Today's Jiazi No. 1 God workshop is particularly lively, and even attracted the attention of many eyes of wanhuo imperial city.

The reason is that people are very curious about the sacredness of the young man respected by the old monsters of the Shengong emperor family.

Unfortunately, today's Jiazi No. 1 workshop only received one guest from Lintian, and Luojia took him in.

However, people are more and more curious. What is the origin of Lin Daoyuan?

The No. 1 magic workshop was totally different from what Lintian had seen before. Entering it was like entering a small secret world.

Each piece of imperial soldiers is displayed in different Taoist pattern forbidden arrays, which is extremely mysterious and of course destined to be very precious.

Lian jiuxiao explained to Lintian the origin of the imperial soldiers and who was the master who refined them.

Lintian was calm and did not affect his state of mind because of Lian jiuxiao's identity. His calm and calm attitude made many old antiques nod secretly when they saw Lintian for the first time.

In the process, Luojia finally learned some of Lintian's deeds yesterday. He was surprised and proud of Lintian.

Since I knew Lintian, it seemed that wherever he appeared, he could cause some sensation. His style could not be concealed.

After appreciating all the imperial soldiers in the Shengong workshop one by one, Lian jiuxiao smiled and asked, "Lin Daoyou, what do you think of these imperial soldiers refined by our Shengong imperial family?"

Suddenly, the conversation nearby was still, and all the old timers looked at it together.

Lintian was not in a hurry and said casually, "the noble's attainments in refining tools are worthy of being unique in the world."

This sentence comes from the heart.

However, there are so many dazzling master craftsmen in one ethnic group, and the number of imperial soldiers refined and the high quality are rare and spectacular. This in itself is enough to prove how superior the craftsmen are in crafting.

But obviously, what Lian jiuxiao wanted to hear was not such praise.

Immediately, an old Dong said, "Lin Daoyou, can I ask you a question?"

Everyone showed their interest. The identity of this antique is not simple. He is known as Lian Qingqi. He is the only four great masters of Daowen in the great fruit of the divine engineering emperor family!

There is an essential difference between master Tao Wen and master Lian Qi.

The title of master Tao Wen can't be accepted casually.

Lian Qingqi's existence can be regarded as transcendent even in the divine engineering emperor family.

And everyone knew that Lian Qingqi spoke at this time, which was actually an invisible "test comparison".

"But it doesn't matter."

Lintian said that he had heard Lian Hongxiu introduce Lian Qingqi's identity. He knew how high the status of this antique was.

However, Lintian was specialized in the art industry. If he was proficient in Taoist patterns, Lintian was not afraid.

Lian Qingqi took out a jade slip and handed it to Lintian, "this jade slip records a large Taoist pattern forbidden array that I have been studying for the last thousand years, but up to now, I still haven't been able to completely improve it. Please have a look at it."

Many old monsters show different colors. It seems that they didn't expect that Lian Qingqi threw out a "big" problem at the beginning of this "test competition"!

They all know how difficult and complex the Taoist pattern forbidden array studied by Lian Qingqi in the past millennium.

Even, they have participated in it, deliberating and reasoning together, trying to help improve the array.

But without exception, they all failed to achieve their wishes.

If Lian Qingqi had not been in a superior position, his attainments in the holy stripe would have reached the peak. They all suspected that this big array was wrong from the beginning

Lintian took a panoramic view of the people's faces, but without much thought, he directly read the jade slips.

As time goes by, everyone is waiting patiently.

After enough tea, Lintian looked back.

"How?" Lian Qingqi asked, his eyes burning, as if he wanted to see some clues from Lintian's look.

Lintian was silent.

Seeing this, they looked at each other and had different thoughts. At the beginning, Lin Daoyuan was baffled?

But if you think about it, how can a difficult problem that makes everyone of their Shengong emperor family feel difficult be solved casually?

"Uncle Jiu, your question is a little difficult. Even we can't deduce it. It's normal for Lin Daoyou to deduce it."

Lian jiuxiao smiled and said, "why don't you... Change another question."

In the first round, Lintian was trapped. If it was an invisible beating, in order to avoid the other party's momentum being too strong and underestimate their magical empire.

"It's not a matter of forcing people to make things difficult, but it's more like deliberately making things difficult."

The nearby Luojia couldn't help but speak. She was born in the vein of fairy Phoenix and didn't worry about offending anyone.

Everyone looked a little uncomfortable.

Lian Qingqi had said with a bitter smile: "it's old Meng Lang. I shouldn't have been so anxious to come up with this problem."

Then he apologized to Lintian.

Lintian was surprised that such a detached old man could treat himself like an outsider like this. It was really frustrating.

After thinking about it, Lintian said, "you're welcome, Taoist friend. This problem is difficult, but it's not unsolved."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience was stunned. Did he really think of a way?

