Luojia immediately took the order and thought happily that he could go to work with brother Lin at this time.

On the throne, Huang Cangtian showed the decision of the head of the family at this moment, and without hesitation gave three orders:

"From this moment on, make every effort to thoroughly investigate all clansmen of the clan. Whoever is controlled by the 'lock spirit God bug', take it down immediately!"

"Elder, you take people to wanhuo imperial city and mobilize all the forces of our family. Anyone who finds white tiger and Xuanwu will be killed!"

"From today on, Xianhuang's secret place is under full martial law. All people are not allowed to go out without orders. If they violate it, they will be severely punished!"

The three orders were resounding, which made the atmosphere of the hall become solemn.

Immediately, an old antique took orders and hurried away to take action.

Everyone has a premonition that a storm will sweep away today.

Luojia and his father Luo Changfeng also left. There were only some elders of Xianhuang and huangcangtian left in the hall.

Until then, Huang Cangtian showed a worried look and said, "if you don't come early or late, the Luo family on the other side will send a big man to come at this time. What do you think their intention is?"

"Someone must have leaked the news that our ancestors were about to awaken from nirvana, which provoked this disaster!"

An old antique looked gloomy. "Don't forget that at the beginning, the ancestors of Zhenlong were brutally suppressed for rescuing luoqingyu, while the ancestors of white tiger and Xuanwu chose to surrender and went to the Luojia family on the other side of the river long ago."

"Only our ancestors didn't make a choice because of Nirvana cultivation. This time... The Luo family on the other side is afraid to force our ancestors to make a choice when they wake up!"

Other antiques also nodded, and only in this way can it make sense.

Suddenly, there was a humanitarian: "there is another possibility. Will the white tiger and Xuanwu incite the flames and want to kill with a knife?"

"What do you mean?" Huang asked Heaven.

"Now, among our four innate spiritual families, the ancestors of Zhenlong are suppressed, our ancestors fall into silence, and the ancestors of Baihu and Xuanwu serve the Luo family in the other world. We can be said to be close to each other."

That humanity, "but if the ancestors of our family awaken from nirvana, they will break this balance. The Zhenlong family has a good relationship with our family, and they don't worry about being threatened by our family, but the white tiger and Xuanwu families don't think so."

The words made everyone think.

It is well known that Xianhuang broke off relations with the Luo family on the other side because of Luo Qingyu. Of course, it is the will of Xianhuang's ancestors.

If the ancestor of Xianhuang wakes up and learns that the white tiger and Xuanwu have been working for the Luo family on the other side, how can he not be hostile?

The power after the awakening of the ancestor Xianhuang is indeed enough to threaten today's white tiger and Xuanwu families!

"If so, I'm afraid this plot will not be so simple."

Huang Cangtian nodded and looked dignified. "From tomorrow on, I will go to the divine emperor family to personally protect the Dharma for the awakening of our ancestors!"

The ancestor of Xianhuang, who was silent in the deepest part of the fire sea under the ten thousand fire emperor city, has been under the care of the ten thousand fire spirit emperor of the divine engineering emperor family for countless years.

Only a few senior figures of the Immortal Emperor and the antique Phoenix know this.

But now, Huang Cangtian is worried about whether the news has been leaked


At the same time, within the Shengong emperor family.

The leader of the clan Lian jiuxiao and a group of big people are also discussing matters, but the topic they are talking about is related to a person.

Lin Daoyuan!

What happened in the workshop from Jiazi No. 10 to Jiazi No. 2 has been understood by the great people of the imperial family such as Lian jiuxiao. After the initial surprise and shock, a doubt emerged in their hearts.

Is Lin Daoyuan's Laishen workshop just to identify treasures?

"Tea, do you say that Lin Daoyuan wants to see Lord wanhuoling?" Suddenly, Lian jiuxiao asked.

Lian Hongxiu nodded: "exactly, but I think Lin Daoyou has no other intention. This matter can be proved by Yuntian and Feijia."

The nearby Lian Yuntian and Lian Feijia nodded.

"Patriarch, no matter what Lin Daoyou is here for, tomorrow he will come to our No. 1 God workshop. At that time, you can ask clearly."

Someone suggested.

"Yes, I also want to see how wonderful Lin Daoyou's means are."

Some antiques have opened their mouths and are very interested.

After thinking for a long time, Lian jiuxiao nodded and said, "OK, but you should be vigilant. If Lin Daoyuan really has some ulterior purpose, we can't be fooled."

Everyone was glad to respond.


This day is destined to be restless.

It was late at night, and a remote palace was covered with many obscure prohibitions.

There were no lights in the palace. It was dark and silent, but there were a group of figures sitting in it, which looked very mysterious.

