zhong Qiu said, "younger martial brother, now you understand?"

Lintian nodded.

How could he not understand that since he was young and practiced, he has been regarded as an anomaly. Those hostile forces believe that if he is not eradicated, he will become a great disaster in the future.

In fact, this situation is very similar to the "immortal supreme road". Who will watch the rise of a person with the inside information of "immortality and supremacy"?

Zhong Qiu didn't stay long, so he left.

Before leaving, tell Lintian that after Nirvana appeared in heaven, all the strong people who have the qualification to enter will feel the way to go at the first time.

Then Lintian could go by himself.

From that day on, Lintian stayed in the dark place. His Taoist practice had reached a great perfection, but he did not waste his Taoist career.

The five separate bodies occupy the five zang organs temple, and each understands different Taoist Scriptures, while his original Buddha is concentrating on studying the classics left by Mr. Lu.

One is the "wushengsha array", which ranks ninth in the heavens, and the other is the residual array "daometeorite Tianshang", which is only half deduced, but its power is more terrible than the "wushengsha array".

Time passes day by day.

The atmosphere in the dark world has also become repressed. I don't know how many people are silently waiting for the coming of the third disaster.

Those vicious people who live in the dark world have shrunk up recently, become extremely low-key and almost dare not appear.

The reason is that in today's dark world, there are too many powerful people from the stars, many of whom exist in the imperial realm!

"I don't know... Will Lintian participate in the competition of Nirvana..."

Wanxing City, MI boundless woke up from meditation and suddenly thought of Lintian. His original clear and calm state of mind fluctuated.

In the past, he was the first person on the list of holy kings in the heavens, covering his peers in the world for 600 years. However, with the emergence of Lintian, he broke all the glory and records he created.

Even so, he admired and respected Lintian very much in his heart. That's why I'm not alone.

"He was never afraid of that game. This time... How could he not be there?"

Similarly, in Wanxing City, Ling Hongzhuang felt a sigh in her heart. Although Lintian was chased and killed by the emperor of heaven, no one dared to despise and slander him as before!

This is the prestige of killing and fighting!

Of course, there are many people who have different ideas with MI Wuyi and Ling Hongzhuang. They have only one attitude towards Lintian——

I wish Lintian could be killed!

"Xuanyue, don't think about him anymore. You and he... Are not people in the same world at all."

Dark world, a domain city.

The Fufeng sword emperor of the ancient emperor family Jintian family looked at the Jintian xuanyue sitting in front of the window, feeling a burst of pity and sighing.

In those days, the emperor of Fufeng sword asked Jin Tianxuan Yue to follow Lintian to practice on the boat.

But now, the heart of Fufeng sword emperor is a little complicated.

But he suddenly found that their proudest descendant, Jin Tianxuan Yue, who was regarded as the first beauty in the Baidi star domain, was destined to be divorced from Lintian.

The difference between the two is too great.

Even if you exhaust your strength and try your best to catch up, you are destined to go farther and farther.

"Lao Zu, I don't have any unreasonable thoughts about the childe. I know that people like childe will certainly go higher and farther on the avenue in the future, and I can't catch up at all..."

The golden sky xuanyue was silent for a moment before she whispered, "I'm... Just a little worried. Now in the heavens, who... Can accommodate him except the copper sparrow building?"

She is more beautiful than snow in white. She is as beautiful as before.

When the trip to Guxian forbidden area fell behind the scenes, she, together with Xie Yuhua and Leng Xiujia, was rescued by the master of lingkezi, Zen Tu emperor.

After that, she separated from Lintian.

Over the years, when she thought of the time when she followed Lintian and wandered around the Hongmeng world, she was disappointed and depressed.

The Fufeng sword emperor sighed in his heart. He has been affectionate since ancient times. How can he not see what xuanyue thinks in her heart?


PS: tomorrow, goldfish will do its best to have an 8-10 greater outbreak!

I'll stay up late tonight and try to have a 4-even shift around 12 noon tomorrow!

Not to mention that when tomorrow's outbreak, the old fellow iron must not forget to smash the monthly ticket ~ ~

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