Lian jiuxiao was stunned. He couldn't help looking at Lintian again. This young man... Is he so capable?

"I hope you can give me some advice." Lian Qingqi's eyes brightened.

Lintian thought about it, then he engraved the method of inferring the forbidden array in the jade slips one by one, and then handed it to Lian Qingqi.

Lian Qingqi took a look at the jade Jane, and immediately his pupils shrank, like being struck by lightning. His face became very white, revealing the color of being lost.

People can't help but be agitated. What's the situation?

"Do you have to change from the core matrix?" Lian Qingqi murmured.

Lintian said, "if you don't fundamentally change, this array is doomed to be unable to deduce the complete form you want."

All his thoughts before were worried that Lian Qingqi could not bear the blow, because such an answer undoubtedly proved that the big array designed by Lian Qingqi had major defects from the beginning.

For a famous master of Daowen, it was like slapping in the face.

However, looking at the situation of Lian Qingqi, he was not ashamed and angry. Instead, he continued to look at the jade slips after a moment of silence.

After reading it, he looked up and stared at Lintian. With an exclamatory tone, he said, "Taoist Lin has more than one advantage over me in the attainments of Taoist patterns!"

After that, he saluted as if a disciple were saluting a teacher.

This scene shocked everyone present!

Lianjiuxiao, lianhongxiu and other old monsters of the divine craftsman emperor family all feel unprepared, even unbelievable.

What on earth is the answer given in the jade slip that makes Lord Lian Qingqi so... Out of control?

What makes them tremble most is that the meaning of Lian Qingqi's words is better than me? How incredible should Lin Daoyuan's attainments of Taoist patterns be?

Even though it was Luojia, I didn't expect that the situation would change so much. A pair of beautiful eyes with water spirit showed a strange look.

Lian Qingqi didn't let everyone doubt for too long, so he handed out the jade slips and gave them to those old antiques present to read them one by one.

After watching, the reaction of every antique is different. Some lose their voice and shout, some are intoxicated, some marvel, and some take a breath

For a time, the workshop became as lively as a market.

Until Lian jiuxiao saw the jade slips and remained silent for a long time, he restrained his surprise and said, "Lin Daoyou's means, our generation... Feel inferior to ourselves!"

Lintian smiled and looked as if he were modest. Being modest was hypocrisy and pride.

"Lin Daoyou, can I ask you a question?"

Suddenly, an old antique stood up with a thirst for knowledge in his eyes.

When other old monsters saw this, they were all anxious and came forward to talk.

"Lin Daoyou, I also have a doubt here. I hope you can give me some advice."

"Lin Daoyou, I'm here..."

For a time, Lintian was surrounded by a group of old monsters who had lived for unknown years. He was a little caught off guard. This... Was too enthusiastic!

Completely regardless of manners!

Luojia looked funny and couldn't help smiling. His star eyes were full and looked forward to life.

Finally, Lian jiuxiao spoke and stopped all this. He looked at Lintian and said, "Taoist Lin, I don't know you're coming to our God workshop, but you need help?"

As the leader of the family, Lian jiuxiao could not see that Lintian could not show his ability in the pure God workshop.

Lintian did not hide it and said, "I want to refine my own imperial soldiers, but I still lack some time and preparation, so I want to ask the noble for help."

At the smell of the speech, the eyes of all the old antiques lit up to refine the emperor's soldiers!

Doesn't this mean that they can directly observe Lin Daoyou's accomplishments in refining utensils?

Good thing!

What a good thing!

Lian jiuxiao couldn't help laughing. I see. He couldn't refuse such things.

He said with great pride: "divine material, stove fire, stove tripod and manpower... Lin Daoyou still needs something at present, but it doesn't matter. As long as I can help, I will never frown."

As soon as the words were finished, an old monster stood up in a hurry: "I'm willing to fight for Lin Daoyou, and I hope it will be completed!"

"I'd love to."

"Count me in."

"Don't rob me of this opportunity, don't you?"

... the scene was in a mess for a while. These old antiques were not stupid. It was clear that if you could refine such a natural emperor soldier with Lintian, you would definitely get immeasurable benefits along the way!

Lian jiuxiao's lips twitched violently. These old guys were very proud and conceited in the past. It took a lot of effort to ask them for help.

It's good now. One by one, they are scrambling to fight!

This... What is it!?

How can people all over the world look at the Shengong emperor family?

Thinking of this, Lian jiuxiao first glared at the people, then coughed, looked at Lintian and said:

"Lin Daoyou, if you don't dislike... Take me with you."

His eyes were full of hope and his face was full of desire.

People: "


Lian jiuxiao roared: really fragrant, Lin dada, please take me off!

In addition, I would like to thank all the children's shoes who smashed monthly tickets yesterday. There are too many lists to list one by one. The second is later.

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