"Today, the young master of our family, Wu FA Tian, and the four elders with seven cultivation accomplishments in the imperial territory were killed..." a low, cold voice sounded.

"Hum! Bai shajun, the young leader of our family, and a great man with eight cultivation achievements in the imperial territory, are also in trouble!" Someone is cold hum.

Someone said in a low voice, "is Xianhuang alert and taking action?"

"No way! The chess pieces placed in the Xianhuang vein of our family have not found anything unusual."

"But there is no doubt that what happened today must have alerted the immortal Phoenix. If there is no accident, the Phoenix heaven will certainly take action."

"The immortal Phoenix is doomed. At this time, even if you take action, you can't recover anything. Just wait for the big man of the Luo family to come, and it's the time for our two families to go out with all their strength!"

"Recently, everyone has kept a low profile and tried not to reveal any trace."

"Just so."

The voices of those conversations gradually sank until they disappeared.

The hall was as dark as before, but those figures had disappeared.


The next morning, the light was bright.

But when Lintian walked out of the inn, he found that although the streets were still busy, the air was full of tension and killing atmosphere.

After a little inquiry, Lintian knew that since last night, Xianhuang had launched many forces to search and arrest the whole city of wanhuo emperor.

It's said to catch and kill some thieves.

Lintian didn't understand that the so-called "thief" should be aimed at the strong of white tiger and Xuanwu!

"The reaction is very fast."

Lintian felt at ease, which proved that Luojia had sent the news back to the clan and had been valued by those high-level dignitaries.

That's good. As long as you're not kept in the dark, you won't become passive.

Thinking, Lintian walked to the No.1 Workshop.

"Brother Lin."

As soon as I was halfway there, I saw that Luojia had come from a distance. He was wearing a long Lavender dress with picturesque eyebrows and refined looks. I didn't know how much attention he attracted along the way.

"It seems that you are in a good mood."

Lintian smiled and said that he had a jade card given by Luojia in his hand. It was expected that the other party could find himself.

Luojia nodded and said, "our clan leader has promised to open a path for you and send you back to the ancient path in the starry sky after this disaster is solved."

This was really good news, but Lintian could not help joking, "that is to say, I can't go away until this disaster is eliminated?"

Luojia, er, said, but for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Lintian said, "don't take it seriously. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to leave now."

Luojia asked, "by the way, where are you going?"

"A word No. 1 God workshop." Lintian said casually.

Luojia was stunned and immediately said curiously, "where to do what?"

Lintian didn't answer and said with a smile, "do you want to go and have a look?"

"As a host, how can I not accompany you to the end?"

Luojia smiled with a soft and crisp voice.

Until he saw the No. 1 God workshop in the distance, Luojia couldn't help but be stunned. Many people!

The numerous figures are actually blocking the area. What happened?

What makes Luojia more surprised is that the emperor and his family of divine engineering have been refining jiuxiao, and all the great figures are standing in front of the gate of the divine workshop, which is very spectacular.

Such a scene can be extremely rare in the past!

"Brother Lin, look at the situation, we can't go to the No. 1 workshop today..."

As soon as Luojia said this, he saw a stir in the crowd in the distance and an uproar sounded:

"Here comes Lin Daoyuan!"

"Look, that's Lin Daoyuan, the expert who caused a sensation in the whole city yesterday."

"You look so young..."

With the sound, countless eyes fell on Lintian. This unexpected scene made Luojia stunned.

What happened?

She just came out of the clan and came to Lintian at the first time. I didn't know that Lintian around her caused an uproar in the city of the fire emperor as early as yesterday.

At this time, a group of old monsters came from a distance, such as the Shengong emperor family Changlian jiuxiao, the tool master Lian Hongxiu, Lian Yuntian, Lian Feijia and so on.

Far away, those old monsters showed enthusiasm and respect and greeted one after another:

"Lin Daoyou, I'm looking forward to you at last."

"This is the head of our clan. When he heard about you, he immediately decided to come and see your style."

"By the way, these are all old guys of our family. I'll introduce them to you later."

The scene was very lively. Those masters who were proud of the sky in the past all rushed up to greet Lintian warmly.

This made Luojia's eyes a trance.

These old family members of the imperial family of Shengong are also very reserved and conceited when facing the big people in their Xianhuang line.

Lintian is so warm to outsiders now!

What the hell is going on?

Before he could figure it out, Luojia was led by Lintian. Surrounded by a large number of God workers, and watched by countless spectators, he entered the No. 1 God workshop.


PS: the fifth watch!

Goldfish had planned to continue to code words, but considering the physical problems, informed friends know that goldfish's cold has not completely healed up to now, so they decided to take a break.

There will be more outbreaks in the future!

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket! There are only a few hours left for the double monthly ticket. Please~

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