The green sparrow said, "the seal of the forbidden God that seals the original God of this person is written by an immortal character, which means that if you want to crack the seal of the forbidden God, you should at least have the power of immortality."

Lintian was stunned: "there is no other way?"

"Of course."

The green sparrow pointed out, "there are two kinds of order forces in your original imperial army. One is filled with the smell of immortal Phoenix ancestor source. Although it is only a part of the incomplete power, it can also be listed in the sixth grade of the earth level."

Another force of order... Um... "

Speaking of this, the Green Finch hesitated and said vaguely, "this kind of order power... Is not complete, but its breath is very special. Judging from its power, it is almost equal to the order power of the nine grades of the earth level, but its breath is extremely difficult, which makes me bad, but I judge its specific grade."

Lintian knew it clearly when he heard the speech.

Part of the order of Wuyuan sword tripod, Yuyan, even if it is incomplete, is comparable to the order of the sixth grade of the earth level.

The order power of nirvana in heaven is incomparably amazing, and its power is comparable to the nine grades of the earth! And its breath is stronger than the order of the nine grades of the earth!

"But regardless of these, as long as you use one of these two order forces, it is enough to forcibly crush this person's prohibition of God."

The green bird said, "but at that time, this person's yuan God will also be powdered."

Suddenly, Lintian hesitated.

Half a ring, he took out the sharpening stone with the four characters of sharpening heart like a front and asked the green bird, "do you recognize this thing?"

The Green Finch stared for a while, a pair of smart eyes straightened, showing a shocked color, but finally shook his head: "I only see that this stone is extremely not simple, but I can't see what wonderful use it has."

The green sparrow comes from the yuan family of the Immortal Emperor family. It is extremely proud. Even it is shocked. Undoubtedly, it increasingly proves the mystery of this sword sharpening stone.

Lintian, who was a little disappointed, was about to put away the grindstone. Suddenly, he keenly noticed that a strange smell quietly appeared from Fang XuanZhen and felt the existence of the grindstone.


At the same time, the grindstone in Lintian's hand trembled imperceptibly.

Lintian's eyes lit up, his divine sense spread, and he rushed into Fang XuanZhen's body.

The man fell into a state of suspended death, and the body power was silent, which was easily swept into by Lintian's divine sense.

After half a ring, Lintian finally found the source of the strange smell——

In Fang XuanZhen's original life emperor realm, there is a white stone pregnant, palm sized, flat and white, like the most gentle and transparent divine jade in the world, with a tranquil soft Taoist light.

Without hesitation, Lintian took out the white stone.

When you hold it in your hand, it feels warm and cool, soft and comfortable. Just looking at it, it makes your state of mind and soul feel washed and peaceful.

On the back of the stone, four characters are engraved: "nourishing the heart is like jade".

The words are elegant. If the breeze comes slowly, there is a sense of great freedom and carefree roundness and accessibility.

"Sharpen your heart like a Feng, nourish your heart like a jade..." the green bird murmured, but it seemed crazy. It seemed that there was a true meaning in it, and you forgot to speak if you wanted to distinguish.

At the same time, Lintian was also in a mood of ups and downs.

Sharpen your heart like a blade, write like a sword mark, be unparalleled and sharp, and publicize it wantonly.

Nourishing heart like jade, words like breeze, gentle and elegant, free and carefree!

The black and white stones, one sharpening the sword and the other nourishing the heart, echo each other, forming a thrilling charm.

In a trance, it seemed that a laugh sounded:

"Three cups lead to the avenue, one fight is natural, drunk dreams do not know the autumn, reincarnation and epoch-making..."

The sound was like magic, which dragged Lintian's mind into a strange situation. For example, in the vast river of fate, the years fluctuated, the cycle changed, and the waves set off the flow of things in the world

A sigh of sadness rang out on the vast river.

"Asked Yu Jian, strived for passage in reincarnation, walked in the era change, looked for, but couldn't find a reason..."

"There is no rival in the world. After all, it is too lonely. Is death the only way to escape?"

"The way can be the way, the extraordinary way, the way of heaven, humanity, roads and paths... In the end, I'm trapped in the way..."

"Hahaha, what a bullshit Road, it's all nonsense!"

Every word was like thunder, which made Lintian tremble and his head swelled and hurt.

Just when he felt that he was about to lose it, the voice suddenly became low and calm, as if completely relieved and put down.

"Just, this road is impassable. It's just another Nirvana and rebirth, and find another way..."

After listening to this, Lintian had a picture in his mind——

In the ruins of eternal silence, a figure turned and walked towards the vast nothingness. His whole body fell apart and turned into countless light and rain.

Only the ruins, which are forever silent, are left.

Vaguely, Lintian saw that in the deep part of the ruins, it seemed that a door was closing slowly, and in the deeper part of the door, a sword sounded like a cry.


