
A desolate world, accompanied by a violent drink, was photographed by a golden big hand, and a king level blood spirit nightmare demon was directly photographed into pieces.

As soon as he wields his sleeve, he will put away his life.

His purple robe and jade belt, long hair scattered, his pupils covered with obscure golden awn, and his whole body was steaming with an invisible domineering spirit.

"It's just the fourth life pearl. It's too slow."

"If you don't enter the dead soul domain as soon as possible, I'm afraid you won't be able to collect the excellent 'source of emperor, Taoism and ancestors'."

Dead soul domain, a dead and dark road tomb world.

It is said that there are fragments of the ancestral source of the last era buried in that piece of heaven and earth. If it can be refined, it will be enough to greatly transform the cultivation of any imperial realm.

However, the number of dadaozu sources is limited, especially some dadaozu sources with excellent appearance are extremely rare.

The time to enter the soul of the dead is only a short month.

This means that the longer you delay in the ancient nightmare war domain, the more likely you are to fall behind. At that time, even if you enter the dead soul domain, Emperor daozuyuan will be robbed long ago

"We must hurry!"

The cold and fierce color flashed in the eyes of the shepherd.

His accomplishments have reached the top eight levels of imperial realm. This time, he also plans to achieve self breakthrough in thousands of war domains.

If you can set foot on the top of the mountain and the nine levels of the imperial realm

No matter how dangerous it is, he can be fearless!


In the other direction.

Xingxuan Jue emperor and his party moved quickly.

She was wearing a black armor, a black spear and a black veil, and her whole body was filled with black mist. When she acted, the spirit of killing swept the world and was fierce and frightening.

"Come on, try your best to collect the life beads. In any case, you must leave the ancient nightmare battlefield within three days."

Her voice was as cold as ice, urging.

All the imperial figures who follow him dare not neglect.


In addition to Xingmu Tian and Xuanxing juedan, in this ancient nightmare battlefield, different forces led by crazy Confucian emperor and Ning Daozhi are all trying their best to collect this life pearl.

For them, this most peripheral ancient nightmare battlefield is not a big threat at all, nor is it worth staying.

On the contrary, the dead soul domain has a "Great Road ancestor source" that makes them excited!

The ancient nightmare battlefield is divided into eight parts.

The area that Lintian and others entered from the gate of earthly realm was called earthly realm, which was only a part of the ancient nightmare battlefield.

In the other seven territories, there are also strong ones from different cosmic planes who act in the territories they enter.

The purpose is the same. Hunt the king level blood spirit nightmare devil and collect the life beads!

Moreover, among these seven territories, there is no lack of dazzling jutiao Empire, and even the inside information of some people is better than those who travel to Mu Tian, crazy Confucian emperor and Ning Daozhi!

Everyone knows all this and knows that after reaching the realm of the dead soul, bloody conflicts are bound to break out between the monks who enter from the eight realms together because of the competition for the "ancestral source of the avenue".

Only the strong ones who reach the soul of the dead first can seize the opportunity!


"What life bead? I don't need it at all. I just want lingxuanzi to die!"

In the bloody world, Wen Shaoheng's expression is full of indifference and murder.

He took a group of emperors with him. After entering the ancient nightmare war area, he launched the search operation at the first time. The purpose was not to collect the life beads, but to kill Lintian.

But up to this time, I haven't met each other, which makes Wenshao's persistence somewhat gloomy.

"Little Lord, the ancient nightmare battlefield is extremely vast. If you continue to search like this, I'm afraid it's difficult to find this person."

The old woman spoke and looked somber. "In my opinion, it's better for us to go to the dead soul domain immediately. The place is only the size of a small world. As long as this person appears, it's undoubtedly much easier to search."

"But what if he doesn't show up?" Wen Shaoheng frowned.

"That proves that either this person has died on the battlefield of ancient nightmare, or this person is afraid and deliberately avoids us. No matter what the result is, it will be good for us."

The old woman said, "what's more, our trip has another purpose. It's not worth wasting time and energy on such people."

Wen Shaoheng was silent for a moment, waved and said, "OK, just act as you say."

The old woman immediately laughed.

However, MI boundless and Yan Yurou, who had been following Wen Shaoheng, looked at each other with a heavy heart.

Of course, they knew that lingxuanzi was Lintian, but no matter what kind of identity, as long as Wen Shaoheng found it, it would be more or less bad!

No one knows better than them how terrible the "Yuheng sword emperor" from the Immortal Emperor family writer is.

"I just hope that Lintian would not be met by Wen Shaoheng..." at the same time, the same idea appeared in their hearts.


Lintian didn't avoid it all the time.

Because he didn't know, Wen Shaoheng and his party had been searching for him.

It can only be said that the ancient nightmare battlefield was so big that Lintian never met Wen Shaoheng and others.

Search all the way.

After a full day, Lintian was able to collect four life pearls. Even Lintian felt a little boring and boring.

On the way of searching, Lintian couldn't help asking, "how is the dead soul field of green sparrow compared with the ancient nightmare battlefield?"

"For you, nature is not too dangerous. However, it is said that the world has buried the ancestor of the great road of the last era. This is an opportunity that any Empire has dreamed of. Refining it can greatly improve its cultivation."

The green sparrow said, "but monks have more meat and less meat. In order to compete for the ancestral source of the avenue, in these countless years, there will be frequent bloody conflicts between the strong who enter the soul domain of the dead."

Lintian couldn't help saying, "the origin of the avenue in the last era?"

"Yes, the last era is also called the 'Xianwu era', which is an extremely old thing. Even I can't tell how many years have passed since the last era."

"But what is certain is that it was the fall of the Xianwu era that led to the prosperity of today's era world. Oh, yes, according to the era calendar of the eternal real world, our era is called the 'Lingwu era'. It has survived for more than 1.9 million years."

Lingwu era!

1.9 million years!

Lintian was slightly surprised and calculated that 100000 years ago was the ancient period of the ancient XingKong Road, and 200000 years ago was the ancient period of the ancient XingKong road.

300000 years ago, it was the initial period of Taigu in the ancient star road

According to this calculation, compared with the time of the eternal true world, the years of the ancient star path from ancient times to now are obviously worse than one chip.

Before the Lingwu era, there was the Xianwu era

This time span made Lintian in a trance. He couldn't help thinking of the grindstone owner's laughter:

"Asked Yu Jian, strived for ferry in reincarnation, walked in the era change, looked for..."

Lintian suddenly felt stiff.

Walking in the changing era!

Isn't the master of the grindstone from this era?

The green sparrow sighed: "it is said that when you reach to peep into the wonderful meaning of eternity and understand the law of destiny, you can stand on ten thousand roads, admire the changes of the world, have an insight into the wonderful flow of years, and then realize the secret of the rise and fall of the era."

"Unfortunately, although the eternal real world is called eternity, only the legendary eternal Protoss can reach the wonderful meaning of eternity..."

Lintian was stunned. He was about to say something.


In the nearby void, suddenly, two figures appeared, one in front of the other, sandwiching Lintian in the middle.

Only a thousand feet apart.

These two people, like a young man in full bloom, are dressed in feather clothes, with beautiful and lonely faces, and master a snow-white brush.

A man with white hair, bright and clean skin like a baby, kind eyebrows and eyes, and Fairy Spirit.

Both of them are filled with the breath belonging to the ancestral realm. As soon as they appear, the prestige released from them envelops the heaven and earth, oppressing the air to be stagnant and the void to be disordered.

Lintian raised his eyebrows and said, "what are you doing?"

The two men looked very strange. Obviously, they were not the same group of imperial figures who entered from the gate of the earth and earth world as him.

This made Lintian conclude at the first time that they should have come to the ancient nightmare battlefield from other realms.

"It's amazing that the emperor has six levels of territory and is on top of the great emperor." The kind white haired old man smiled and praised.

The handsome young man looked cold and fierce, and said bluntly, "it's not easy to practice. It's not easy to live longer in the thousands of war areas. I don't want to hurt your life. As long as you hand over the life pearl in your hand, I'll go immediately."

"It was robbery." Lintian suddenly.

The young man in feather clothes and the old man with white hair were stunned. Lintian's relaxed reaction was obviously abnormal.

This made them not only doubt that the young man in the top six imperial realm had something to rely on.

The white haired old man looked gentle and said, "little friend, the life beads can be collected slowly, but if the life is gone, there is no possibility of rebirth. I don't want to look at young people like you. Just because some life beads are buried here, so..."

Before he finished, Lintian laughed: "stop talking nonsense, robbery is still so hypocritical, which makes people laugh. Come on, I'll see who robbed who today!"


He took the lead in rushing to the boy in feather, plundered the abyss sword tripod, coerced hundreds of millions of light, rumbled, crushed the void and suppressed it.


The young man in feather clothes had cold eyes like a sword. In a burst of clang and roar, a bright and dazzling Throwing Knife tore the sky and cut out.

Above the throwing dagger, the ancestral territory smells like a mountain avalanche and tsunami, which is earth shaking.


The Wuyuan sword tripod was blocked and collided with the Throwing Knife, splashing out a torrent of rolling path light, which suddenly collapsed the land and filled with smoke and dust.

With one blow, Lin Xun's sword tripod failed to retreat, which surprised the feather boy.

But the next moment, his face changed.

Seeing Lintian's figure flash, the five Avenue body rushed out suddenly, like a God in the world, and went to the feather boy with the momentum of lightning.


PS: don't panic, children's shoes. There will be more explosions around the end of the month!

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