Hearing the sound of the sword, Lintian felt his head almost burst, and countless complex and obscure forces hit his mind, which made him tremble and his state of mind showed signs of collapse.

Until a long time.

Lintian only felt that his mind was dim, and what he had seen and felt before disappeared.

Only a ethereal wailing sound lingered in the deepest part of my heart: "my Lord, he and I must break the shackles, free from the wonderful ruins, and go to find you..."

The cry was full of sadness and determination.

When Lintian wanted to experience it carefully, even this whine disappeared without trace.

It's like what I've just experienced. It's like an unreal dream.

For a long time, Lin xunqai took a long breath, gradually sobered up and calmed down, and his eyes fell on the two mysterious stones in his hands.

The scenes just seen must be the traces of will left on these two stones.

The figure that turned to nothingness must be the master of this sword sharpening stone and heart nourishing stone. It is a Kendo giant who strived for reincarnation and walked through many ages!

There is no match in the world. After all, it's too lonely!

The meaning of this sentence undoubtedly proves that the legendary giant has reached an unprecedented level in kendo.

But in the end, the legendary giant chose Nirvana reincarnation and started again. He had to find another way and take another path!

The reason is that he thinks he can't find a way to break through and escape again

Lintian was shocked. He couldn't imagine how far the legendary giant had reached on the road before he made such a choice.

The only certainty is that this person is nirvana in the "wonderful ruins" and disappeared into the world.

Before he left, he was afraid to seal his sword in the wonderful ruins. Therefore, after he left, the sword sent out a whine with a strong pathos like a psychic

"Many wonderful Dao ruins, Kendo giants, sword wailing..."

Lintian thought.

Kunlun Road market, GUI market, Zaohua Road market and Zhongmiao Road market were all distributed in the ancient XingKong road at the beginning.

Until later, Kunlun ruins and Guihui ruins were robbed respectively, and their origins were exhausted, while the whereabouts of Zaohua ruins and Zhongmiao ruins were unknown.

In particular, the Zhongmiao ruins are the most mysterious and unknowable. In ancient times, many powerful people even think that if they want to find the Zhongmiao ruins, they can only cross the starry sky and go to the other bank to find clues.

However, there was a causal relationship between the fire in Lintian's hands and the ruins.

Now, after the fantastic scenes just now, Lintian realized that the owner of the sword sharpening stone and heart nourishing jade had entered the wonderful road ruins!

Unfortunately, Lintian didn't know who this person was or his origin, so he couldn't infer too many things.

"You seem to have found something just now?" The green bird suddenly asked.

Lintian nodded and said, "yes, the owner of these two treasures has entered many wonderful Taoist fairs. He has reached an invincible level of swordsmanship..."

After hearing this, the green bird was stunned and said, "how can I not know when such a Kendo power appeared in these countless years?"

"Do you know Zhongmiao Road market?" Lintian asked.

The green sparrow didn't think about it: "of course, I know that a long time ago, I don't know how many forces in the eternal real world were looking for these wonderful Taoist ruins. They thought that there was a complete mystery of reincarnation in this Taoist ruins, which was enough to make the monks immortal in the era change."

"However, no one has ever been able to find these wonderful Taoist ruins, so that few people talk about it in the eternal real world."

Lintian was surprised and said, "complete reincarnation mystery?"

He suddenly remembered that in his Nirvana order, there was a reincarnation like world! At that time, he also entered the reincarnation and reshaped the Taoism!

"This is just inference and speculation. No one knows what is hidden in the wonderful road ruins." The green bird shook his head.

Lintian nodded.

After half a ring, he put away the grindstone and heart nourishing jade, and then looked at Fang XuanZhen who was in a state of suspended death.

"Will he be able to wake up by himself?" Lintian asked.

The green sparrow said, "of course, but it will be at least a hundred years later. This is also the price to pay for displaying the seal of the forbidden God. No one can be spared."

Lintian sighed and knew that he could not get more clues about the master of the grindstone from Fang XuanZhen in a short time.

After thinking about it, Lintian suppressed Fang XuanZhen in the endless tower. It was only a hundred years. He could afford to wait.

Next, Lintian began to sit cross legged.

A day later.

Lintian walked out of the underground cave.

In the bloody world, his figure flickered and moved, looking for the king level blood ghost demon.

After Fang XuanZhen and his party were taken away in one pot, there was a life bead of King level nightmare devil among the booty collected.

That is to say, Lintian now had two life pearls. He only needed to find eight more to condense the "thunder ghost ring".

With this treasure, you can go through the blood evil gang thunder covered in the sky, walk out of the ancient nightmare battlefield and reach the next battlefield "dead soul realm".

At the same time, in different areas of the ancient nightmare battlefield, there are also many figures looking for the king level blood spirit nightmare devil.

Everyone knows that this is about whether we can get out of the ancient nightmare battlefield!

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